The Kentucky Kernel

yet."-Corn- ell

(Formerly The Idea).
PsMUhed every Thursday throughout the College year by the student body
of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the students, alumni and faculty of the institution.
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL is the official newspaper of the University.
It it lamed with the view of furnishing to its subscribers all the college sews
of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of interest concerning the universities of other States and Canada.




fiatered at Lexington Postoffice as

second-clas- s

mail matter.


Bart N. Peak




Assistant Editor

Managing Editor
"Squirrel Food"

Miss Anita Crabbe
William Shinnick
Reeeoca Smith
MoClarty Harbison
j. R. Marsh


Harry Melton
S. J. Caudill
Jane McConnell
Miss Elsie Heller
stlH Wood
W. J. Harris

What's the Matter With Chapel?

The Kentucky Colonel Says:
The gentleman who does tho most
becflu', suli, does not always have the
most at stake, buIi.
And More Scarce.
Prof.: What is higher in tho country than in tho city 7
Ag: Farm labor, sir.

At one of our recent gatherings there were a few dozen students present and one faculty member. He came to introduce the speaker, who had
given up his valuable time to come to the University and address an array of empty benches. A wonderful impression of State he must have
There is a number of faculty members and many prominent men of
the city who would gladly address the students upon matters of interest.
A few more selections of music and the discussion of subjects with which
the students are vitally concerned are our suggestions.



Why not have a committee of students to arrange student exercises
once a week, or if that fails, why not have "chapel" only once each week
and make it something worth while?
The Kernel is not quarreling with the established order of things, but
as spokesman of fifteen hundred students, desires at this time merely to
suggest the changes here indicated with the hope that both faculty and
students may see their plain and positive duty in a new and clarified


Then and Now.
Two strikingly evident modifications in the social life of the University of Kentucky have caused adverse comment among those who are interested most deeply in the University and its development.
The time has not been long past when all State social functions, especially the dances, were attended largely by faculty members and University students, both men and women. Many of the instructors would
take advantage of the opportunities which University gatherings supplied
to meet the students upon a social plane.
Our recent dances and social gatherings have been
through the scarcity of faculty members and State students.


We have one of the most representative and most efficient faculties
in the South, but it has not been the observation of The Kernel that the
instructors as a whole take sufficient interest in general student activities.
Therein they undoubtedly lose a positive opportunity for much good
upon the students.
The social life of a university

should bring all students and instructors of the institution together more and help to build up a common feeling of loyalty to their Alma Mater.






slow with


crippled foot.


Appropriate Mottoes.
For the Proud Father: "Early to
bed and early to rise makes a man
healthy, Btealthy and profane."
"There is a
For the Chiropodist:
Destiny that shapes our ends, rough
hew them how we will."

4- -


For the first time in the history of
Vale's athletics a major league baseball team will appear on their athlet-

"The Tree Top."
"Uncle Simon he,
Clum, up a tree,
And presontleo,
Uncle Jim
Clum' up beside of him,
And squatted down by he."
All Aboard For Wellesley.
The Wellesley College girls aro
very much disturbed over the verses
of a Senior, whose name the editor of
the College News refuses to divulge.
Two verses are:
I'd give my month's allowance for a
Or, having spent it, I'll give up what
I can,
For what is prom, without a young recruit,
A tall Apollo in a full dress suit
To pilot down the receiving line,
While your proprietary smile says:
"He's mine?"

Thumbs Down?
Black browed and brooding and still;
Hawgs is Hawgs.
MILWAUKEE, Wis., February 7.
And over the hill
"Uncle Mose, down in the Ozarks,
Fred Oppermann, 35, shot and probFrom afar
after watching the razorbacks gobble
ably fatally wounded Mrs. Edna DunThe clear morning star
up their dinner in something less than
ham, because she spurned his love, Burning but to set him
a minute, was heard to remark imand. slashed his own throat with a But the night steals away
pressively, 'De good Lawd sho was
paring knife. He also bit the thumb Seeking his lady, and leaves the star,
right when he named haugs haugs
off the left hand of John F. Jaeger,
paling, with day.
'case dey sho is haugs."' Exchange.
and bit the thumb and index finger
almost off the left hand of Mrs. Jaeger
In the Yassar Miscellany.
Wanted to 8top the Trojan War.
when they came to Mrs. Dunham's as
"Did you know that automobiles
sistance. Oppermann escaped. Times
were known and used during the Tro
It Only Costa a Jit.
Star (Cincinnati).
She "I see you take coca cola. jan war?"
"What nonsense!"
Aren't you afraid you'll get the habVera Libre.
"Well, here it says in the Iliad:
A youth
I have been taking 'Now comes Achilles raging from the
He "NoBlree.
In search
one every day for the last six years Ford.' "Exchange.
Met a
From Palm
Beach came,
Have you seen those swell EngHaving little
lish Last Shoes we are showing
this season? They are sure beau
ties; made in mahogany call and
Clothes the
gun metal call. They fit like a
glove and stand the knocks. They
are just the Shoe for the Dressy
Young Fellow. Prices, $4, $4.69
and 5.00 the pair.


and a greater student interest in University gatherings would do much,
ve believe, to improve the situation.

