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=P PPO-   Easter Council No 1700 A TV Kratzer Regent, Dr E
5, MPS {fj M XViley Vice Regent, S F Yeager Sec, E H Z
ets 1St   \Varren Treas, J B Bayer Collector Meets sec—
?€U1PI€ jg ond and fourth Monday night of each month in
ZeI‘, W   Pythian Castle Hall
Chief if ·
Ns, W I   ‘ g >
2 O O iii m
  Blue Grass Commandery No 118 Jas F Tisdale N
  C, C A Baker Sec, C P Moore Treas, F M Sut- A
EN   ton Collector Meets second and fourth Monday
‘ night of each month at I O O F temple m
ght at
H - l
  Catholic Knights of America, Branch 29 Meets first
‘ and third Sundays John L Douglass Pres, Ed-
  ward Houlihan Sec
‘ Of P ‘Young Men’s Institute No 144 Meets every Tuesday I
Com, I night J E Fitzgerald Pres, Thomas Shannon
  See Q
{Royal Templars of Temperance Hope Council No I I I
31l*e1· ‘ ‘
“ ‘ f   1 Mrs Mary A Hughes Select Counsellor, Miss
'ys 0   Nannie Gilmore Sec Meets first and third Tues-
.;? day in Pythian Castle Hall ‘ >
_i;jII\V()lll0Il’S Christian Temperance Union Mrs Nellie
  T Alrnspiger Pres, Mrs Mary A Cramer Vice G
;u]€1·,   Pres, Mrs Mary M Stucky Cor Sec, Mrs Emma •
  Shaw Rec Ser, Mrs May Rogers Treas Meets
gfé every Thursday evening 3 o’clocl; in Merrick
·   Lodge bldg Q C5
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voir,   Q" '
eyer, ,.,,   LABOR 0RGAN|zATmNs, E 3
and   Blue Crass Typographical Union No 1.89 J A Hall : E.
  pres, W W Hoagland Sec - =
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r;   IIII 8 Ia UI IIIIIB II. Satisfaction
885•   Cor, Broadway and Main Street. Phono 370 SLIBUSLA- §gf€é‘5AT