The fruit exhibit this year was ing out the new terraces in Hender- als!
featured by fruit of very high quali- son and McCracken counties, the  
ty in all divisions and was fully engineers took these earlier experi- il
up to standard in the apple, peach. ences into consideration and sup-
and grape sections but entries of plied a greater fall to the terraces
plums, P€8l`S, DHWPHWS, hiCk01`y as well as more frequent outlets to
nuts, walnuts, and pecans were speed up water run-off.
somewhat light. A' feature of the These interested in ieliuelng el._ SC
1947 exhibit was a display of com- el.l,u.d`slies uml Seiiln, iermeed O, ill
mon fruit insect and disease in- i°_ _d end qi? . .t d .l` iii
juries which enabled the general Cljll Simlijl OWL _ Oivlsl. all l"` hi
public to identify tllle types of fruit Si°L°l L LSL lim ll°“ il allLlllgS·  
T injury OCC\.ll'1`iIlg at Omé. TLIE    
As conditions return more nearly . CONCR , , UIT  
· to normal, followirilg the war, it is " ksh  
antici ated that tie fruit exhibit · ·. . _ i
will egpand materially in all classes. The Amcrlcml l’°‘“°l°g'°·‘l S°°l°l) F"
The Fair Beard is edex>ei·etih2 with The American Prrmrrirrgaeai serie li
all departments in order to itil- etv will celebrate the 100th anni- cl
Dl`0V0 exhibiting €0llditi0h$ ahd versarv of its organization with the ih
fruit growers in all sections of the Cculcuuiul Fyuil Cuugl-CSS ul Sl rz
state al`€ l1l`g€d te tilkt? 3€iV€lhi€ig° Louis. Missouri on February 17 18i Fl
of the Opportunity te disrley their and ism. 1948 at the Jefferson alrter ti
fruits in cerhpetitieh with the ether The Amer—reh¤ ieemeiegierri seereu? p·
lflllt g1`0W€l`$· Much Call be i€ai`h€d is the oldest national agricultural C·
by the €0mPHl‘i$0ll ef flliii ii`0m Ohh organization in the United States li
5€€tl0ll with that ii`0m 0ih€‘i` $€C‘ and is devoted to the development l
tl0ll$ of th'? $t3t€· A Stiggtistihh ih of the national fruit industry. The I
those planning to exhibit fOl` tilt? State Horticultural Societiesiof Illi-
til`$t ti¤l€ is te €3i`€iiiiiY Pick their nois and Missouri will sponsor the h
lll0$t P€l`f€Ct fYtiii$ With ihé $i€ihS meeting with other affiliated state ll
and carefully peek fer trdhsperte- seereués reeper-rrtrng. The National st
iioh- Te make aiiihciivh exhibits- Apple Institute and National Peach ii
fruit should be free of blemishes, Council will likely meet in eeii_ li
of §lV€Y8g€ $129 mid €0iOi` iOi` _ih° nection with the centennial pro- S.
Y¤l`l?tY» ami es tihiihml es Phssihie gram, An outstanding program is J
lll 5129, Shapti ahd COiOi`· being planned that will be of na- O
_____;i_ tional interest and there will also
be a large group of commercial and .
NEW TERRIQCED PEACH edtgationalf exhiitbits. A large at- il
ORCHARDS r$$‘¤§l“°r:»u‘§r §t§t‘hO€£r?;;'*‘Fr~Oi§‘ Oli; L  
During the Summer and early fall the entire United States is antici- ti
of 1946, rolling orchard sites were pzlted l
terraced Orr the fruit farms or rr-arrk MPlieless¤i`E$t¤uley Jtlhhgtteriy ef the {
Street, Henderson, and Roy Hoe- iC.igllh xpwimch hiiih i‘
wischer, Paducah. The terrace lines il;l`_€Sl_‘il?“i ell we Ilgpst €illdEl'Y·   l
were surveyed ml staked Ott by m2'E£€s?§`r‘?OB rt`sicr‘é?$F°.¥r-CiEE$I»i—‘ l
elilgllleelis Wllll also helped Supch George(B. Leonard og, Louisville i
Vlse Collslliuciloll ef the i€i`i`hc€$- and Frank T. Street of Henderson {
Duiihg tht? €iii`iY $Pl`ih€ these tW0 are on the Executive Committee. ,
sites were planted with peach trees
located on top of the terraces. These QUARTERLY PUBLICATION l
trees have now made their first . _ _
season’s growth. The soil Conserva- i Tllli Aglelilcll? POm°lLlgl‘?al SOG? C  
tion Service and College of Agri- eziilggllvlndihg ..l§§u§u$;$i;%C§ll;)3ili ~
eilgguigcgitielitg lll d€t€ll'¤llllilg Pi0PCi iiogtieultural Digest" magazine. Up- i
·· o- ate variet information is fur-
Some earlier orchard terraeing in nished as wellyas many other items
Graves county had the terraces too of horticultural interest. This maga-
level, with_to0 few outlets. As a zine goes free to all American P0-
result, drainage was very slow, mological Society members and can
some soil water-logged and some be subscribed to by others. Corre-
V trees were injured thereby. In lay- spondenee regarding this magazine
. fi