xt79319s4x9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79319s4x9j/data/mets.xml  France  1798-09-07 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie du Publiciste, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Primedi 21 Fructidor, an VI, [7 September 1798] text Le Publiciste, Primedi 21 Fructidor, an VI, [7 September 1798] 1798 1798-09-07 2023 true xt79319s4x9j section xt79319s4x9j ‘ra11cuis qm
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1.['l.11[1' & 111'. ULHL'H'L-(ilh‘ih .1 [10.11‘11111cr [11'L1L'11111L On .1[1[1(i|1' 111
(11: 1111111311111:

(.11111111L' 1('5' 1111111193 5(1111 :'. 1:1 n11.1(1(‘. :1111‘5‘1 ([110 1(‘5‘ e<[1i'i15. (K5
11(15‘ 111.".141c; ("3; 21.11135 1111:; 1‘(111I..'.‘115 . (111 :1 1011111111." (‘('.5' (1(I1:. 11111}?
_1‘!l' 111111111‘!'(”~'. 1\.l)1|‘iil\".|111' V.'ll [)(l‘i'ol' 5.11‘ .111 5((110 1111 ll'l’I/A'K'
191515. L‘iiel'—11'(L'11\11' ('1'(':\!1':1\':1'I'.'111I(1 , ([111 11' 1, 5'1 ([11‘ (1111' [1il1
('()[ii.: (111 ;1I'(JI.‘II-‘ i/(11"."('11 , (‘11-. ‘.1. U11.1(1(I11.s, 1('([11(1 111"l(1il 111i11'1IF“
([11 (1111': i;11i[;.11(111 (1'1111 : ;(' .‘./1111111. ([.1i .(‘ i1111(' "('(' 11' [1:115 [11.1.1

5(11'1:I'5‘ .5‘111‘ 10 [1('.1'iL 111 1111' 10 il.._‘.~1‘11.111' . 1.0 Iii
[now/151.31”. .v’\u 111"."111'11 (1’115110‘5'. [..1'5' (1.1 [111111 (-1'
(111 1:‘1:111!(‘. 1111 [411.1111 11:.11('I [1:1 .'.in'. '11:, (‘1111:[11-: '
LD11I[11.11‘ 01'1 11:5‘ (:1111‘115' 1151110111 :."('('11111110:\('1111-11'( 5.1L'1I'1. .
l11:.I..'.11(' :1. [111:11‘ 1111‘1'. : .’. 511'sz ' ('1‘ 1’11 (Hm/"1:; 111 ii (111 13
11:11. 11: 1;1(.~11 '11: /1' 11111111: (11' .' ‘(I‘l'. le'llc 1111‘13111‘ 111' 11'1“”-
(1'.' 11111i1.1'-: (-.1 '.1.:im('111 11m: [1111 11Ii" [ L
-\'1 117.510, 1(: 1.111011); 1\5'1l( ' 1 :i5 1111" [11115 1'10111111I11 ("1"
" .111 (['1(', (11'[\11i5 ([.11'11'5 [3‘ 11:1'W-5'1'1'1211 111).- :1I.('.1‘ 111:.11' '11'1"'”"‘
(:111:1l '.'11I' . 11 .1 111. ' . 15 .: ..1111" -...'_.11'. '1
('1('\(‘; . 111..(1(-1:1111~(‘I11( 14.11111. 1: -.. 17. HAL" 5111' 11: 11II';1II"‘"

1.2-1” (511110 {11.11-11- ([.1.(.111‘

[1111‘ 111!" '111‘3' . ”\(‘C (IIU'
[10.11 51-11l .51 [1 5":(I1‘.

(‘11 »:.i(. ([110 111-[1;.i5' 11“: (1:111'1-5' (11' 1" :1t, Z‘\' qui cu: (m rcuh'cr, aujourd’hui
20, sous la (luuuuufinu (“'3 la 2‘4-pui.li.’;uc. Cast :1 la sagcsse
(Ls plexus (lu gum-Jul ('u clx: £1 llxlivilé o; 51 la pcrsévé-
mum: qu‘il a dipiuyées (33.115 lcur cX/muliou , au courage
d}; l’drmuL-c qufiil cummandc , ti au (lévoucmcul sans burnes
avec lequcl cllc u suppm'lé les l'alzfuuts Ice plus gmndes ,
cummc les privulious les plus alums , quc la )‘I‘pulJliquc dull;
la couquéic impel-tunic: dcs quarlicrs ('lu l’orl—au—Princc
6; dc Swim—Marc. Signé T. llJTIDUCVILLE.

