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Botany. A
  1. Spring Term. Freshman. Lectures and Laboratory practice.
'- M. W. F. 1:30. Three credits.
This course is the equivalent of the usual high-school botany and
U is required of all students of the Scientific and Agricultural courses ; 3
who have not completed a corresponding course in some preparatory ’ ‘ 4
school. lt consists of a study of the elements of structural botany
_ and plant physiology, with determination of a number of species of
'S the ilowering plants. lf satisfactory evidence is presented, by ex- ` ·
1 amination or otherwise, that such a course has been completed before '
entering the College, the stude11t will be admitted directly to the
` general botany of the Sophomore Class.
During the course participation in one or more trips to neighbor-
" ing points of botanical interest will be required. Expense 75c. to
$1.00 each.
'll0X’L—l>0Ol(S; BCIEGH Elllil D1LVlS’ Principle: of Botany 3.1)(l Laboratory Manual. ROfC*1'·
1 ence books: (%rny’s Alamml of Bmany and Bailey’s Lamm wah Plarm.
· 2. Fall Term. Sophomore. Lectures T. 11:30. Laboratory
' M. T. Th. or by appointment, 1:30. Four credits.
- Winter Term. Lectures T. Th. 11:30. Lab. by app. Five credits.
The work of the course comprises a general survey of the 1'H01`· _ L ‘
phology and physiology of plants, and is designed to give the student ,· —
_ who goes no further with the subject a comprehensive view of the ` ' V
entire vegetable kingdom, while for the student who will continue
his botanical study it is intended to afford a substantial basis for -
more exhaustive special studies. While it is accompanied with lec-
tures and recitations, the laboratory 111ethod is the form of instruc- _
tion principally used, and from the very beginning of l1is work the ,
pupil is directed to the study of plants themselves, using the text-
book as an aid to correct his mistakes a11d to enlarge his field of view. I
Tuxt-l`»0Ol(SZ B(31`,*ZCI`l 2\I1ll D1l\'lS’ Principle-: of Botany 21l1(l Laboratory Manual.
Reference Works: Canipbell’s Euolmmn of Plmzu. C2Ull])l)GlllS Tcxhbaok of Bumny.
S’L1‘:1Sl>UI`H(‘l’lS Trxhboolz of Yfomny.
3. Spring Term. Sophomore. Lectures T. Th. 11:30. Laborer- · A
tory M. W. 10:30 to 12:30. Four credits. _ _