_ ‘ Vol. 3 ljeeemher, 1947 No. 5
°°m‘ W. D. Armstrong, Horticulturist, Editor
nded ·
Sztnd w[];\'[‘ \’A|{l|·j'[‘Y \V||J|, Y()[j ne:n=zero temperatures resulted in
llm- l»LANrl~·» much <·rown and root injury to
now, . v_ _ ' _ non-mulehed strawberries over the
peru lhe llortletlltural Department el pmt,-C State
the l~Z<·ntu<·l.1nr1t<»n and lrlneeton. whmt M, c]_(_,lt it is Suggested that
Tell; with apples. peaches. :;tran·l>erri··s. mL_"i_ji];d _'t'1YU{`, bé Mken 10 the
YU] wu ·; ; ; ·<· ·‘ · " M4 ' E
ming ?i"p*é *‘wl_‘_ hi ‘_})lijT.l_;>`_i'H“{l‘l ll"   pateh in October or early November
l)mll‘·l)"‘1"`1"‘!’ HH? " ( "‘,° ` and the vsnes clipped so that the
rrlrrns. The results oi these trials _l__,l_,_ will mak up me mu mmq
·,rt~ for the llllllllllitllllll of Ken-     . ,    
‘ . _   _ . . ._ and eernnnate an; giam before
·—“`l*‘·'."* ··"" ·."" ‘“ “*“‘l ."’ llT‘* spl-t-urine, This en-;;n·.· is then ready
&¤0me ;:r;;ter;a1 and vslll be gladly furnish- in <_N_L_,1(i M hw November O1. Carb.
lt the ttl on reqtlest. lf the results of these D__L_i{m}3(_l_ 'whcla `it poems that thb
CI‘0p trials are txsetl ··r Ci.1llSllllL‘(l hy those u_Im)LQ]_,xm__O wm gf; dmvn to 15_
gp;-ay plannins; tn set l`!‘l1ll_l1`¢J¢‘fi- \`lll¤`$- (W tutor; Thpgg dates, varv and may
' thi? l;t~rr¥‘ plantsi rnneh tnne and money he ‘iM{;l_ in Somhcrn Kghmcky and
ISE U *4*** °“` $m"`(‘ t· rlitr in thc northern ‘ ` O
_ _ `   _   _ _     · portion. me
; and _ Klan; r.u._se.lt·s pix e smh gloxx- und OHV half WHS of Straw pm. acre
`°f°'€ “?¥.‘l°""I‘Y’““"?‘ ."f *’“*' "“‘l M ""’ sten; abottt right for the Purchase
‘]‘{“"‘_l""’. §“°"." "¥“"l"¥‘ “‘QE`_."f Art-a. ann about 2 tons around
MMC INI M`?) N >°ll`(t.lm‘ \‘m°` llenderson. Greenville. and Bowl-
tzes to plzznt. Alany varieties are not mu GI.,_(_,. ard {mm 2 {O 212 tons
your suxtahle for plantrng in lxentneky wry MTC mrmmd Louisvmc and Cm,
gpjn ann some are faxlnres. generally. m,tl_,t
many .·\lso. re1r.en;E»er that ¤·x·er-sizecl ` `   i______l_,.
H- the trees transplant with diffienlty and
ly re, t`e*.\‘ stxrvive. and that most eem- ()l{(,Il;\KD l\llCE PLENTIFUL
rnereial orehardists prefer young. _ ,   _ _· _
1nc~din1n~sixed trees. MVTI I`*Emud‘y Olchqudlsts me
___ __)_J __" r_ri i familiar \\`lll`l Orehzlrd HUGE and the
ast 30 , , ` _ damage they can cause to fruit
to 6, S'1R;\\\ BLRRY MULC ll plgqutiupg Those who are not fa- _
. i_ _ _   .·   _; . ddO
'E can Loeperatlve innlelnnex tests made ‘mll‘u “1U}vth”°C D?<_t` “Ou1.
more   . .   . . . .. . , , well to stuox the habits and customs
mth eornlnereral >llZl\\l)(‘ll} grow- { l.   ·i Q EYCU Gxwcrienced
ers and started in 1938 indicate U ]mg?l
.¤ltlt\ ~t.r.t. xxl pax a rancstnnt . _ _,
tthat . - . . . .- ‘ ~ . t> nrevent serious 1rl]ui\ to some
profit mel sprme ninlehing. For Pl ._ _, MMX l_\__ ‘q l was
Fqtprc the Sl-rear period. fall mulehint; has M mml FAU") L NCT `UCA . ,
lllZll’lg DI-Udua,Cd Hm .l,.t,l..l_ U Ut- 30 (j1__lu_< the experlellee of Llll CXQCUCITT g10}\·
b · . " ` ` " 4 ` ` ~~ —· ` Henderson during the win-
e") pei acre more than spring inuleh- *1 _“*{“mJ- LH, Am C__u_l;, Januar`,
lllg. The greatest inerease was tlll im U. ‘?D' )‘_f / `I _· - I  
···t~e »· -.   ’ U . · .· .. { examination rex ealed tnat 1ll1C€ in
wat. ptr ..t1t. lll tt spun, o __ _   _l_ m.ul_cd about
llllll. following; a pt·r—1t»qt rerwu rpm- rudlvd el >w¤<_1u> >_ _J' N ld A _
pt~r—;mu—CS wpm U, rrr and I2 r,(._ 100 apple trees ti to 0 _} ears 0 . _p-
1 . , .   . . wliewtiens of both zine phosphide
on Attn nnh no snmx on the l— ‘_ · ` . _ _ wd umu Gram A
;;r<>t1ml. As a resnlt of that Cold ‘_‘“__*‘l°l°l“ $1.19;* `;;l_h,p;t5ppCd°£m._
ll<`l`lilll>¤l“ll“* ld] qu .`· ` ,
  . ,- ‘ , , . . . . thrr inrurv but it did not. of course.
-·l`lC ltrlled or the eroxxn and roots _ -4 _ _ -} _— 1, lm dmw tO thc UCQQ
were so badly injured that very l*`l°·“‘ UL °‘lm`l*"_ _ _ `
lfl\\` l)l'fl(lLl(‘lltlll resulted, In Feb- A reeent OXZlllllIlLltlOll of H lH1gC-‘
l`ll%ll`)' and early Mareh of 1947 the apple orehartl near PllClllCZ`lll £