I’I‘Uz'lzllliz'l'iOIZ (/1: Tougsaizzt-Lomwrlure, général (’Il c/zef
(11a farm/Jet (lg Suint—anflguc, {L (are;
hub/fans ([55 (limrliers (/3 170/1651,
) . .

l Jlnglrz .5.

Lay f'er/wms
(It'l'lljflo' enL'un: par

Franqais , quniquc cc {Til dans un momma! nu, uprés
avoir Ublcuu (lea succés lu'llLuls, l’.um£~c dc Saint—Du-
miuguu éloit pri'lc (lo s’cmparvr dc l’Arculmg'c AX dc la
Crolx—des—1301111103;, jc ul’u pus lair-sé quc (lu'uf‘icr 5a.
murche ll'iumplmlc , your ("COP-lift dvs luvl?0;«illulls‘ qui,
s’accorilaul. uvcc lo. (llguilé (lc la grands nrxl )u douL i0
c0.;imaude l’nriu'w 51 Saint— )ouuugut‘ , pmn-‘oir‘ul l‘cu-lm
13mins crucls lvs r'll‘cls ioujom‘s Ll':‘JJ\1)'CHX (lt’ l1 {I'vw-x'c;
mais [out cu (lirlaulv (lea (-«m'liiivus ‘l‘iV‘ m.“ 10,»..inus
me mcllcxcul. it méme (le lel'l: uxécuiur. um sulliciluile
(zuvers lc: mallwgrcux Pl‘dllf‘zlS qui (ml (45* ('(miruiuls,
pair lcs cin‘oustauccs , (le so comlu-z' 5:11le lu jaw; in ll'au-
glclcrrc, m0 Cuuuuuutlc (ll: lcur ull'rix' lllin‘ zzuuusm: que
l’ugvul xlu gouvcruciucu! flung-ms 51Suul-Domiuguss , min;—
lmlsc 5i p1‘dt.zu1!vl‘. Leur :‘l
qua, drpuls lL‘ r:.unincucxgmcul, (la la C8;2:;,1:?1." , in u‘ui
m-gsé dc lmu‘ fuirc pour lcs purtrr {‘1 recounmhu 011le la
pzzin'saucc invincible (la la lupuhlique , lwxr ('nupzsbl; per—
sr’W'i-rzmce (lung lcur a'x'cuglcuu-nl', mulgrp i'mw lvs con—
wils émils quc jc Lur ai 12m, pussm‘, ('leI'le'RIl flun- (hire
llhl'C01"Hll=.1“.‘£ill0ll3 mais l'luizuzmiié lI-rupmh- ~ur imue
uulm cous‘idi‘rllion; puriuuilr‘ (1121-; cvllc imlulgcudn (l’uu
.znuvm'ucmuut umguauiinu 8: g:'*uv,u‘(ulx. lcs l"'l.c“’llulil 51.
um: pairin qu'ilx on! pu méunuuuilyc trap lm‘g—LJns.

mm 310mm lus‘ pruyuu'luusr

_-!_'):m»‘ cos nil-321131.111) 9:, vouluul allicr l‘humauiil} avec

'l.\ surxrlé d’un pays qui a (‘16 Irwl) souvL-m Cu))‘]|'01ui:;c’

my Mom
1'11,gJfl'l‘f’l’IlrllJ. ./:'(l/.‘{‘ari.”:. uu ouhli 5:m«*1~m:\ ‘ln pasq': ,
ruwlé bk pmlclliou 91 tons lus qugnis (lég‘g us dams Ics
uriiules smvuus:

All. I“.

lcs aurivm

mull-3 par amour pour la liberlé, ju pz‘nutrfs

‘S'wml unmprls alum la. pr:":<-.\n'n umuiuie [nus
>idau< :2 5.xiu'—l)om§ugue,
villi u‘qnt pus an EMT , qui n'm: 3nd «xv; dun: ll“: troupes
.‘xugluiscs, 8{ (11:1 3» tmuvsrmn (lulu: lvs lu‘ux quc l'un-

