Kernel Wins National Award For Editorials
The five editorials were Judged us one entry,
with no particular one singled out for the fireplace award. Several of Bland's editorials were
reprtnted In the Courier-Journlast spring.
This ts the Kernel's fourth award three national and one Southern in the past throe years,
and the second from Sigma Delta Chi. In 1956
place in
the paper was awarded second
for its coverage of a narcotics ring which
was broken up in the men's dormitories here.
The second national award was won last year
by Ray Cravens, then Kernel cartoonist. Cravens'
cartoon on highway safety, published shortly be

The Kernel's editorials have been awarded first
place in the 1353 National College Newspaper Contest sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi. professional
Journalistic fraternity.
The award was presented to Gurney Norman,
president cf the UK chapter of Sigma Delta Chi.
at the fraternity's annual convention In San Diego.
Five Kernel editorials, ail written during the
195758 school year, were submitted for judfinf.
Two were written by Frank Strunk. Kernel editor
the first semester of last year. The other three were
written by Jim Bland, second-semesteditor.




Sigma Delta Chi
'Professional lournalisuc iratcruitv

fore Christmas, tied for first place in a
sponsored by a Chic to Insurance firm.
In regional collegiate competition, the Kernel
wa.s one of the runners-u- p
in the American Newspaper Outld's "Best Newspaper In the South'- coil-tes- t.
Winner of that contest was the University of
Miami Hurricane.
The Kernel will enter the Sigma DrIU Chi.
the American Newspaper Ouild and the highway
safety contests aam this year. Results of th
latter will be announced this spring, but Judtnf
in the Sigma Delta Chi contest will not be held
until summer.





presents flm

15 1


in tUc

Editorial Writing
of tkc

Oi vision

1956 Student

ITcwspapcr (?ontet

The Kernel's Editorial Award

UK Meets Detroit

On 1959 Schedule

NSA Is Voted Down
By Student Congress
Student Congress last week rejected a motion to join the National Student Association.
The action ended at least temdebate on
porarily a
vote found
the issue. The final
nearly the entire assembly voting
not to join the national group.
Education Rep. Donna Lawson
report on the
gave a
issue. She presented statements
from National Panhellenic Conference officials who have studied
the organization for some time.
She also - presented a statement
from the Purdue University student government president ques- two-mon- th









the resignation





The document also ciiarged that
the Kernel has abused freedom of
the press, undermined the principles of national security and dis-

regarded its public obligations.
Originated by MS II Cadet
Michael W. Brown, the petition
followed a Kernel editorial which
criticized the Army ROTC for
using pushups as a form of discipline. The editorial had called
them "embittering, embarrassing
and an affront to one's


The editorial appeared in the
weekend after the Ole Miss game
Kernel on Thursday. Nov. 20. The
and "before an away contest with
petition was delivered by Cadet
The Oct. 30 game with Miami of
Florida is a renewal of a series
which began in 1943. The schools
have met four times since then and
UK has won all lour games. This
is the first meet hi:--: betwten UK
and Detroit..
The 103! Miami game will begin
series between
another four-gam- e
the schools. I'K will play the Florida school here in 11 and 19(!.'5
with a second game in the Hurricanes' Orange Bowl in lfiG2. The
two schools will not meet in 19(10
due to schedule conflicts.
The 1958 Miami team experienced one of its most unsuccessful
Continued On rage 2

tioning the value of joining NSA.
The effect of the rejection appears uncertain now, since SC
passed a resolution favoring further research into all phases of
NSA. The governing body will use
a series of panel discussions with
NSA. IFC and national Panhellenic
officials in order to study NSA
more, fully.
Pro-NSforces In SC plan to
investigate the organizafurther
tion in order to emphasize its
Miss Lawson said
good points.
yesterday she neither favored nor
opposed the national group, but
was interested in having Student
Congress look into it more completely.
It is definite that NSA will not
be an issue in
fall SC election
campaign. Both parties were hesitant to favor joining the organization.
Probably NSA will not come up
in Student Congress until January.







