- 25 -
American Legion, Barren County Post #28, C-l; American Rod Crcss,·
Borron County Chapter, C-2; Darren County 4-H Club, C—2; Bsrrcn
County Homomokcrs Association, C-5; Daughters of American Rcvolut— _
ion, Edmond Rogers Chapter, C—i; 4-C Utopia Club, Ceo; Glasgow E
Junior Womon's Club, C-8; Glasgow Parent-Teacher Asssciotirn, C»C; .
Glasgow Utopia Club, C—9; Kentucky Active Militia, Company G. First _
Regiment, B-lO; Order of Eastern Stor, Glasgow Chapter Q257, C—lE;
White Shrine of Jerusalem, Glasgow Shrine fs, lé; Uomcn's Missio-
nary Society, Glasgow Baptist Church, C-15; Tbmon's Society Jf
Christian Service, Methodist Church, C-l5.
American Legion, Barron County P;st #28, C—l; Barron County Home-
makcrs Association, C-5; Frco and Accepted kosons, Allen Lodge -
-·vi %2&, C-5; Glosgrw Bor Association, C—5; Glosgxv Chamber of Cermeroc,
C-G;'Closgox Junior Ckonbor of Commerce, C-7; Glasgow Junior Yomon's
Club, C-8; Glasgow Rotary Club, n59 Lions Club of‘Glosgow, C—ll;
Sins ~f.@norioan Revolution, Thomas Uhite_Choptor, C—lZ. I `
.mwcricon_Lcgion, Barron County RJst·#28, C~l;_Doughtors‘sf American
Ruvolution, Edmond Rogers Chapter, C—4; 4-C Utopia Club, C-4; Glos-
gov Utopia Club, C—9. " -’ L
Clnsgow‘Chombar of Cownoree,‘C—G; Glas; w Junior Chonbcr cf Commerce,
C~7; ladies Rotineo Nusicolc, C—ll; Travelers Tr lrso toctivo Asscciution,
Post T}., C—l—€;.
American Legion, Barren County Post¤Q2C, c~i; Americen Legion, Third
District, Department of .entuoLy, 3-1; BCTFGH County Uistoricol Soc~
iety, C-2; Barren County Homenukers Association, C-5; Boy Scouts,
Msnmoth Cave Division, C¤3; Duuphters of American Revolution, Edmond
Rogers Chapter, C~4; 4-C Utopia Club, C—4; Free and Accepted losers,
Allen Lodpe #24, C»5; Glosgou‘Chenber of Commerce, C-C; Gl sgow Girl ‘
Scouts, Troop gl, C-7; Glasgow Junior Nomsn's Club, C—C; Glasgow
Porent—Teecher Association, C~8; Glasgow Utopia Club, C»9; Glosgow
W©pgm*S Club, G-Q; Knights of Pythies, C~lC; Ladies lutinee Musicele, i
A—ll; Lions Club of Glasgow, C-ll; Order of Eastern Stor, Glasgow :»
Chapter ?257, @»]g; saint §elcn*s Alter Society, C~l2; Samson Conm- {
unity Hospital ledicel Auxiliary, C—l3; Sons of American Revolution, y
Themes White Chapter, A-15; White Shrine of Jerusalem, Glasgow Shrine 1
#4, C—lé; Womun’s Kissionury Society, First Christian Church, C·l4; Q
Women's Nissionory Society, Glesponesoptist Church, C-15; Womonls Soc-
iety of Christian Service, Yethodist Church, C-lb; Ymodmen of the
Ybrld, Glasgow Comp {@58, C—lC. K