“mg-us lubilau; 0:1:

glau vu (Warner, lursquc lcs Irony-is: elc 1.2 ri‘publlquc e11
prculmul pussvs‘slxnl.

ll. l.urlL..r au‘mntir‘ s'élmulru mx‘ Ian: lts imlh illus qui ,
(35qu rl'm; lns- uulirtcs an moment ('u lu‘m.:vllisuun-gul par
la augluis , 3' mil couliuur" lcur sm‘Vlrw.

lll: 1 .cs L'llil‘SL Mrs {1. tom «turns (‘1“!)»‘ (‘16
:u'lvaclu'w {‘1 la ('ullurc pour (-ine clunL'm éx slrvu' rnulrc
'n l“x~;mm-, lvm's fn'rcs & lruz' lib-117:, 53;: inuimpl. (lu
luuul'llau dc lu lu‘énulculc uuznisliz‘, quaiuu‘ll‘ :xévulsmvi
elauu lcs ll'oupcs nqluiws, para: (inc SLH: lo inug dc

l’cscluvagc, ils n’éloicnl pas muiu'm c Icurs vuloutés,

Loire LIVER”




g; qu‘ik 0111 614‘ flzvrcés do pro-.1111? cc parli par lcurs ci-
aevanl urli‘rv: , 1111 1" l: guuw 111011112111 anglais, auqucl
uue gralflc r111111'11‘c1lf1"11n; :zvui-sul e111 chlus.

]\". S1 :-«11: 1711111105 11c 1:1 {.1'1‘s1-ulc 111111115111: , [(1115 11:111—
9:119:19 50110111111111 (111111111 1911:1311- , 111115 ccux 1'11 1511161711
111 11111 $3111 r1113: 1:3 il‘1JH‘11‘S 1111‘7111583 lous 01-113; 111

. . . .. , . ‘ P ’ ’
suns 111111311: :1‘.'1:11 12111105111111-1'311111111g11c , soul \‘CHLIS pour
prcndrc 111111 1:111'7, 11133115.

V. 10141111111 11(21111;211.12113 1111 11‘111'1‘1110 (la la )1‘1331'111e am-
111511: 11:11); 1115 .1‘1111'113 11cs11l11cs (lane 11: 111111110111 :11"
, . D .
hclc, (11117 (11111.5 11‘ 0111119 dc 1:1 111‘1’51‘1111‘. czunpuguc , 1115—
11111 112011111115 11111 les 11~Hl11q1111111113 11111 €11" onvcrics out
n 7
11111111011111: 1111;111:715 (1:: 15111
111111-- 1311 51‘111111 13111115 cunx 11111‘111»1‘1:11c1'oic11La ' 1'1‘11—
T 7 , . . .
11‘01' 113115 le 1311112; (1 11:5 11~‘gr1c1e1111111.s.
17.11 1111 q11:11'1is1‘—;{."11"r211 (‘11:; \vcz'rellvs, 1c 18 110112211,
lei 16111111115111 111111911111“, 1111c t; indivisible.
Style, IfufinuAIhl‘ LoU\'1‘.11'1‘151111.

1)? 311ml, [8

111111? 1'111111‘1‘1‘ 1161115 1c 51-111

an 15 111:

15 /l‘lu'/irl01‘.

Tent 14: 011111111 (11: Nantes, 2111 11111111111; (11: 91 \‘1:ll1‘s,
csL 21'1i\:3 5.111% amiclgul :1 113111111121, 11131011: 1‘11-Q111111p111‘.
11 1:51 Ill'lffl‘llfixlcllllnl chargi‘ :11: malt-11:41); 1111111 1111,: 111‘~
11181111: .5, A 11 1175' 11 pus 111: 1101110 11111: 110115 111‘ 1’111'0115
Lug-35111111113111 ici : cn attendant, nous avons 1a {111111111 (11:
11111 par lend cc 1.111111 nous avous le plus pressaul 1112511111.

