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. ` - _   `   _ The Key-Thirteen dance was given at the Armory Friday evening, April I4, H12
` - ` , ; ·3  in honor of the new members of the two organizations who were pledged at that m
’ A fil. 4_.` ·   time. .
_   . ;l,-;_l     The Keys held their pledging service during the tenth dance, and announced W-
_ --’ y A g_e1%l;,.— ·  the following new members from the freshman class: Aaron Coates, Spencer- mo
-· y ;,Ai v,¤; t.,;}g.= Roark, ]ohn Howard, Layton '1`hompson_ Galen Poindexter, Rogers Moore, fm
I `J .   Frank Heick, Franklin Thompson, Hackney and Hayes.
,0 A ,    ,at={;,{, During the thirteenth dance the Thirteens pledged the following men from for
  V   the sophomore class: James Server, J. A. Brittain, Royce Iglehart, T_ T_ TY
  ~ .  -j_· Wifi; Richards, Harry Milward, ]ohn Campbell, ]. W. Welcli, Llo d Wheeler B, T_ PTC
{ . :1;   . . y ’
  ‘    ..iigs,¤ LaMaster, Tilford Wilson, Charles Haydon, Walter Dempsey and Robert AP
  4 ’    ; i·%?`l?E* -—·—·-"_"‘"“_"
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ss T .    *5. ARBOR AND TAP DAY
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i ,  ¤·p , gr,_y,i§:;f_,¥;l_ Arbor Day and Tap day exercises of the Lamp and Cross and the Staff and SO
"  A;‘g§q_ Crown, senior honorary_fratern1t1es, were held on the campus last Friday Ch
  . Rc A» -3.·.:.=__;~‘l. morning. An all-day holiday was given in honor of the occasion and practically C0]
Z; (  j ·’·~  i, tg the entire student body of the University was present. fhg
  shaii yl   lj O. M. Edwards, president of the senior class, officiated in the Arbor Day dm
L? to   igll exercises, Miss Rebecca Smith read the class prophecy and G. C. Wilson the
havg y y V —r· representing the sen1or_ class, delivered the sen1or_addres_s and presented the N
,1   -,<  {_ X; Arbor Day spade used in planting the tree to William Shinnick, who accepted '”
` , A *“_.` . it for the junior class with a short address. Hdf
`   [ "_ The battalion was out in full uniform and stood at parade rest during the UI
.g. =}i ` - pledging exercises. The University band furnished music durin the festivities. .
’_. j,` `» The pledging exercises of the Staff and Crown were held first and the al
gig *` following were chosen: Miss Helen Burkholder, Mary Hamilton, Linda Pur- th?
5,:,,%,**; A ,   nell, Frances Geisel, Rachael Bohrer, and ]ane Dickey. The society gave its bri
  ’ annual luncheon at the Phoenix Hotel Friday noon. Sh]
  ` William Shinnick, McClarty Harbison, Curtis Park, George Gumbert, Bart
  ,- Peak, George Hill, Than Rice, W. T. Radford, Oren LaMaster, and Ben
  . I Mahoney were tapped by the Lamp and Cross.
  . ~ ,   vc:
'   _` An enthusiastic audience greeted the Strollers’ production of "Father and
-y· »‘ the Boys" at the Lexington Qpera House Thursday night, April 13, and to the lg
,,g* brilliant presentations for which the Un vers1ty’s Dramatic Club has always been Ne
  r, - noted was added the most ably done amateur lay seen in Lexin ton for il do-
l{_ _ b f P E
ati; _ .. num er o years.
  A_ A; . Emery Frazier, by his finished playing_ has almost barred himself from Dre
  " ln; future college productions, as ordinary amateurs may object to being “5llO\\`ll
jifgjfli A- 1 up ay me? ofénrofessional ability. d { H
·   elf aver ey riggs, as the "spoiled arling society butterfly," grace u y
  A~‘  allowed himself to be “red_eemed" into a handsome semblance of a real_ man.
i§}§ _,;]t,‘ and Leonard Taylor’s pugihstic tendencies were adequately portrayed in the WI
i; tai'? ,A  g calming down process to a capable business man and model husband.  
·»;.v;-y~t Ae . §C.
Faye “j¢;¤‘_.t‘  ‘g Probably the part most foreign to the real character of the actress was tim? m,
    played by Rebecca Smith, who as the slightly hardened, breezy girl who came U,
  from the ";ump1ng-off place way out West," did decidedly the best work in l1€f pa
  brief but crowded career in amateur theatricals.
is-.i§f‘i:,%_; Mary Turner, Alice Gregory and Eliza Spurrier did their roles in such H,
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