ill or within the drip area of each tree. alcohol-resin paint. Instructions on
nid if runways are scarce, one or two mixing and use will be forwarded
tc; baitplacmgs beneath each tree will upon request.
Licidé _ Suffice. Placing ltwo k_mds ol bait ——-----—~--—-—~-—·-
I ' V ` ¤
putt §°§dg§5(ii-iiiii>ic? ° °’°° ‘S “‘“" ‘*“ 1947 Fiwir sioamoirrs
  "No one can fortell with accuracy Peach thinning. The drouth in
,uSQ the infestation that may occur in western Kentucky in combination
from orchards this winter. Mice increase with a heavy peach crop caused
hard rapidly. lt is therefore advisable to many Smoihsizod pooonns and 3
f inQ roilko nlooso Control 8 Yogolor D1`¤€- number of broken limbs. This was
i]y_ MCG. baiting the vrchard lnofooghly a season that paid high dividends
1 and at the proper time e_ach fall. {oy good fruit thinning and prim-
° ;{°°` Tlns is the sure WHY to iwold monso ing. Where trees had been well-
fmd injury. thinned. most of the fruit sized
>o1nt- "The last week in October is the woli in gpiio of tho dyoiitn and
‘ and best time to bait the orchard but. heavy ]o;id_ The ];ii·gCi· gi·Ow€i—s in
fllfuic if work interferes, bait early in Kentucky again used, to good ad-
Edlti N0‘·'Cmb€1`." vantage. the hose or hose-and-pole
’” Ol Growers should rc-cheek their methods of thinning. With these
°· th? orchards from time to time during systems. the excess peaches are
}n°r° the winter and put out more poison, tapped or rubbed off by use of a
‘€ QO if conditions warrant the treatment. rubber hose twelve to fifteen inches
Ku $1 In order to reduce mouse 1n_]ury to long or by some other insulated de-
bs ‘* trees of all ages and especially to vice on the end of small poles,
l iml young trees. it is helpful to rake usually four to seven feet long. This
i   all mulch material back about two system is fully ten times faster than
tw feet from the trunk of each tree. the old hand thinning method and
_m°“ Also. grass and weeds growing up has been used successfully now for
E5 et close to the trunks should be re- three years in many Kentucky
_ HW moved, since these, as well as mulch orchards. The 1947 experiences
‘Han}_ material close to tree trunks. fur- again brought out the well-known
W13: nish ideal protection for mice to hide fact that it _is necessary to go over
lh" » under while injuring the trees: This the trees twice. about _2 weeks apart,
`waf practice pays whether poisoning is to get the peaches thin enough.
  mé done or not. It also enables growers Peach p,.,mmg_ It is “.€u_k,,O“.n
_d ict lo loonlo ¤nY 1nJLn`Y booiluso mo that pruning of mature peach trees
trupks can bs Soon- is an important means of thinning
kentucky SFOWBYS should €on· the crop. as well as keeping the
  tO MC} Yn‘¢1i` Yognlof dealer for I`odon· trees within bounds and promoting
WSL U€!do5·_ If he doo$ not stock Zinc vigorous growth. In many orchards
THQ ivmsphldc rcdcnticide, order direct wher-e priimnng had not shortened
_ }n§ from Mr. L. C. Whitehead, D1\'1- the limbs. much breakage resulted
‘O wl . Flon of P1`€d8to1` and Rodent Con· from the heavy fruit load being too
mogt trol. North Carolina State College, {oy Oni gn nin ]ii»nbS_
nnd· Raleigh. N. C. Strychnine-treated Peach insects The mm Cumuho
fOl`°’ oats bait may also be secured at this mqdc One Of it; hmvigst attacks On
it on address. A few rush orders can Kémuckv p,i.,ci§CS in the Ggrh, gprmg
COM usually bg {med by the College Of of 1947 `Imspite of this most Ken?
my Agriculture. Lexington, Kentucky. tuck}, 'g,.$“.},»St iliarlaged tot liave
, , very gooc con ro a iarves une.
  RABBIT INJURX after a heavy spray or dust schedule
dm; Let's not forget the goyioug above- or a combination of the two. In
wm], ground damage often caused to fruit most Kentucky peach orchards the
WZN · trees by rabbits. The common cus- fruit count at harvest time showed
in;} tom is to place a sleeve of hard- more 1ll_lUl`}' by the _01`10¤l§l flint °
(45 · ware cloth or small poultry wire moth than vby curculio. This indi-
from — about the trunk of each small tree. Cates that Kentucky peach growers ·
~s it< A wrapping of newspaper, brown will likely use more DDT for the
" wrapping paper, black construction control of oriental fruit moth than
heat paper (non creosote), or thin wood in 1947 and will, thereb>'» €1`€8_l€ 3
uSCd‘ Yeneer strips are often used. Also, red mite and red spider condition
Om; in recent years certain preparations that will have to be solved later,
7 _ have been developed that can be also. _ _
“?Gt’T home-made and painted on the Benzene hexaehloride looked fair-
Om B ' trunks. One such mixture is the ly promising in 1947 tests for eur-
` . . . r · _ , . _ _ · ·*