it science, contemplated in the act as indispensable, an Experiment
3G_ Station has been added by·the·Un1ted States, while liberal provision
ity has been made 101‘·11`l'Sl71'l1C‘lilOI1 in all branches ot science and 111 tl1e
jy classics,. so that this institution IS far more than a11 agricultural and
mi mechanical college, embracring, as 1t does, 11ot merely the three
nty original departments, but eighteen others.
OH Dcpartxnent 0f Education.
OD ln 1893 the college authorities, in response to a (161112.11d for ad-
_y_— ·vanced instruction for teachers, organized a full collegiate course
M_ leading to tl1e degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy. In 1906 two full
Of collegiate courses, each with Education as a major, were substituted
,,1, for the course established in 1893. One leads to the degree of Bach-
SG elor of Arts in Education and the other to Bachelor of Science in
ky Education. Students are admitted to tl1e Freshman Class of eitherof
he these courses upon tl1e co1npletio11 of the course in Arts and Scie11ce
,,,1 in tl1e Academy, or 2].11 equivalent course i11 an Accredited School.
by The Kentucky Experhucnt Station.
H_ The Agricultural Experiment Station of the State University was
he established by the Executive Committee of tl1e Board of Trustees in
d, September 1885, when tl1e Departnient was organized a11d a Director _
a_ appointed. In 1886 the Station was recognized and named by the
in General Assembly of Kentucky. In 1887 it became tl1e bcnelieiary
ds of the lirst annual 2l])])l'O])1`liltlOll of $15,000, under the Hatch Act
,G_ providing for tl1e establishment of Agricultural Experiment Stations
X_ tor tl1e States a11d Territories. 1111900 "for the lI101'€ complete e11—
in dowment" of Agricultural Experiment Stations, a11 act of Congress,
,O_ known as the Adams Act, appropriated to each State tllld T€l'l`ll3()1'y
,S_ $5,000 for the year ending June 30, 1906, Etlld tl1e same sum with till
he increase of $2.000 per an11u1n for tive yca1·s, after which the maxi-
_€_ n111m of $15,000 shall continue without change.
M The work of tl1e Station is directed to two objects: 1. To acou-
stant succession of experiments made by specialists, inordcr to learn
what applications of science will insure the best returns from tl1e
U- farm, the garden, tl1e orchard, tl1e vineyard, the stockyard illld the
at dairy. 2. To tl1e publication of bulletins announcing such results
ld of the experiments as are found to be valuable to the people of Ken-
h_ tucky who seek proiit from any one of those prime sources of wealth
SS, —tl1c soil, the llock, and the herd.
,S_ Results of experiments have been published i11 eighteen annual
he reports Etllll one hundred and thirty-tl1ree bulletins, illlil general
ry appreciation of their utility is shown in tl1e fact that, while no bulle-