Henry Moore, of Cincinnati, disloPennsylvania woman re:
huscates his jaw every time he laughs at
cently spanked her
band. Another case of too much wo- a Joke. As a precaution it might be
well to confine his reading to the
man's right.
humorous columns of our newspapers.

It is reported that Mrs. Wilson gave
Spring fashions for men will include
a 5.00 tip on a recent occasion, which
evening clothes. Not so
the President 'followed with a tip of
practical as the
ten cents. Probably "Woody" was
wine-colore- d



T. T. Mahau Is getting

February 9, 1911.
The Wildcat basketeers manago to
tako one, when they go up against
Bethany College. Of the 24 points
which State 1b able to pile up against
the crippled Bethany team, Hart, on
the Varsity this year, scores 14.
Thirty men report for tho crosscountry running team.
Agitation is started to have tho
honor system adopted.

ic field. Arrangements have recently
been completed to stage the annual
contest between Yale and 'the New
in the "Bowl" on
York Nationals
April 11, instead of at the Polo And yet
I've reached the end of my
Grounds as was first intended.
I can not find a man by human forces.
Jared Better.
O, You, who have
a corner on the
If the condition of Bennett Jared,
who was injured in the Vanderbilt-Tennesse- e Must move your stony
heart until it
football game, continues to
Get This Deep One.
improve, he will be removed from A single
man no need for "sapiens"
First Dog: "I have something to
Burch's Infirmary within the next few
if he dance.
spring on you."
days. His paralysis is leaving him
Second Dog: "No you don't. My
Judge Officer, what's the matter
and he is able to move his arms freehair is full of insect powder now."
ly and his legs to some extent.
with the prisoner?
Tell her to stop
that crying; she's been at it fifteen
The Houndl
minutes (more sobs).
The winter grass is green
At the feet of his lady the moon
Officer Please, sir, I'm a thinkAll around;
ing she wants to be bailed out. NeLies the night,
He sits upon the lawn
Aquiver and breathless and bright,
braska Awgwan.
To astound
With the light
His friends, who look with
Voice in Telephone: "Hello, is this
Of her smile on his face,
So profound
How about a
fingers the weather bureau?
And the shadows her slim
shower tonight?"
The winter grass Is green
"Don't ask me; if you
On a mound.
need one, take it." Exchange.
Ana now she is gone, and he lies


As to the
student chapel period, it seems to be a myth. One
thing may be said in its favor, that is, it allows a study period of
hour, during which the industrious may take advantage of the opportunity.


The Journalistic Freshman.
Our journalistic Freshman
broken loose again and assailed the
English language with the following
"lead" to a fire story:
The tired, firemen under the direction of Chief Jessie after returning
from a hard fight at the John Graham
broom factory on East Third Street,
were called at 7:45 yesterday morn
ing to resume their good work at the
Ben All Theater, on Main Street, east
of Limestone.
Editor's Note This is the real

It seems that our chapel exercises have grown to be something of a
farce. As a rule, the attendance consists of a mere handful of students,
and the rostrum is usually as bare as the traditional cupboard.



Athletic Editor
Exchange Editor

Locals and Law Miss K. Mitchell. ...Home Econoaaka
Mechanical Herbert Graham
Mining Miss Anna L. Whitworth. . . .Sororities
Agriculture Miss Elizabeth Duncan
PatL Hall
M. C. Finney
H. J. Evans
W. T. Cottingham
Miss Mildred Taylor.
Business Manager

J. T. Oooch

Passed by the National Roard.
and I haven't got the habit
(link: "What arc you doing now?"
Spink: "I'm statistician on a
Tho following Impressionistic contributions aro from tho Henderson
Olnk: "And what are your duties?"
Spink: "Oh, I look after the berths," (H. S.) Quill. Suggestions bb to the
bcBt punishment are In order:
"The Fro."
"What a funny bird am the frog are.
When ho hop he Jump;
(Prom the Flits of The Idee.)
When he jump, ho run;
He ain't got no tail
almost hardly."

Who's to
What! Again?
Col. T. B. Lanier is again
Lake (Fla.) Region.

The Special Shoe Co.
himself.-Eustl- s

20f West Main Street,
Lexington, Kentucky.

Gy Hanks, Manager.
