Marshall, Col. Thomas, 367 MIN'IN’G, see Manufacturing and Mining
Marshall House (Washington), 367 Minor House (Bloomfield), 356
Marshall, Humphrey, 158 Minor Lake (near Wickliffe), 413
Marshall Key Place (Washington), 367 Monte Casino (Covington), 155
Marshall, Mary, Grave of (Washing- Monterey, 282
ton), 367-68 Monticello, 444
Marshall, Thomas, Jr., 367 Monticello Park (Monticello), 444
Martin, Boyd, 115-16 Moonbow Inn (Cumberland Falls Na-
Martin, Mrs. George Madden, 184. See tional Park), 280
also Literature "Moonlight schools," 87
Mary Inglis Trail, 329 Moore, George, 306
Mary Todd Lincoln Home (Lexing- Moore, Reverend James, 265-66
ton), 202-204 Moore, Robert, 306
Mason County Courthouse (Mays- Morehead, 390
ville), 363 Morehead State Teachers Colle e, 390
Masonic Lodge Hall (Ludlow), 262 Morgan, Gen. John H., 204, 25%, 298,
Maupin, Gen. George Washington, 267 346; statue of (Lexington), 206
Maxwell Place (University of Ken- Morgan Row (Harrodsburg), 173
tucky), 208-209 Morganfreld, 410
Mayer, Henrick M., 120 Morning Courier and American Demo-
Mayneld, 322-23 crat, 184. See also Press
M;;§VI1i{§k9fg683—§>39 Morris34gRobert) House (LaGrange),
Maysville Courury Club, 365 Morrison couege (Lexington), 205. See
Meade County Courthouse (near Bran- also Architecture
denburg), 403 Morton, David, 184
Meat packing, See M&I111f9.Ct11ring Morton (Thomas) House (Morton’S
» Medical School (Louisville), 190 Gap), 319 _
Mediurg SeC911”1?;17 Prison (11681 L3- Morton (William) Home (Lexington),
range , 209
Memorial Auditorium (Louisville), 192 Mottt-mrs Gap, 319
Memorial Hall (University of Kon- Mother or God Cemetery (Covington),
tucky), 208-209 155
M€m0fl&l Square (S0m€T5€t)i 260 Mound builders see Archeology and
Merry Oaks,.433 Indians ,
M 6556*186*, 106 Mount Lebanon (near Paris), 372
Metcal§52Houses (near Kentontown), Mount Ouvct, 352
Metcalf, Samuel Lytler, 92 Mountdgomt Joseph (near Owensboro),
Metcalfe, Thomas 37O» 432 Mount Savage (near Grayson), 389
Methodists, see Religion Mount Storuog 392
Meyenberg, John Carlisle, 120 Mount Vomon’ 270
Middle Creek Battle of 240-41 · ’
Middlesboro 277 ’ Mount Washmgton, 290
Middlesbom Cmmfry Club, 278 Mountzggon Church (near Richmond),
1\L£ggigg:g’1`E 399 Mountigie b;11?d;B];39M5;ii also Folk-
1`1&§Wg¥éo;5%;omotory’ 298 Mountain Laurel Festival, 277 _ _
M111 Springs, 442_ Seo also History Mountain people; customs, music, dia-
Mill Springs, Batuo of, 442 leCt, religion, homes, 238-39,
Millersburg, sm 4% 438 _
Millersburg Military Institute, 370 Mountalflav Seo Natural Sattmg
Mills, James, 323 Mrs. Wzggs of the Cabbage Patch, 124 ,
Mills Point (lliekman), 323 Mt. Brilliant (near Lexington), 216
Milton, 339 Mud Meeting House (near Harrods-
Mineral production, see Manufacturing burg), 378
and Mining Muhlenberg, John Peter Gabriel, 358-
Mineral Well (Franklin), 308 59
Minerva, 333 Muldraugh, 401