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a manner as to._more than adequately uphold the haughty Louisville tradition j    , `
that from that city come the best, while Virginia Stout put Owensboro on the T,   . Ei?. 
"map" by her clever handling of a delightfully supercilious matron.   `   _
Ector Lawson, Johnnie Cramer, Tate Bird, J. N. Farmer, Herbert Graham,   .; Hifi    i
V W. L. Smith, J. F. Corn and Preston Cherry, by their superior acting, deserve     ‘ l
more than mere mention, but those who saw "Father and the Boys" will not   , ;yQl`; y  
forget their work. F {    
Special mention should be made of Eugene Gribbins’ work as scenic artist gw jfE ;-,, ~ E
for the production. Mr. Gribbin’s talents are such that the Strollers’ rival the   i`,     E
· Transylvania Dramatic Club_ has asked his aid in staging their forthcoming I1'; _·  @1** , in l
production, “The Fortune Hunter," which will appear at the Opera House     ¥
j April 25. [ {  li } i ,
t 5 JY · <.`i **  T
J. J. McBrayer, a sophomore in the College of Law, was the winner of the ji · ;   {
1 Southern and Southeastern Peace Oratorical Contest which was held May 5 at   ,,l..`. » _]{§i{    ;
Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Representatives from fifteen of the largest *;_ .p. g'*g}.._T 2
C colleges and universities of the country competed in the contest and the fact lg, xi`; ” '}  · V
l that Mr. McBrayer succeeded in winning reflects considerable credit on him , Q   ~
and on the University. , '  i,;.‘.,,. 
Y Five of these contests were held in various parts of the United States and j-     ‘iy `iF$‘{*Ffe _
l· the winners of each will meet in New York on May 20 to compete in the ;_  _Qf;_Q_ ,·
S National Peace Contest. The winner in this will receive a cash prize of $600 in         i
addition to the oratorical championship of the universities and colleges of the   _gg,;ij$l   
United States. it lfgt fg il l I
Q Mr. McBrayer, who is only IQ years of age, is an orator of considerable -.if·,‘ ;,“ »gi i
S` ability and his many friends in the University are confident that he will win j'>~ ;_, ,_ ‘  if
E the National Contest. The University is to be congratulated on having such a  viii ] ;  J
,S brilliant speaker in whom to place its hopes of winning the oratorical champion- »  lg.  yi  
L ship of America.  
ri ""‘;T    *1%    1
gn PROF. JONES, ’02, EDITOR OF LATIN TEXT BOOK ;+iLl“_» {i> ;§  
lh  i?   i
A publication of Lyons and Carnahan which will be of interest to Uni- ]_Q,_l·2g i§»   `
versity students, is "The Story of the Gallic War,” edited by J. Remsen Bishop, ;LE1_lf· '1  
principal of the Eastern High School, Detroit, Michigan, and T. T. Jones, head @r.· ,.¥, . :\‘t§ 
of the Department of Latin, University of Kentucky. _   V  pig 
ld In addition to the usual four books of Caesar there are selections relating N  gl  digg,  
he to the customs of the Gauls and _Germans, also extracts from the Lives of it; »F  ;,tiy· _1 
Bn Nepos. The book is calculated to inspire and instruct the reader, and will no  ,E` ;_gk}}·.f j{,  ,
,1 doubt be much used in high schools, particularly in Kentucky. `    §;,;¤}» .j;]
Professor Jones’ friends are much gratified by the scholarly work he has .,;i,-`  Q`,.  ,¥t··F,i__,’
,m presented and feel that he has refiected much honor on the University.    `E
. . . . . ` il  -5l-* ii'?
1“· The 1915-16 Pan-Hellenic Council has resigned in favor of the new council ji { H.;  
he which will act as a govering body of the Pan-Hellenic Association for one E;  
year. An important question which will come before the council at its next ’;·_[  ;  m¤,ij§‘ _
mi meeting is the matter of pledging men before they become matriculates in the fg. ’_  klvtwgt  
me Universit . It is expected that a rule prohibiting pre-college pledging will be in .· ‘&T.·.§jg·¤
ier pass d y ·>  ¥· ’éw~ <
C . ‘ r; ·;Q~—i _l
The new council and oiiicers consists of B. F. LaMaster, Pi K. A.;     g
mh Howard Evans_ S. A. E.; H. C. Simpson, Sigma Chi; Harold Pulliam, Sigma QT i    
.  ' ii;.§l·¤,, Q
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s S.   i