the limits of the city, and thirty thousand dollars in city bonds .
3 for the erection of buildings. This offer the county of Fayette
  supplemented by twenty thousand dollars in county bonds, to
i` be used either for the erection of buildings or for the purchase
  of land. The offers of the city of Lexington and of the. county
  of Fayette were accepted by the General Assembly.
  By the act of incorporation, and the amendments thereto,
g constituting the charter of the Agricultural and Mechanical
, College of Kentucky, liberal provision is made for educating,
_ free of tuition, the energetic young men of the Commonwealth
i whose means are limited. The Normal Department, for which
K provision is also made, is intended to aid in building up the
l Common School system by furnishing properly qualified Teach-
ers. This College, with the associated departments which will,
from time to time, be opened as the means placed at the dis-
posal of the Trustees allow, will, it is hoped, in the no distant K
future, do a great work in advancing the educational interests
of Kentucky. Being entirely undenominational in its charac-
ter, it will appeal with confidence to people of all creeds and of
_ no creed, and will endeavor, in strict conformity with the re-
4 quirements of its organic law, to afford equal advantages to all,
exclusive advantages to none. The liberality of the Common-
wealth in supplementing the inadequate annual income arising
from the proceeds of the land scrip invested in State bonds,
will, it is believed, enable the Trustees to begin and carry on,
upon a scale commensurate with the wants of our people, the
operations of the Institution whose management and oversight
- have been committed to them by the General Assembly of Ken-
, .