` mzemsn. 21
Requirement  for Admission to the Freshman Class.
1. Fifteen units, each requiring the pursuit of a subject for five
hours a week for one school year of not less than thirty-four weeks,
are required for admission to the Freshman Class in any College of
, the University.
2. Ten of these units must be as follows: `
'gf English ................. . ......,................ - ................. 3
One Ancient or Modern Language ......... .. ................... --2 l
Algebra ........_......,................................---.-. ----1Z
by- A Plane Geometry _..... .. ............................-- .. ........-..- 1
Solid Geometry ....... .. ................._.....-....-..---..-.. --- Z
General or English History ...............s.......--.... - .---..-. 1
Ou Physics .... ,. .._......._,... .. ..._.....................-...-... ----1
3. The remaining five units must be selected from the following:
is — Ancient or modern Languages _.....................--...-.--.-.- 3
by Chemistry ..._._._..__,___..__....,.___._....,.................... 1
Oy . American History ......._...._i........s .. .... . ................--- Z
M; Astronomy ..._.._,_.__._...._.l..._.. .. .... .. ...................... Z
,-C- Botany .._.l._____...____,__.,_._.___,,_...,,_................... Z
in- Geology ------- .. .--.----.---...--.--.-------.-------------------- %
Zoology ________________________________ __ _________________________ Z
Physiology ______________________,________________________________ Z
Plane Trigonometry ...._._._._._................................ Z
by Physical Geography ...:. . ........_.. . ....r...................... Z
ia! _ Civics .._.._...______,________________,_,____,._._.___._..__...... Z
Ch Manual Training .__..___.,___..,____..__..._._........... . ....... Z
ml Drawing __________________.,______,___,_________................. Z
HG Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts must present 1'ive
{C, credits in Foreign Language, three of which must be in Latin.
n_ _ 4. No subject offered as an entrance requirement can be counted
  again in the total credits required for the completion of a college
course. ,
Definition oi Units in the Several Subjects.
he English.
·e- The three units that must be oifered in English are these:
ar :1. Adzrmzccd Grr¢n1mm·. First Year. One unit.
its b. Rlzctoric and Composrition. Sccoml Year. One unit.
c. 1?cad·ing (md I’ractiicc. Third 1'car. One-half unit. In 1908
and 1909 the books prescribed are these: Sl1Ill{GS[')C{LI`(37S The Mer- A
·p, chant of Venice and Macbeth; Addison’s Sir Roger de Coverlcy .
1.;, papers; lrving’s Life of Goldsmith; Coleri