AMENDED IN 1914, 1916

   "1. Nominations-How Made -Hereafter all candi-
dates for elective offices to be voted for at any general
election shall be nominated:
  " 1. By a primary election held in accordance witQ, the
provisions of this act or
  "2. By certificates of nomination signad ard filed
as herein provided. The provisionj of t1his Act snpll uat
apply to candidates for trustees of commor schools or
members of school boards nor to trustees in towns of the
fifth and sixth classes nor to candidates for presidential
electors, but such candidates for such offices shall be
nominated and have their nominations certified as- now,
or may be hereafter provided by law. This Act shall not
be construed to repeal or affect in any way-an Act en-
titled, 'An Act to amend an Act entitled,' 'An Act for
the government of cities of the second class in the Com-
monwealth of Kentucky,' approved March 21, 1910, Chap-
ter 50, Acts 1910.
  (Section 2 is repealed by Act of 1914.)
   "3. Time and Place of Holding-On the first Satur-
day in August of each year between the hours of 6 o 'clock
a. m., and 4 o 'clock p. m., there shall be held at the
regular polling places in each election precinct in this
State a primary election for the nomination of candidates
by political parties as hereinafter defined, to be voted for
at the next November election. The provisions of this
act shall not apply to vacancies in offices to be filled at
special elections held at times other than the regular No-