
The Kentucky Kernel


No. 6











It is with sincere regret that the HARD BATTLE Of SEASON
The University of Kentucky Fresh- GAME TO LIEUTENANTS
Council of the University of Kentucky
men will try to repeat their previous
has heard of the death of Miss Anna
victory over the Georgetown FreshSEWANEETIGERS
FRIDAY men, Friday afternoon on Stoll Field. LAST FRIDAY -- 14 TO 6 J. Hamilton. Dean Hamilton was our AGAINST
colleague at the University for a numTigers
The Kittens handed the Baby
trouncing several weeks ago Yearlings Outplay Center Fresh- ber of years, serving as Dean of Wom- Blue and White Supporters Hope
a 54-Nearly Two Hundred Present at and hopes are high for an even larger
en. She was intensely interested in her
men For Three Periods,
to See Last Year's Defeat
Festive Occasion At Phoework and gave of her time and
score Friday.
But Fail to Win.
nix Hotel.
strength ungrudgingly for the promoSeveral of the "Freshies" who were
tion of sane social life and better MARTIN BACK IN GAME
injured in the Center scrap will prob- KIRWAN AND EVANS HURT
GREHAN IS TOASTMASTER ably be given a rest so that they will
Her sympathetic
be in condition for the return game Bad Break in Fourth Quarter tude toward the problems of the stu- Average Weights of Both Teams
"Tom," Wildcat Mascot, Stages with the Lieutenants November 11. Causes Defeat Return Game
dent, and her wise counsel endeared
Show Them to Be Nearly
Battle on Center College
her to those who came under her suCaptain Kirwan and Evans received
November 11.
slight injuries and will not be seen in
The University of Kentucky Counaction Friday.
Fighting before a crowd of about
The Sewancc Tigers will make their
R. S. "Dick" Webb, Jr., enterKcil, by P. P. Boyd, Acting Chrm. biennial invasion of Stoll Field, Satur- persons, the local
three thousand
tained with a delightful banquet at
Freshman team was defeated by the Oct. 24, 1922.
day, when they oppose the Wildcat
the Phoenix Hotel Friday evening, AMATEUR
KNIGHT IS TO Center. Freshman eleven last Saturday
eleven in what should be one of the
following the game with Georgetown,
by a score of 14 to 6. The Kittens
most interesting games of the season.
in honor of the members of the Varby TAU BETA PI PLEDGE
The Purples defeated the Cats last
BE HELD ON HALLOWE'EN outplayed the Lieutenant-Colonel- s
sity and Freshmen football squads.
a wide margin in the first three quaryear 0 in a field of mud, and the Blue
From the cocktail, all through the deters of the game, and, had it not been
SERVICEJELD OCT. 19 and revenge cohorts are determined to
licious menu, to the last speech the
for this "mishap."
Chapel to Be Follow- for the bad luck of the yearlings, they
evening was one of unlimited enjoy- Program in
would have continued their victorious
ed By Dance Given By UniDean Anderson
Presides and When the referee blows two whistle
ment and pleasure.
march through the fourth quarter.
to start the game, the
Dean Frances Jewell Lectures
versity Council.
The banquet started off brilliantly
should be as evenly matched as two
However, the young Wildcats are
on "Social Life."
"colwith the entrance of a number of
teams .could be. The average weights
Hallowe'en night, October 31, has confident that the game with the same
lege widowers" singing "Old Centre
Previous to the freshman matricula of the two elvens are practically equal.
for many years been the night upon team on November 11, on Stoll Field,
College She Ain't What She Used to
tion lecture Oct. 19, the local chapter Sewanee, however, has played stronger
University of Kentucky dra- will tell an entirely different tale.
Be." While the courses were being which the
Captain Kirwan, Evans and Tracy of Tau Beta Pi, engineers' national teams than the Cats, and the Blue and
presby the
served, TNT, the mascot of the team matic talent is exhibited
in the backfield, and King, Warren honorary
pledged the White team will have to "go the limit"
engaged in a conflict with a dummy entation of the best Stroller tryout and Stevenson in the line, starred for
of the class of '23 to defeat the Tigers.
presented for the season.
representing Centre and amid the apCammack, Russell and Martin have
Preliminary tryouts began Thurs- Kentucky. Spurlock, Summers and in highest standing, and the honor
plause and cheers of the enthusiastic
returned to the fold, but there is a
played an outstanding member from the class of '24.
spectators succeeded in completely day afternoon and will continue until game for Center. The injury to Cap
of the engineers from the Sen small chance of either Cammack or
Saturday evening. When all of the per
vanquishing our ancient enemy.
