if ' I
  Our University could certainly lose nothing by submitting itself to the
  scrutiny of the Trustees of the Carnegie Foundation. If we stand approved,
  we enjoy honor and reap rich benefits; if we stand rejected, we are shown our l
  deficiencies and have at least the benefit of wise counsel in correcting our short-
  mmiugs The truth cnn do the just no harm,
 . —-»<>-—
  There has been considerable criticism at timcs— l
  I‘¤‘0*‘€¤*i°¤ 0* N°¤°*i¤m· open and implied—of the Board of Trustees on l
 -; the practice of nepotism. The appointment of Q
  relatives of members of the faculty and members of the Board itself to high  
 fi positions in the University, whether they were best qualified or not for such  
 5 positions, must force the Board to recognize the fact that it places itself in a j -
>¥`· position to be criticised. Not only should the Board be not called upon to em-  
 g barrass itself by passing upon relatives of members of the Board or some mem-  
.  tj, ber of the Board itself who may be an applicant for a position, but it should not  
i  YQ . be embarrassed by applications at all, especially for the most important positions  
  on the staff. It is well recognized professional ethics that University and College  
i {  men will not actively seek the higher positions. The practice in most colleges Q
'  5 and universities of high standing is to invite men to join the faculty and they are  
;   considered solely on their fitness for the position. j
_ V;  In order to relieve itself of such a handicap and to reassure the public mind `
V  if of its position in this respect, the Board on its own initiative adopted a rule
 ij bearing specifically on the question, which appears at the close of this article.
'   The Alumnus approves the action of the Board and believes that it will ‘
ll   inspire confidence in the public mind. The Alumnus believes that the Board _
u   should go a little further and offers the following suggestion which it entertains _
H  i` as being no less pertinent along this line than the resolution concerning nepotism,
l'  e which is: That no person be appointed on the academic staff of the University
it  , who does not hold an academic degree. l
  The resolution adopted by the Board is as follows:  
n   Be if ]<`és0l·z·0d by the Board of Tr11.v1‘c0.r of I/ze Z'ni·;·021rily: ;
`C   That no appointment hereafter be made to any position in the University or _
>f   Experiment Station of any member of the Board of Trustees for at least two I
¤>' _, years after his term of oflice has expired, nor of any person who is a near rela- ;
c-  · tive lny blood or marriage of any person already holding a position in the L`ni-  
l}'   versity or Experiment Station, or of any member of the Board of Trustees. i
qu __~0J—_ i
liv  Y . . . . E
of ,  _,. Alpha Zeta is an honorary fraternity in the Agri- l
to  ij TM Mgggn €$n:d.St"‘]°“* cultural College, corresponding to Tau Beta Pi in  
as   engineering. Although Kentucky has had a chap— E
nl   tv of Alpha Zeta for only a few years, Scovell Chapter, as it is called, has long  
  since made its presence felt in encouraging better scholarship and generally l
 , higher standards among the agricultural students. Competition for admission  
 Q; to its membership has long since become very keen.  
 ·: \
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