108 Cadets Petition
For Editor To Resisn
Army ROTC cutlets has askttl

eXcntucky Xcvnei

in-le- ad


Vol. L

A petition


UK has completed its 1959 football schedule with the addition of
an Oct. 2 game with Detroit in
the Motor City.
The game in Detroit along with
an Oct. 30 contest with Miami in
the Orance Bowl Stadium will both
be playrci on Friday night.
Next year's schedule shows some
changes from the 1938 sl.ite. Several weeks a so I'K head coach
I.lanton Collier expressed t he belief that the ideal schedule would
contain six rather than eight conference games. The 103.( slate will
find I'K meeting seven SEC teams
of this year's eight conopponents.
The Detroit game will be on the
same weekend that was an open
date this year. It will be played the


Brown to Jim Hampton, Kernel
editor-in-chie- f.
Monday evening.
Nov. 24. Hampton wrote the editorial.
The Kernel editor's reply lo
the charges made in the ROTC
cadets' petition is on today's
editorial page.

The cadets themselves had voted
to do pushups rather than drill.
The petition requested the
resignation of the "responsible
members of the editorial staff" and
did not specifically name the editor. However, he presumably would
be the only staff member affected
since the determination of editorial policy rests entirely with
A second request of the petition
was that University authorities
take action, should the "responsible members of the editorial
staff" fail to resign, to prevent
the recurrence of certain abuses
claimed in the document.
The petition did not specify any
particular preventive measures,
and it is not known whether censorship was meant to be implied.
The University administration ha

Thomas Li'


Tomorrow is the final date for
veterans to sign for (II allotment checks, the Veterans Administration office announced.

charge, the petition


ruthlessly disregarding the factt,
has thereby deprived the cadet f
second-yea- r
military science of Hie
democratic process of selecting
their own disciplinary measures."
Another accusation was that tho
editorial staff "lias repeatedly exercised dubious license of the presi
instead of freedom of the presa
by un.p tspianly and destructively
attacking the cadre of the ROTC.

citkens,, who.


nature of their

position as public servants, aro
unable to defend
On Page Z


2H-ye;- ir-


lt r ami maternal grandparent.

the weekend Willac-N. Ihi.'.s, director of UK Gir.und
Theater, and hi'- - wife, of 220 Bir-l-c- ii
aw-tanfv I ;ir.e, ami a wotn-uv.t re injured m a car wieck mk
milt'' not tli of Georgetown.
Mrs. Brings was admitted to the
Central Baptist Hospital with a
broken dhow. Mr. Brlggs. also an
assistant professor of I nglish at
A bridge enthusiast. Fox was well the Cniversity, was treated
possible sprains of the knee and
Winin Lexington
chester where he participated in ankle.
duplicate bridge play. He was :i
Another assistant professor of
U. S Annv Reset ve. I ncli-Mrs Lewis Robin-omember of the
a small chin cut and abrasby li is parents,
He is survived
Mr. and Mrs. .Marcus L. Fox, a is- - ions or the liht arm.

Veterans9 Cheeks

In it

leged that "the editorial staff f
the Kentucky Kernel ha used deliberate provocation in A cheap
attempt to fill news spare, and,

One Killed, B Injured
In 2 Holiday Mishaps

Arts and Science.- - lreshir,.m.
killed Nov.
three miles west ot
Immediately alter the editorial
was published the Military Science Vin h ser on the Levin, ton Wo.u!
to Wnu hosier
Fox. was
Department dropped pushups ah
Lexington, w hue L" had bet :i
a form of discipline lor MS II lrom
cadets. The pushups had been visiting friends.
S. W. Fpperson, deputv sheriff,
nsed to replace the former disear was ilcmolishetl
said Fox's
ciplinary drill, in which cadets
w lien it apparently skithietl, turned
drilled from 8 a.m. to work off
struck a concrete
demerits they had accumulated. around and

never censored the Kernel or exercised any control over its newt
and editorial policies.

Also over






More than likely it will be delayed until sprir.u.
Miss Law son said the proposed
SC panels on NSA would not begin

unlii s;)ttti(

Greeks God and Goddess Candidates
One fraternity and sorority candidate will be chosen
from tbis group to reign over festivities during
Greek Week, which begins tomorrow and end
Saturday. Fxchauge dinners at all Greek houses
will be held tomorrow. I riJay night the Four

Freshmen and Chde Trask' orchestra will ti
4 concert in the Coliseum. The (lod and Goddevt
Ball, with Buddy Morrow's orchestra, will be be!4
downtown saturJay niht iu the l'hormt Hjtfla
Convention Hall
