/ ` I  
10 State College of Ifentucky.  
Military Drill,  
In addition to the agricultural subjects named above, all young men  
. entering as students are required to engage in military drill five hours  
per week when the weather will permit.  
Requirements for Admission.   °i
No examinations are required for admission to this course, the only  
eonditions being that the applicant must be of good moral character, i_ 
_ must have had a good common school education, and be at least sixteen  
years of age.  
It is hoped that somewhat mature young men will avail themselves of  
this opportunity. Men from eighteen to thirty years of age can usually if
profit more fully by such a course than those who are younger. Still  
older ¤nen—practical farmers,—will be welcomed at any time, if only to i·  
·—- attend one or two lectures or demonstrations upon some subject in which i  
e they may have a special interest. ·   ‘
'I`o residents of Kentucky all the instruction in this course will be free,   ·
the only expense being the cost of a very few books and other necessary 2-
incidentals, together with board and other personal expenses of the stu- I
dent. A very comfortable room, with good board, can be obtained in
Lexington for $3.00 per week, so that the total expenses of a student
during his entire ten weeks’ stay need not exceed $40.00 to $50.00.
In addition to the foregoing Winter Course, the State College offers a
Four Years' Course in Agriculture. r
This full course is parallel with other courses in the College, and for .
V the first two years is almost identical with the Scientific Courses. I _
Its aim is to give a good general education, supplemented, during the A
‘ last two years of the course, hy special studies bearing a more direct re-
lation to agricultural science and practice. These special studies include Z ·
the subjects enumerated in connection with the Short Course in Agricul— ;·.
ture, but these. of course, are more extensively treated both in their scien- ii
tific and practical aspects. *
Other Courses of Study.
Besides the Agricultural Courses of the State College, there are nine
other courses which are very fully equipped for giving a thorough train- ·
ing in their several departments of advanced education. as follows: ,
The Scientific Courses. , `
Permitting either Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Zoology or Botany, »
' to be selected as major studies.
The Classical Course. _
The Normal Course. *
The Course in Civil Engineering.
The Course in Mechanical Engineering. .