tain Kirwan in the first quarter, and ior Class arc admitted to Tau Beta Pi Russell playing against the Tiger.
formances have been seen and judged
'Prof. Enoch Grehan, toastmaster, in
Evans in the third quarter, hampered annually according
to scholarship, Martin, however, will be back in his
a most entertaining , and humorous by the student critics, selected for the somewhat the play of the Baby Cats,
one half of this number being pledged guard position for the fray. Freddie
manner gave a number of toasts to purpose the three best productions hut it is thought that their injuries in
their junior year and the remainder Fest, of widespread fame, will occupy
which the following responses were of the one act plays will be announcarc not serious enough to keep either at the beginning of their senior year. the pivot position, with Martin and
ed and will be presented before the stumade:
of the class of Captain Prjfrble at his side. Dell
The first
University chapel out for the season.
The University dent body 'in the
Dean Boyd
In the first quarter Evans received '23, composing the local chapter are Ramsey willhold down one tackle
Tuesday evening, October 31 at 8
Chidsey on the
The Team
Coach Juneau
the ball from Center's kickoff and J. E. Burkes, Jr., W. P. Ballinger, By with either Russell or
Training o'clock.
other side of Pribble. Chuck Rice and
Capt. Pribble
65 yard line. ron Williams, M. T. Skidmore, H. L.
Every one is cordially invited to brought it back to the
open the game
How I Love Centre
Harry Miller
series of line bucks by Kirwan and Royden, and W. T. Downing. The Colpitts are slated to
A. M. Wilson
The First Wildcats attend the Amateur night performance Tracy with a 35 yard run around left pledges from the class of '23 are Sam at end.
which is always, one of the most deThe regular backfield, that has
Dr. Funkhouser
end by Evans put the ball on Center's Ridgeway.'Shepherdsville, L. C. DavKeep up Your Grades lightful entertainments of the college 10 yard line. A short pass from Kir- idson, Jackson, James L. Shouse, Lex astounded the spectators with its spec
Geo. R. Smith
Scrubs year. Prizes will be awarded to the wan to Evans saved the first touch- ington, A. F. Arnold, Falmouth, J. tacular work, will start against the
Club best of the plays and the judges for down. Evans failed to kick the goal. F. Murfee, and Raymond Saur, Louis- Tigers. In Gregg, at quarter, Fergu
Rasty Wright
Judge Dick Stoll
The Old Days the contest will be Professor E. F. Score: Kentucky 6, Center 0. Ken- ville. The honor member of the class son and Fuller at halves, and Sanders
Coaching Freshmen Farquhar, Mrs. Matt Walton and Mrs. tucky then kicked off to the Lieu of '24 is G. R. Page, Clintonville. Miss at full, the Cats have one of the best
Doc. Roties
Sallie Bullock Cave, all three of whom
in the south. Bruce Fuller
Col. Sam Wilson
tenants who made several line plunges Cleveland, who would be honor of the backfields
will probably do the punting with
Athletic Development are .eminent dramatic critics.
but finally were held for downs. class of '24 according to scholarship
Following the program presented
Rice and Turner Gregg to help
Student Body
Irene McNamara
Evans made a 48 yard run and Tracy cannot Ue admitted to Tau Beta Pi un- Chuck
Wild Kittens by the Strollers the University council failed to gain through the line.
Capt. Kirwan
der the constitution which eliminates
Sewanee has one of the best teams
Publicity will entertain with a Hallowe'en party
"Dunk" Hamilton
End of first quarter. Score, Ken- women, but she shall be known as the
and dance in the gymnasium and ar
Those who partook of Mr. Webb's
Ellis Prize student and shall receive in its nistory, noiaing 27-- 0 university
tucky 6, Center 0.
mory. All students are invited.
score, and
of Pennsylvania to a
gracious hospitality were:
by the one hundred dollars awarded that playing a 7 tie with Alabama last
The second quarter was started
Juneau, Bucheit, and Winn, Manager fc
student at the end of her senior year.
