News News
The membership requirements The GSO Newsletter (formerly called
for voting status in GSO may have "THE GAYZETTE") has not been pub—
changed Since YOU 'BSt attended lished since November 1980—-until now.
a meeting. Our Vice—President/Secretary, Greg 5.
The By-Laws were recently amended " Butler, has volunteered to act as News—
to require the payment a $2.00 member- letter Coordinator for a period of one
ship fee for voting status. This does year.
not mean, however, that you won't The name of the newsletter will be
receive the newsletter if YOU don't pay changed and we are open to suggestions
119- (While, Of course, we WOU'd en- for a new name for your newsletter.
courage YOU 10 diSh OUt the 2 bUCkS-) Mail your suggestion to the GSO Post
Also, you are welcome at all GSO func— Office Box.
tions, member or not. Che-E? the calen— A5 a monthly publication, the GSO
dar for scheduled events for June. Newsletter will provide you with infor-
Membership fees must be paid ‘0 mation on activities of GSO and other
the P051 Office Box Of 550 0|" in person matters of interest to the gay community
to our Treasurer, Doug Burnham. You in general.
should receive a membership card You may receive the publication by
shortly after YOU remit your dues. mail, free of charge, by sending your
JUSt think! YOU will be a card— name and address to the GSO Post Office
carrying, officially registered, truly Box; be sure to indicate on your
authentic, virtually-doubtless member request that you wish to receive the
Of G50! newsletter.
'W If you wish to submit articles or
his ‘ ideas for the newsletter, you may do so
either by mailing them to GSO or by
'.UK PSYCHOLOGISTS CONDUCT STUDY OF calling Greg at 273-2375. All entries
_ "It is only through increased
knowledge and understanding Of GSO is currently busy making plans
93? people and their relation- for a Gay Pride Celebration in Lexing-
ships that destructive myths ton. All the hard facts are not avail—
and stereotypes may be eliminated." able at this time regarding date, time
Source: Letter from'capyl Rusbult g, and location. You should receive some—
Sally Duffy to Participants, thing by mail about this‘event as soon
15 April 1931. as things are settled.
Watch your mailbox for this tinti—
As part of a larger study being lating tidbit of true and tasteful infor—
conducted on interpersonal relation- mation.
ships, Sally Duffy, a member of our W
group, and Dr. Caryl Rusbult, both Nels
from the Department of Psychology at UK. CANDIDATES FOR DISTRICT JUDGE . . .
are conducting a study of satisfaction Continued frol Pagel
and commitment in lesbian and gay male Those candidates for District Judge
relationships. who were invited, but did not attend,
Participation is voluntary and will were: Pery Southard, Paul D, Ross,
be held StPiCt'Y confidential. YOU may Julian Reid Gabbard, Debra McVey John—
become a participant by picking up- son, and David Mossbrook. None of
your survey form in the Office Of DP- these candidates made any effort to ~
Caryl Rusbult in the basement of Kastle respond to our correspondence.
Hall on the campus of the University of There were no candidates for Mayor
Kentucky. ‘ of Lexington in aTtendance!