to 58. In addition to the theoretical study required of every
W male student in mechanics, agriculture and military arts, every
male student who accepts the privilege of free tuition, and such
  others as may elect, shall pursue a course of practical instruc-
_ . tion in mechanics and agriculture. For labor performed in that
,0, i W way, that is valuable otherwise than as a means of instruction,
T a reasonable compensation will be allowed, the proceeds going,
f if necessary, first, to supply the student with the prescribed
military uniform, and, after that, toward the payment of his
pt rent and board account.
` 59. For military instruction and training there will be a drill _
u or other military exercise every day, Saturdays and Sundays
  excepted, and lasting one hour. unless the President may dis-
; pense with it. The drill will be conducted in the academic
3 building when the weather or condition of the ground will not
f permit it out of doors. Special military exercises may be or-
1 dered by the President at any time, ·
0-1. Besides the means above provided for the repression of
x neglect or misconduct, a demerit system shall be enforced.
I , The Commandant shall keep a register of all delinquencies for
  which the students are reported, and shall charge against each
’ olfense, not satisfactorily explained, a number of demerits ac-
cording to the following scale :
An offense of the lirst class will count , ...........  
An offense of the second class will count .......... . 4 .
An otlense of the third class will count . ......... il
An otlensc of the fourth class will count ........... 2
* * An offense of the lifth class will count ....,....... l
ln the first year of the student at the College, offenses will .,
` count one-third less than in the above scale. The Faculty will
, , classify to suit this scale the offenses ordinarily committed by
students. At the end of every month for which the number of
I demerits recorded against any student is less than 10, the differ-
ence between 10 and the numbe1· recorled shall be deducted
from his aggregate record of demerit.
05. Any student whose record of demerit at the close of a `
session shall amount to 100 for that session, shall, zyysn _fa.cto,
lie. dismissed. i _
.;—·  _.-·- . }