nominations have been so made the certificates of nomina-
tion shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the
governing authority of the party making same, and shall
be filed in the same manner as to certificates of nomina-
tion at a primary election.
    "6. Notification and Declaration-Affidavits, How
 Prepared and Filed-Any qualified elector who is a mem-
 ber of a party within the meaning of this Act, and who
 has affiliated with and supported the nominees of the
 party at whose hands he seeks the nomination, as defined,
 elsewhere in this Act, shall have his name printed on the
 official ballot of his party for any office to which he is
 eligible in any primary held under the provisions of this
 Act, upon filing with the proper officer at the proper
 time, a notification and declaration, which notification
 and declaration shall be in the following form, and shall
 be filled in as to all the requirements therein contained,
 and the declaration therein shall be subscribed and sworn
 to by the person making same, before any officer qualified
 to administer an oath.
 "Said notification and declaration shall be in the fol-
 lowing form:
            "Notification and Declaration."
  Of.                                  ...........................
             For Nomination to the Office
Of .
To         .           .(County
Court Clerk or Secretary of State, as the case may be.)
Commonwealth of Kentucky,
      .. County.
For the purpose of having my name placed on the official
primary election ballot as a candidate for nomination b)
the .(name of party)
party, I                      .... (name in full as desired
on the ballot) do solmenly swear (or affirm), that I reside
at No ...   , Street, in the City of ., County