eulio control; however, heavy ap- feed in the leaves at the ends of n
plications repeated at short inter- twigs. Where this pest is_seriou.· l"
vals were needed and this makes aiscnate of lead should he included p
its use expensive. in the pre-pink and pink sprays i
Hexaethyl tetraphosphate gave before bloom a_nd in the early covey ii
gmyd ycsuits in Controlling I-Cd sprays. \Ve willdikely be hearin;= li
spiders and red mites on apples and mufll 1****** et lllld l’t`*l· *¤
should do the same on peaches, if Apple picking. ()ne of the ne—.·.·_ ’
needed. This material was also used very light. magnesium metal appli
by some growers in several states picking ladder.; was recently tricti l
in their attempt to stop the severe hy the editor with complete satis- {
curculio attack. At one-halt` pint per faction. The eighteen foot ladder is }
100 gallons, curculio control was not so light there is scarcely any "cliort~" l
good. At three-fourths to one pint attached to carrying it and its I
per 100 gallons, control was good strength and ease of handling are l
but serious leaf injury also occur- outstanding. The first cost is con- I
red and some injury was also caus- sidered somewhat high but it i- l
cd to the cylinders of spray ma- rust-proof and should last for years ‘
chines. This showed that the ma- Any grower with inature trees l
terial was not out of the experi- :hould l:e sold on this light liitldei l
mental stage and not by any means after a few hours til, use. ‘
1`€‘?idY f¤1` §€¤€1`¤l USC f0i` PC€l(`llC$· '1`he dormant spray. Since the gen- I
Peach tree borer. This is one of eral use of DDT by western lien- 1
our worst peach tree pests. Peach lucky apple growers has iiicreast-ii
growers who did not get to apply the trouble from Rosy Aphids and ·
PDB (paradichlorobenzene) to their brought on the red mite pi·.·l»lezr. 7
peach trees in September or Octo- the dormant spray is more impor- Q
ber can still treat them later this fall tant than ever. 'l`lie regular 37 L
or early winter by use of ethylene dormant oil emulsion spray will kill
dichloride emulsion. This liquid ma- all of the red mite eggs that arr
terial is effective at lower tempera- hit. as well as control the San Jose
tures than is PDB. is effective in scale. '\1.'hen a small amount ei
late fall and early spring and should dinitro material is added to this reg-
be applied strictly according to di- ular oil emulsion or an oil is used
rections. Propylene dichloride is a that contains dinitro. the eggs of th;
newer liquid material for borer con- rosy aphis and other aphis eggs are
trol and is used at dosages half as also killed. A combined dormant
strong as ethylene dichloride and spray against the several pests
is also effective both in late fall and should be a must on every apple
€€11`ly spring. growers spray program.
Codling moth injury to apples was _______ _
generally more severe this year than
in 1946 because of the hot summer. 19-17 STRAVVBERRY VARIICTY
Many western Kentucky apple men » p , y
used a DDT spray schedule in 19-LT bLH‘\\ IOR
with fairly good results. However, The cool. moist weather that pre-
many of them waited too long be- vailed during most of the straw-
tween sprays, especially in late berry harvest encouraged heavy
summer and many worms entered production and. as a result. many
the fruit. This condition gave fur- fields over Kentucky and some ex-
ther evidence to the fact that, with perimcntal plots made yields much
fall and winter varieties on a "worm heavier than ordinary. Also, in many
year," western Kentucky growers eases, second and third year patchc:<
need to keep up spray protection produced more fruit than first ycar
virtually to harvest, regardless of fields near by; however this was not
the spray program used. _ the case in the Experiment Station ·
Red banded leaf roller injury was plots.
rather severe in several apple or- ln western Kentucky, Blakemore
ehards at Paducah in 1947. This   by far, the most important varic-
pest is another one that is en- ty. There are still some Aromas ,
couraged by the use of DDT and grown there, but this variety has
injures the fruit by making surface been losing favor rapidly in recent
feeding grooves and trails just years, as a result of poor yields and
through the skin of the apples, thus poor carrying quality. Tennessee
making a cull and inviting rot. In Beauty is rapidly taking the place
the early season the young worms of Aroma as a late berry and this