Tl1e words of tl1is song were written by Misses Lena Clem and Mary
Ricketts, University co-eds, and ru11s as follows:
“All hail Kentucky,
Dear old Kentucky,
Where tl1e ‘Wildcats’ tight with all of their might; I
When they begin it ~
Tl1€}*,f€ sure to win it I
· For tl1e dear old Blue and VVl1ite. I
_ Vb/ll€l'l U. K. men break through tl1e line, I
And then they make a dash, - I
Their opponents’ well—laid plans E
\Nill go to smash,  
» \\’e’ll cheer Kentucky, dear old Kentucky, i
For she is always right. I
1..0-;.- l
CLASS OF 1890.  
. BY Cniunaas R. Baock, Secretary. g
Three members of the class, Mrs. Annie Baker Hawkins, ]ohn VV. Gunn  
and Charles R. Brock, were present at tl1e Golden jubilee. §
No higher compliment can be paid Mrs. Hawkins than to say she looked E
V as she did on the day of her graduation; and, wonderful to say, after tl1e lapse I I
of more than twenty-six years it can be truly said that on tl1e 14th of October, j
i at tl1e ]ubilee exercises, she looked precisely as if sullicient time only had
, elapsed subsequent to her last recitation to enable l1er to pass to another class
. It was a source of pleasure that Governor Stanley registered as having
belonged to the class of ’90. `
The class secretary enjoyed to the fullest extent every minute of his visit
to tl1e University. It was an incomparably delightful occasion and emphasized
the pleasure we are missing i11 our failure to meet more frequently.
- James A. Yates, now Professor of Physical Science in tl1e Kansas State
Normal School at Pittsburg, Kansas, has suggested a reunion of tl1e class i11 tl1e
, near future, and it is to be hoped that his suggestion will materialize. ,
CLASS OF 1909. »
» Bv P1111. B1.U111;Nr11A1., Secretary. _
It is a great pleasure to be able to announce that over 43 per cent of the ·
’ class are now subscribing to tl1e Alumnus and helping to support the Alumni  
’ I ASSOciation. There are more of us who should be "doing their bit," and with l
Y ‘ the assistance of those classmates who read this column, tl1e secretary hopes to  
1 see at least three—fourtl1s of the class enlisted in the army of those who show l
their loyalty to the University of Kentucky in a more tangible way than by  
Haas attacks." \Non’t each one who reads this write to one classmate urging {
’ him or her not to "be a slacker."  
_ The secretary recently received a picture of ]ames Alfred Moore, a sturdy, l
_ I handsome boy, the son of our own “Peg" Moore. V\'ho will be tl1e next class- b
I mate to contribute to tl1e class collection of pictures? \’Ve want to keep in  
Q I touch with the class children, and visiting alumni are always glad to look  
I through our records and archives. 3
_ On l1is vacation the secretary had the pleasure of passing several hours I
with Charlie \Nhite and Fred Tucker, both of whom are prospering and show- I