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_ J mzrior Food Project Programs 5  
°¤· Lnaiinnsinr y i  
_ There should be a local leader in charge of each group of A  
hir girls in the food project. The local leader, with the assist— A  
mm ance of the Home Demonstration Agent and club specialist, , ’  
mm A will see that each girl has the instructions essential to good A'  
Nm work. The leader should be a local woman who is interested , i  
the ‘ in girls and one to whom the girls may go with their problems. , __ A ,  
wp Former club girls who have initiative make excellent leaders. A A " . A  
Dllp ln order for a club to be most successful it should have two A, _  
lm' leaders to share the responsibility of instruction, recreation j  
mw and other club activities. Arrangements can be made with the , A _  
'lth College of Agriculture for a specialist to hold a training school A A . » ·  
wld for leaders, provided at least four communities in a county — _ i , A 
1 IS are sufficiently interested to secure two leaders for each project . A  
group. Application should be made tln·u the home demonstra- · ` A  
tion agent or to the State Club office, Experiment Station, Lex- , A·  
tive ington, Kentucky.  i
Each member is required to keep an accurate and up-to- A  
mk date record of the time spent in working and the cost of the .  { 
products. A record book is supplied each girl enrolled. At , _ -.  
the end of the food program this record book properly filled  
out, story included, is to be returned to the local leader or · ' l A  
home demonstration agent. When a complete record has been i ,  
tiled with the home demonstration agent. an achievement card  
will be awarded.  
Mrs. ij?
legis. At the close of the work the girls will want to hold a . V  
community achievement day, the chief purpose of which is to .  
_ Show the community the results of their work. This can best A‘  
:6 at he done by a public exhibit. The nature and arrangement  
of this exhibit is to be determined by the girls in consultation r  
Witli their leaders and home demonstration agent. They may  
n1ey· arrange an educational program with each club member taking l  
Sing Dart. Each girl who has satisfactorily completed her work  
will rereive a certificate of aehievenient.  