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Q Burron County Historical Society (Continucd)
_; Eyrposcz To crcatc intcrost and to colloct snd_prcscrvc historicnl dutn
$ ° conccrning Barron County. `
Q Iormul Civic Activitics: Homo. ~. C
 { "-—`·__-°`~"_--`°`*"—_`°`—_"—°`°`_—' ’ , .
» Q Dofcnsc Lctivitios; Intorcstod in Rod Cross Aséistrncc, Child Caro,
 { · """""`"""'°·"""' ""`T"*—"°" 1 q""T"‘T"`T“""’ """‘ · ‘ . . .
§ Collcction of Scrap nctuls and Othor hctols, Collccting Cooks, Touch-
§, ing Litcrucy Clossos for Llions und`Cthcrs. ·· sm ..
 Q ‘ A
_g Locol Publications: Nonc. . _ ' ` V r
{ BARHEI COUNTY HCKENCIERS nSSCCl.TlCI .’.. (Extcnsion Scrvicc, University of
y wontuckv), c/o Hrs. Bortbo BQ Ninick, Eomc Domonstrotion Lgcnt, Cl ss~
lg gow; Foundod l955. Prosidcnt, Mrs. Bcrthc E. Ninick. Tclcphonc l83.
lg Tcrm.cxpircs l9é3.
gf M Hcmbcrship: 2éE. Opcn to rural ncrsons intcrostcd in improving cducst-
Q ionil and homc`conditions. 1, r
* Ccmmittccs:'All committccs of orgcuizztion work on vcriousphcscs—Food,
A ‘ Citizonship, Icighborhood Lcudcrs, Sponkcrs Buroau gurtioulnrlv.
Purgosozlmprotcnogt of rural homo lifc. `
Qi Iornul Civic Activitics: Cooperation with ull othcr civic orgirizxt-
r V, ions (Rod Cross, T. B. Association, Uplfarc work in Community, ctc.).
§ · Dcfonso Lctivitics: lntorcstcd in Eospitrl ind Clinical nssistonco,
Y Sewing and Proporction of Surgical Drossin;s,Ecd Cross ucsistuncc,
§_ First nid, Prcpurotiom and Swrving of Food, Cporntion o? Coniccns,
{* Cbild‘Ccro, Collection of Scrup Metals ono Othor Wctuls, Collecting
SW Boots, Discussion Lcsdcrs, Public Ufcoking, Touching Literacy Cluss—
g os for nlicns and Othors, Rsscwrch Qssistvncc, Conrumcr Yrotcction
·¥ nctivitios, Assisting in dcvclooiig Ibighborhood Lcadcrskip Syctom
ii` for giving out Dqfcnso Progrcm lnfornution.
§_t Lczcl Publications: Homo.
Q . * " `
?{ FCY scoUro, lLJE£OHZ C-VH DIVILICF (F `‘`. tional Council, Sov €couts'oS
C_ nmcrics), c/o Lcroy Ncumcistor, Clasgow. Foundco l9B5. Chsirmon, Leroy
C-. to Noumoistor. Tclcphonc lC5. form cxpir s February, l945. li ld Hxocrtivc,
ii Burns Dcwcll, Bowling Crctn. Ecrm cxpircs Docux&mr,_l942.
C _ Vtmbtrshio; SO. Opcn to boys 12 to 13 yczrs of ago cblc to pcs: scout
,,` tcst and rcquir.mcits. = . _
Cl   ¤. 1.,...1. jd 1 1 O rw-.» V}: . ,—JC »¢—.{,~ T ,, [lj}, lr v»...
,Ommj, COS; F; Ur Q; , Y, Q, g ;4~.t.t, EA cnsL,n, C. H. Ti` r.; ndzw;
ccnc;t, iitcholl Ellis; Ccmoing ani -etivitics, F. Evcrstt VT?l; Evan r—
  (   Ship T1`*j~Hi¤5» Elbert J, j;1_;y,yS'_ flu Cf. H__AQ:i: _4_¤ »