Tracy gaining 4 yards through Cen
A. B. Cam mack, Assistant Managers
ter's line. The Yearlings then gained G. R. Page will also receive a hunK
Reifkin, Byers, VanZant, and
17 yards by end runs and line plunges. dred dollar prize.
and the members of the VarA series of passes failed and the ball
Dean Anderson who presided at the
All students whose Lexington
sity squad: Birkett Lee Pribble, capwent over to Center, who gained 35 ceremony gave a brief history of Tau
The military department of the Uniaddress has been changed since
tain, Cornelius Anderson, J. C. Brown,
yards on end runs. The Kentucky Betta Pi, congratulated the local chap- versity will conduct a special election
filling out their information
D. L. Bicknel, Thos. Benson, Foster
Freshmen then held Center for downs, ter and pledges on their attainment one day next week to fill the places of
cards at matriculation, are reBeatty, Ted Brewer, T. G; Bayless,
Evans punted to the Colonels who and congratulated Miss Cleveland for the sponsors that did not come back
quested to give their new adDan R. Baugh, J. W. Cammack, J.
again made two first downs before setting a new standard for engineers. to school this fall. The following are
Men, the
dresses to the Dean of
W. Colpitts, Fed Chappell, T. W.
After the engineers completed their the sponsors that returned: "Sissy"
the whistle for the half blew.
Dean of Women, or the RegisCampbell, H. H. Chidsey, L. C. Davprogram, Dean Jewell lectured on Peterson, Batallion Sponsor Major.
Score. Kentucky 6, Center 0.
trar. Please do this at once as
idson, J. J. Elliott, Harold Enlow,
At the first of the third quarter "Social Life," impressing the idea that Kitty Conroy, Company Sponsor Capthe University is preparing a
Fred W. Fest, T. B. Fuller, W. A.
Center made 14 yards through the students should avoid extremes by not tain; Lillian Rasch, 1st Platoon Lieu
directory containing the names
Ferguson, D.' J. Gatton, Turner W.
'(Continued on Page 5)
(Continued on page 8.)
Lavin, 2nd Platenant; Margaret
and addresses of the entire colGregg, C. A. Hollowell, W. M. Insko,
lege community.
toon; Ann Whitney Smith 3rd PlaThis direcK. G. King, P. I. McLean, Ray
tory will, of course, be without
C. C. Martin, H. A. McVay,
"B" Company, alL of the sponsors
value unless it gives the correct
R. L. Mays, S. B. Neal, H. E.
failed to return.
addresses. While the matter is
B. L. Pribble, A. T. Rice, W.
Shook (160) 17
Rice (185) 2
"C" company, the prize company
fresh in your mind attend to it.
H. Rice, Henry Reed, D. M. Ram10
R. Murray (180)
Ramsey (185) 28
last year, lost Mary Colvin, their
-sey, J. R. Russell, J. C. Ray, C. M.
D. Murray (170) 9
Martin (175) 26
company sponsor, and one of their
KSanders, C. F. Stith, James Strauss,
Stivers (170) 8
Pribble (185) 1 (C)
platoon sponsors, Miss Burns,
Unable to cope with the enormous
Robert Strauss.
Litton (175)
Fest (160) 32
of the 2nd Platoon; Nan
reserve power of Harvard, the Fight
.The coaches of the Freshman squad
Russell (165) 29
sponsor of the 1st platoon, and
iug Colonels of Centre College went
"Doc" Rodes and "Dick" Webb, ManKent (185) f
or Chidsey (175) 19
Helen King, sponsor of the 3rd plaagers Miller and Neely, and the mem- down in glorious defeat last Saturday
Miller (165) 5
Colpitts (155) 5
toon, are back.
Stadium. Captain
A. Kirwan, at the Harvard
bers of the squad, Capt.
Powers (150) 2
Gregg (135) 11
fought bravely against
Mayo Anderson, W. E. Alsop, Foster Roberts' men
Harris (155) 12
Ferguson (160) 3
The personnel of the Military De
overwhelming odds, outplaying the
Adams, A. A. Bablitz, Percy Beard,
Coughlin (C) (160) 1
partment is growing. Major lucker
Fuller (150) 8
Cambridge member of the Big Three,
Lyle Croft, F. L. Cisco, T. E. Coons,
Sanders (180) 3
is back, and Birkey Lee Pribble and
Sanders (170) 10
during the last three periods.
A. V. Conway, E. B. Cochram, John
Haines Barr are again on the royster.
The University of Kentucky offers
Springer Penn.
Dabney, F. Derrick, J. F. Drenncn, D.
Referee: Hoyer Ohio State. Umpire:
its sincerest congratulations
to its
F. Evans John Elkius, Bernard Grif
Head Linesman: Hintou Yale.
The first publication of "The KenDanville neighbor
for the valiant
fin, W. A. Harbold, C. T. Hughes, F.
Game called 2:30.
tucky Law journal" this year is now
.stand made last week and regret that
M. Hall, Whitney Kemper. Sam Long,
in the hands of the printer and will be
Centre may not have the same op
interclass Cross Country Run 2:00.
ready for distribution in a few days.
portunity next year.
Continued on Page 4)











Mor-ralte- e,







