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Above: The pin oak tree that stood on North Campus tor more than IOO years
was cut down in February because ot a decaying root system.
Inset: A IQOES photo showing the tree in Iront ot the Administration Building is one
ot the earliest known photos ot the tree. The tree dated back to about 1900.
• •
2l l`()()K€ IH ISIZOYY
l·`ew lixing things ex werienee more than lllll years of drastie shootin<>‘s l`oreed their way into a Board ol` ll`rustees meeting
I I l . h . m
ehange — like l`ls`s eamptis eonyersion to a military base, the l>el`ore marehing arottnd eampus and the surrounding eommu-
unitersity`s lirst lmlaek sttident and protests during the \iietnam nity in \lay llJ7lI. ltater that night the students laeed ol`t` with
\\`ar, loeal, state and national law enlloreement. lhe ;\ir l·`oree R()ll`(Z
l ()|]g g\ggy3[i()]] I it lrlrpyt; pil] ()LlI{ [rcg in flrt)|][ tyfl [hc \[;tin lIllll(llIIQ lIllI`lICLl Ll(1\\'II Lllll`lIIQ {IIC LlClII()l`ISKl`Ll[l()lI lIl|[ [IIC CLILISC
Imiltljng # I-Cm;r]mCt| It L-tymmmy [IN-Iytyglmtly the rmj\·Cy·$j[y·`$ was neyer determined. Students also reportedly turned the eati-
history. non next to the oak tree around
lu i~‘et»i-Italy goin. not t-ortsetitt to lim thc Alain llliilslins
I ladetl from the llls landseape. lhe   '‘‘i " ‘''” +‘   'l`he tree predated two ol`
_ _ f.   - ·. I .
trees root system was deeayrng. j     ’· l lss most preyalent htnldmgs.
and the administration deeided __,;s.__ f i _Q eonstrueted in rememlvranee ot`
V the risk ol` it llalling in a storm     j;€‘l€T.2#'l‘ {I/;;;;;;i H-, l{entueky`s \\lorld \\lar deaths.
posed enough ol` a sal`ety haxartl to   ''`I l  `l.   ;;E:;l~   "·”"";___ \lemorial Hall was built in l‘)Zl)
‘ ` ·:1 “* °‘····gl"’ I  S   . ¤i La   . I I I _-
remote it. ;_   ?(?=§t\;.4  ‘ ,*yI ~f   ··‘   ill l.,i`l,iI ‘   in memory ot lsentuekys Z,/no
I . I . . . . I-; ;·,_;·I·2i;¥..¤f TL · I YM I _· ‘ —¢ ·~I »— g _, · · · I - _ _
HW HCCN mcmmc mdmlcd §iy_I$_}.l;_:y’{.yI 14;I\II—  I   tz-., II.? my deaths in \\ \\l, while Xlemo-
‘—.;v‘..$§€·l,il;‘ ` ..I¤  l. .‘,',;l   wl I " ll I ', * ‘., :_ . ‘ ‘ *
the tnost delining moments ol`the   , · —l l.,., ,__r  gqj:.   .:+;,4; lllll (‘llll*“lllll ll·l“ lllllll lll lll>ll
. . . '€’ e'¢3s;'   l·>~‘· · g"\°     Ir, ·.      on   T"··- · . · I - · I I, I
past eentury intertwined with the    gg? .: -p\·r§-">      lll lllllllll lll llls 9:263 l\“lllllll‘l
 ·· 7.' " ‘ '     .I< ’ ‘ '   I.  nt; `·I ·` r·J-‘P  · · ·
I-IIIICI.-C" IIIIHIIIM [  ‘=?•· was   ·;;_:·;;· _.».I ;_-·.= - II ll, sg. _I_  yi;   -· deaths in \\ \\ ll.
ln lllllh. when the earliest pho- _____g*i_:_ };_   .""·`·· ‘ E - " _;· _    _  ‘ _ if   he oak w as at least (>-l years
I tograph ol` the tree was taken. l`l{ l ‘ P   ‘ A · 'l`l`  ····   V   old when the Patterson ()l`liee
had all] students. illoday. jslalllll attend l`ls. lllllllcl Cllhl llh $ll¥llll’ll' l’l`€l` [lll?
l he tree stood outside the \lain Building othee ol et ery l ls [lu llll llll lllll lllll° lll l lll )‘
president. lt witnessed the enrollmentolltheltirstlwlaek student, xllllic '"°°€llllY— lllc lllcc Slllllll lllllll Y¤ll'll* lilllllll (lll? lllllll
II mlm ylnlmmm in pusy tml U mh mu [hwg when mnncn l’>tnldtng as it lutrned tn a Zlllll tire. lllhe tree weathered damage
L.LH.m.d mow \p.w.L.C_ mlm mgm {UI. [hc mq [imc in log; lrom the ZUU3 tee storms and a Zllll-l lightning strike.
llotlt world wars transl`ormed llls into a partial ltase lor mili- lllllll‘ Illllllg ‘ll“l lllc llcllllllllll llll llllli (lll lllc lllll*l Wllhllllcll
tary training. and at the height ol` the Yietnam \\lar eontention. lllllllw llll l`lllllllll*- l llc llllll “l¥l* Wlilllllcll llll llllll*lll1lll€l`[NUS
students organized protests tltat marelietl tltrouglt eampus. llllllllcll lll llh lllllllC·
lluntlreds oil students protesting the lsent State llnitersity ·—·ll{'f/ll R’*·*`¢'