try to ripen. These symptoms usual- the disease onto their farms by "'
ly occur first in the lower parts of digging plants from a ncighbor`s
fields, in little draws. dips or de- infected field. lt will take the co-
pressions. Most of the foliage operation of all growers in a section
scorches on seriously infected plants to keep this disease from seriously
and the berries do not mature or crippling the industry. This is es-
are seedy and of very low quality. pecially true in sections of west-
Most of the infected plants con- ern Kentucky and elsewhere where
tinue to lose vigor and die out. The much of the soil devoted to straw-
disease can be identified easiest by berry growing is rather tight and "
carefully digging suspected plants poorly drained.
and splitting the riots lengthwise. ·\
In diseased lants tie centra core _
(or stele) oflihe roots is a darlii red HINTS AND ()BSERVATIOl\S
or co er color. This corres on s to
the zijrijpearance of the legd in a BY W- W· MAGILL
pencil Fpht lcngthlusg _ _ lf you failed to control appl».~ gr
Comml mcasm-cs` At pmbgm thc scab on your fruit or foliage this fr
the best Comm] Swms to be le year don't be discouraged. ltemenir lll
Qvflid the dlS€?*$€· if POSSlb1€‘· This ber,`wc had almost perfect scah  
cfm bs dime- to G large Qxwnt b3' weather through late May and all iii
Smtlllg 0¤lY Clmll Pl2lllt5 that ll€lV€ of June. six weeks after the scati if
come from inspected fields. Use season of normal years. "
higher. well-drained soil as far as
possible. especially after the disease , v
has become established on the farm. PEACH BRO“N R01 t-;
Sctllng b€l`l`}` Pl?mt$ en Silllilll rldscs Attention -—Farm orchard ani r:
has weren helpful in l¤f¤¤t¤' Ellld lllSlll’ tfltiwllli  
at least five ys31.s_ since the disease with a very high humidity itliifitiglr ri
remains in the soil for an unknown late JulY._m°°l_Ail?ll*g· Smgie U _Oi‘_‘  
length of time. The use of resistant ¤¤mm¤¤e·*l gmlius Gum dt mm}; `_
i . . sarv to applv fiom -1 to 0 sulphu. g
"a"‘€“°S “’°“ld be an ldwl °°““`°l sprays or duists during the 20 ams .
measure; h.O“'€\’€l" to dfltet we krww iust ahead of harvest to save their .
of no satisfactory shipping berry sms {mm I-OL ,
that is resistant to the trouble. The ` ,
United States Department of Agri- { . Y Y I
culture and several state experi- SAFE' RATHER 'IHAN S0Rl{\ ;
ment stations are attempting to Buy your 14948 nitrogen fertiligrer i
breed new varieties that arc resist- now or the first date you can find ,
3nt_ The Temple variety Seems {aj}-- sonic available. From all reports it
]y resistant to I-sd stsis and is dO_ will be scarce and hard to get in
ing nicely in several infected areas 1948*
in other states but little is known,
to date, of its behavior in Ken- TROUBLE AGAIN
tueky. Where tried, Temple seems , _ I _ __ _
to be satisfactory for local markets if?) mimy  ‘;p?¥i_5l(){\}i
and processing but tw Sm lm 3 $i‘iiy“`iE§r€Li iii ttf? tp‘Faé§;1-.l"2?i»
¢l¤¤¢¤d¤l>l€ Shippmg Vamciy Much orchard mice last winter. A fall ap- _
testing Of mslstant Secdlmgs and plieation of poison is more profit-
new sorts is scheduled for Ken- ublcthammjmsd {mcs
tucky the coming season, as well as
possibly some breeding work.
The presence of this disease in a A BARGAIN
section (as it is known to be started Are you a regular subscriber to
around Paducah) makes it more any fruit journal'? If you got only
important than ever to use only in- one "idea" from it during the next
spectcd plants for setting. Several twelve months. you would certainly
growers are known to have brought be ahead.
. 8