D1; [flung [e 20 'l‘mtidor.
1 1

Quclques — 111105 (11‘s 1'1311111‘1111115 projellécs pour la ré—
13111111qu Cisulgiue out (-11", 111~1“1'1'-1:s. 34111101111111: (lcs rc-
lur1~sc111nus 1111 117111911; 511111 113111111, 21 111151111 dc 00111.1 111:5
(léllancmt'ns, qui 1-51. 11:311'1’1111 i1 art-11:; 11'. dimcmix‘c a
MC renunvcllé 1:11 11.111113 111L115 11 1:01111'1‘11161‘11 51 (1111) cum—
pm- Llc {1116; 1111-11117111zs.

——L’i11111\'i1111 zl1'1'1“1é 111‘.» 'jnux‘s 1112141101»: 8111‘ la (11‘.in Vullail'c,
par 11 17" 11111911121 1111111311‘, 51111111111: l’iuga-l 11c S1111!-
]’1‘c1lf; , 111111111: 1‘{:1111.:s , 01113111 (11: 1’;L111:1'1‘111'1"gi:111:, ayanl
pour 1111111 (11: guy: 1'; (l , 1%: a1:~:11<1‘ 1i’uvoir ("L11 c0111—
pagunn thunk: (121 1:1 (1111!;1111, (Hum,- 111‘ 1'11111111;c11lle.

—— ()11 :11.11 1111 {'111111111'11111'1 :1 151115 16 1'111‘culc111' 1'11:\\'1)1:11.


—— Ls, 11113611111: , 11:11'1111‘1'3i1'1r1u 15 do 09 11111111, 21. remis

(«111111116113 1311,3111‘1211 d1: di1l1>i1111 1 111111431111111111111111:) 5; 1111

{111111119 1.: 11'.;1l;:1111‘11l (11: 1111111111: ~119C 11151 cc 111’11 coil
7 .


—— Lu 11§1c.:l1111'c :1 111.96 11-11); nli‘llilll‘US (11: l’admiuish'a—
"11111111111 11:: 5111.», (loniilulkl {‘31: 0111101.

w- 011111131111 1' l'.‘ '1‘.111131111;1i:‘c, 51 A1‘1'115,1’1:xp1"—
311-1111311111. |"‘-:‘uf|l1‘ 1.1'1111:1I:11111111', 611111131111 1111 24/1/11)", 1-111

Irrlw . [fix/f1 [111/1 1",; Llll 3"1'111/11111’1u111 (111711 11101115.
3111111115 11111 c1.111:1,'1:11:c11t évacuc Sainl—liuulinglw.

»-— 11-3;

2111 112:0 1.11111: 111’s .1‘1‘1111'..i1‘1‘1:< (1‘11.1111:, 1’11 1

511111- uu 111.314: 1'1-11101'1 (11:
(1'1. 13.11: vai~<1'"::' 1-11 11 luuinlununl 22:1 2:3; &
mum :1‘1'1131' 11.1'1111‘1'1 ‘ 5w =31:le 2'; Syracuse, 0. 1‘131111‘1 111:
' 1.111 1111111111.;‘1111‘10 , 411171111011—
\'11';1 ::>111111111 1:!13L11‘1; 111171111 11.11! 111 premieru 1111:.

"' * ' 111'3111'1'15 1-111 rcgu 0111111 (1c 1111111c1'1411'11111'11c
111111'x'. /
as 1:1:1111111lc 51*: 11111‘111’5 armcmem.

,1‘ . 1~{1‘l:;1,11,

(1111111111 11'

1:115 reaping (1;- 111:
._ Lu 1‘01 1‘".- fiélll
-——- Cc 116.4. 1 "‘1 1c gfllH'L‘l'llL‘EIlqlll 11',‘1n1v'1~1.1:l;: ‘1“1 :1

11:1 11:111111'11111 c; 51-11L


1111111111." l’vmui 1-11 l'rnlcu 11-1: }):!:‘l‘2'°-I‘.Ull".',1lu\‘, gum!

}l;~1‘21-111- 51111 11V. 511111., (15111141131111
011. C151 11' 1111111511211: 1111311115.

aunt-cs do 1111,
1)}; 5111911111311111 1111‘ 1’ L13 1,11, :1




—- 11 a (:16 fabriqué 1’1 Londrcs l‘ann1’~c 1111111110111, 1111111
1101sz principuux brasscurs (lc Bette ville, 1111 11111111111 1.13
mille 111.5 barix‘iucs (11; Porter; & ccllc auuéc, 1111111111111
193 millc 6111-.
