] 88. When a student has been reported for any grave misde-
F meanor, requiring severe punishment, the Commandant shall
t order his arrest, either directly or through the Adjutant.
, 69. In case of violent disturbance, open corrtumacy, or other
I outrageous conduct on the part of a student, the Officer of the
· Day, or any member of the Faculty present, may place the
·» offender in arrest, and order him to his quarters. In all such
cases the arrest must be promptly reported to the Cammandant,
L and by him to the President.
70. A student placed in arrest is in duty bound to obey the
` orders of the officer making the arrest, and the conditions at-
, tached to it, on pain of dismissal.
' 71. No student in arrest is allowed to exercise command, but
shall confine himself to his quarters until released, unless other-
I wise specially ordered, except when required to be absent for
the performance of some of his academic or military duties,
and except on a necessary occasion, and for meals.
72. No student in arrest will make a visit to the conrmanding
or other officer unless sent for. In case of business he shall
make known his object in writing, and he shall not apply for
the usual indulgences granted to students.
_ 73. No student will be released from arrest except by the
, President or by the Comnrandant.
74. A student placed in confinement for punishment shall be
subject to the same regulations as a student in arrest; and a
breach of confinement, or a failure to perform any extra duty
awarded as a punishment, shall be considered an offense of the
gravest nature, and treated accordingly.
75. All deliberations or discussions among students having _ I
the object of conveying praise or censure, or any mark of ap-
probation or disapprobation toward the College authorities, are
I forbidden.
Q 7ti. Any student who shall disobey a lawful command of the ·· .r
l President or of any Professor, Instructor or other superior of-
' licer, or behave lrimse.f in a refractory or disrespectful 1nan»
l ner toward either of them, shall be dismissed, or otherwise less
{ severely punished, according to the nature of his offense.
77. No cadet shall bring any spirituous or intoxicating liquor,
E or cause the same to be brought within or near the College
limits, or have the same in his roonr or possession, upon pain