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gd in   CoLL1cG1c BTIIIAIJINGS Firm; rrmc \VlCS'l‘.  
  The studies whicn are comprised in these courses are distributed into   -
ers a   fifteen departments, each in charge of a responsible head, the heads  
  constituting the Faculty. There are ten additional instructors in these   .
* [ various departments, making a total of twenty-five in the entire corps of 5; ¤ H
d for ]_{ teachers. Q.  
  Each county in the State is, by law, entitled to have four repre-   ,
g the cj sentatives constantly in the College, free of tuition, one student being ? l
G'6 1`€· Q.;} appointed each year by the County Superintendent on competitive ex- 2
Chia   amination. ` ._
HCI] ‘ §"?·T - · . . . . -_ =
.   County appointees also YGCCIVS u on certain conditions, their travel-   ,
lC1€l'1· g :A _ _ _ _  
ifs IH expenses to and from the colle e, and some other privile es.  
U: _ g 3; -4.
V ·;_ Persons desiring catalogues or further information concerning the gen- . ?13_1  ·
  eral courses of the State College should address 1- Q 1,
nina 111* JAMES K. PAr·rsRsoN, President, j {
hmm- grgz Lexington, Ky. `Q I
:   Inquiries relating to either of the Agricultural Courses of the Colleges _ U  
muy   should be addressed to   l
’   PRo1¤. C. W. l\La·rr1Ews, Q; ? 
  Or PnEs1nEN1r Plvr*1‘E1cs0N,   ·_._. 1, S
  Lexington, Ky,   '`»A Q-_
Jgi 1 .
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