- ’§ }#"  
    208 T1-Ik: STATE UN1\’nRs1’1‘1'. —
  AAIIY young me11 who are pursuing courses of Arts, Letters and  Q
`     Science in schools throughout tl1e South will be enabled to 0100%}.111.8.  A
  certain proficiency 111 certain technical branches that are not given 111  .
  f' the courses 111 which they are matriculated.  A
 »   Students in Medicine and Law would undoubtedly obtain at great  
    A deal of benefit from courses such as are coiitemplated i11 shop-work _g
  ,4 . and drawing.  Q.
fi},,;A·;{§·   Students pursuing the general or scientific courses will be able to   A
  Q obtain a certain trai11ing of the hand that is entirely o11t of the ques- T  L
"   i—_4» A tion in connection with an acadeniic university course. By employ- .;
U`.}; » ing the Slll11I11€l'S during the academic course, a training can be ob- L
ii .y·;_. l `. tained in certain technical subjects—1ndispe11sable to every 111an. g`
  § Teachers who would like to take up manual training work, Illily, { 
  1 during tl1e Sl.lll]1l]Bl` session, become proficient i11 shop—work and ll1E· f 
  ` · ehanical drawing. i
  ; ` Special courses i11 Mechanical Drawing are provided. During the A 
  · A- eight weeks’ period of this SllI11]l1(·)1' School a stude11t111ay acquire .-
  ·` sufilcient skill i11 theAuse of drawing l]1Si31`\ll110DrtS to take up the si1n· A
A Q .1 * i pler work 111 an 2l1'Cl11il€Ct7S ofiice o1· 111 tl1e d1'D.fb1I1g`l'0Ol11 ol’ a lIlEl(‘ll1l1€·  
C building €SiJ2ll)llt·\l)ll1€l1i].  V
i A 121cc1'1‘AT1oN nouns.  
  · ' The hours of recitation, shop—work, (l1‘it\Vll1g*1'OOl1l and l21lJ<)l'ill}()l'y .
  `f exercises will extend froin 8:1. 111. to 1 p. 111., and fl'Ol11 2 p. 111. to 5 ’
'1 l p. n1., and o11 Saturdays from 8 a. ll'1. to 12 111., and every Stll(lU11i} is A
` h expected to devote 1“orty-tl11·ee hours each week to his work. ~
. " E runs. 3
. A uniforni fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars will be charged every  1
  1 student ill the Sl1ll1l]l(¥]' School either for day o1· night \\`0l'k. This  .` V
_ ‘ fee of $25.00 includes every expense connected with tuition. No i11- ·
i » cidental fees are charged for use of laboratories, drawing 1'()0l11S or  
_ shops. i
V \1Vithi11 the capacities of tl1e (lOl'l1lli}()l'lUS of the State [i]ll\'Ul'SllZ)'
H students will be given quarters in the doruiitoiies tree of (5ilil1',L{'(‘.
1 Satisfactory board in the iieighborhood of tl1e State University can be ·_
secured from $2.00 to $2.50 per week. } 
' :