i Ai ’¤:§l  
:r   » ·
`I   ing little of the effects of hard work and of the ravages of time. Fred Tucker DCHH
I ` I has a very fine young man at his house, who inherits the parental fondness for nual m€€
" I football and clarionet. *0***`HYd
<· Inez Luten is teaching English and Latin in the high school at Clinton, Ky,  - flor mils
?· ’ ‘ town ·n
I ‘~ Orno B. Ciusnomr, ’o9. gootbnll I
I Mr. O. B. Chisholm, ,09, of Fort jameson, Rhodesia, South Africa, buyer responder
for the United Tobacco Company, is back home on a leave of absence, the first Uuiygygn
I, since leaving America in 1909. He was for some time associated with Mr. \\'. H. I-
I , H. Scherllius, IQQ, chief of the tobacco division of the Transvaal Department of ’I`0“·n;cn
I Agriculture. Mr. Chisholm visited the University while in Lexington, renewing IIIIIICII yer
Ei his many acquaintances. He was married on December 26, to Miss Ethel Bald- Z kept qnie
I ° win, of Paris. Mr. ChisI1olm’s home is at Campbellsville, Ky. After the First ni (Ingles \
I` _ the year he will return with Mrs. Chisholm to Fort jameson, South Africa. · _l_ S_
, Eiaxicsr E. P1'1"l`Mr\N, ’15, Axn \V. C. ]0HNs‘roN12, ’16. IIIIIIIIJBIIIIII
  Mr. E. E. Pittman, ’15, and IN. C. Iohnstone, ’16, sailed from New York on IIC IIIIIAC I
I December 26, for Brazil to engage in service for the Brazilian Government, the I EI
I former in experimental work in tobacco production and the latter in fruit pro- IICIIJIIIII I
I tltlCt1011. I v _ I I O- IJ
; lust before leaving for New Xork to sail, Mr. Pittman and Mr. lohnstone IIIOIIIII O
‘ = · called on the secretary and made all necessary arrangements to have the · XIII SIIII
I Alumnus to follow. Mr. _lohnstone also deposited his check with the treasurer
Ik coveringtthe first installment on the class student loan fund, being the first of
I class ’16 to pay. These payments are not due until Iune 1, 1917. `
` I Liccoo H, Niatsox, ’16. \\I_
‘ Lecoq H. Nelson, ’16, honor graduate, is now employed as teacher of natural Q —L
I · _ , _ - - · , s . . cuperintr
I science and agriculture at the Centerville High School, Centerville, Md. IIIWCQI II
I I ctass or nin. II _ IIIQ
I _ Bv Ocuxic CRl`lCl(SlrI;\Nl{, Secretary. I it ISM?
I . · ` Best wishes for the best year of your life! Let’s turn over a new leaf and . In Tn];5
I , ‘ promise to keep the Alumnus posted as to your work, health, doings and about  V \\'C
I -   · everything. Then we will have the best page in the whole book. _ “-CI»k_ H
I { I l.)id you. know that Marion johnson is married? \NIell, “_Iolinny" gave all
, I of us the slip and took unto herselt a husband. She is now living in Nicho-
I . Q lasville where her husband is principal of the High School. Much happiness
I ‘ to you, “_Iohnny."
    Lee Moore is making a most successful engineer and we are expecting great lt w.
I` III things of him. I the time
  ,   _ \\’alter Harn is located at Akron, Ohio, and is doing well. Humber (
I Z I hope to have better news next time, but I cannot write a report when you I Bein
· _ forget to send me word monthly as to your whereabouts. \Nake up! I am ‘ Contenter
  ashamed of you. \Vrite I I I I I evening
g NW10 will send the first postal to me? I promise him a grand write up? _ llilltcrsoi
{I A Get busyl I V highly eu
,   T"‘0_  · Frou
_; · ALUMNI CLUBS. ner xiii
l ., __..  - be had a
  New vom; crm;. Ms md
  ‘ By Riamnax T. Tiyvron, Secretary. I I‘“O“`*I “
. _; The New York Club certainly was happy at the splendid showing Ol 0**’ » i€lp\iPuI
v_ I football squad at Knoxville. \\'e send a slap on the back to each and e\‘C1`\‘ 0*** = D C I
I of them. The rooters surely showed up with the old time spirit. U ` i" Ol
IE »
F ’ I N I »_ ;. .