V *»i 1;?,{I;*#‘ 
s ml. ! 1
1 ·  .   J' 
   H  Men’s and Boys’  
Z .·  it . · APPARELL  ,+1*
. V    Tut ,
{ LEXINGTON crry nmncrony. 333 i  
2  *Hutchels Speed, rms 258 (10e) W Vine  
  Hutchings Albert B, horse trainer, bds (30) S Broad- b   ‘
 { way Park   1,
{  HUTCHINSON EDWARD L (Jessie L), Attorney-at-Law,    gf;
 , 9-10 Sou Mut Invt Bldg, Home Tel 232, h 631 (431) 1*11, "
  E Main, Home Tel 1228 G  *5*) .
  Hutchinson YVillard B, clk, bds 324 (22) YV High , 5 * ”
ri  *HlltCl1lHSOH Edith (wid Daniel), h 605 (115) W >   ·
  YVater ,1 ,*,},  
_   Hutchinson Henry J, sec and treas Lexington Gas m  
  Co, bds 631 (431) E Main    
(  gi Hutchinson Isaac (Maggie), bds 647 (449) E Main A ¢lj{Qi{;j-
'  1 Hutchison Anna E, bds 113 (5) Jefferson ,,1 *l°’j1‘
;  *Hutchison Edward (Lizzie), lab, h (74) Thompson m (   gf, 
,  Hutchison John (John J Hutchison, N Chapman    
  Terrell) grocers 301 (1) w Mem x ,31;
1  Hutchison John J (John Hutchison), h 431 (159) S Y'   A; ,
·   Broadway   `
  Hutchison Mary, bds 431 (159) S Broadway Q,} ,1; ;
i  Hutchison Mary M (wid John), rms 431 (159) S Broad- m   i ’
T  Way 4   Nj,
Q  Hutchison Mattie, bds 431 (159) S Broadway I Qi') K,,"
  Hutchison Baz (Lucy), lab, h 153 ((8) Greene   1 
J  *Hutchison Ross (Lina), janitor, h 514 (264) Jefferson Q will ’
, *Hutchison Thomas (Nettie), lab, h 112 (2Ge) YV     1
(  winsiow n1 ;j;|;|(§(,
{ *Hutsel John, clk, bds (242) Georgetown »;t`]{t_Q‘
l ti  Hutton Herschell P, student, bds 362 (196) Jeffer» (ik,
T  son O 2]*1,, lu
_ L  Huttsell Helen (wid Marcus), h 339 (183) YY’alnut  
’ *  Huttsell Helen R, clk, bds 339 (183) YValnut Q ‘ _ Wil — li
i  y Huttsell John E (Jennie), h 343 (173) N Limestone   ji
__  Huttsell Low E, clk, bds 339 (183) YValnut Q Tyyjfi
‘  `,- Hyatt Helen Mrs, rms 148 (48) Barr (  
2  Hyman Frank (Addie), clothing 108 (8) S Upper 93 Qj  
1   = ° i£t·,l;`°
3   I ¤. P    
  *Ing1es Caroline (wid Joshua), h 523 (87) W Maxwell § 2 FQ!} (ij, 
 ,7, tlngles Carrie, laundress, bds 206 (96) Race ,-· Q_   j]’1‘)=i
 _f *lngles Cora, smstrs, bds 523 (87) YV Maxwell : 5      
" I    ?l‘ .  
_ · son.: AGENTS FOR *3   ju
r  ~       I Perfection Flour   »,_;_§
, _ Ann Evsavrumc :,1: mg, 
L   cor. Broadway and Main street. Phone 370. uu SEASON. 1)  
r  · 7.  +1
i`- i t ii  
. .;. tl;