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Notice.—It is desired to make this directory as complete and as ac-   Ii'. .    
citrate as possible. The alumni are earnestly requested to report changes ifi, ;`}if‘ *,{ .
of address or occupation, or any errors or omissions in this list, promptly to     j l
the secretary.     ,
. 1869 in   . 4
MUNSON, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, B. S., Denison, Texas. President Den-       _,  i
ison Light and Power Co., 302 W. Gandy St. (See Alumni Report, 1899,   Q     {
and October, 1915, Alumnus). ‘ Qi. ·.·, ‘,j’T_ ,—f`,}§z t
1870    I     ?
it MUNSON, THOMAS VOLNEY, B. S., M. S., ,93, D. Sc. 1906. Deceased.          
; I *871   l
HARDING, ENOCH, B. S. Deceased.     |
Q 1874 i, .,    Q  l
LS CARSWELL, ROBERT EMMETT, B. S., LL. B. ,75, College of Law, Ken- —l5   1 1  `  ,
€ tucky University. Decatur, Tex. Attorney—at-Law.      §,‘i ,EQ;,` i z
DEAN, JOHN ALLEN, B. S., LL. B., ’76, Louisville University. Owens-    
  boro, Ky. 413 Frederica St. Attorney, Dean and Dean. Referee in Bank-     ,
r¤i>t¢y· t‘ti Ik; il:    I·
HARDIN, THOMAS ROLLINS, B. `S., M. S., ’76. Winchester, Ky.       ,
SMITH, EDWARD E., B. S., Chicago, Ill. »J,.,,j;,,Q;§   
Dealer in Bonds and Stocks. Home address, 1359 E. 57th St. &]j`,°1;_{  ¤ A
1875 Ht; gi    ‘
BROWN, EDGAR THOMAS, B. S., M. S., ,77. Cashier Armour Sz C0., 2617 ;QI`l’l"g1   
W. Madison St., Chicago, Ill. Home address, 3846 Monroe St.   ip I gtffiit
1877 1 S    lg ..   J?. 
FLOETE, FRANKLIN, B. S. Life Member. President Citizens' National   i t? `_
Bank and Floete Lumber Co. Spencer, Ia. Mg ;~~ ·;{,‘·` _f   
WARD, BALLARD PRESTON, B. S., Rural Retreat, Va. R. F. D. No. 1. ‘i'_]I` ,~i, Lj.¤l   I
Farmer and Stockman. , l`il¤lI. “‘¢ ·§   _
coms, Moses sALvAD0R, B. s. Deceased. l*,fj , 1%*5*  ai? 3  ,
IIACKIE, MAHLON, B. S. Deceased.   Q, fl? U `; .
we       I
BLAKELEY, CHARLES GRAHAM_ B. S., M. S., ’84. Topeka, Kansas.    .  
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Mulvane Bldg. Home address, 1434    
Polk St. .   f¤g_*;g§g{;
HAYS, NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, B. S., M. S., ’84. Durant, Okla.     _
Attorney-at-Law. §’  LE   ~
PERRY, CALEB SYKES, B. S. Woodville, N. C. I it 
WRIGHT, HENRY MOSES, B. S. Letters returned.      
1880 rj {   g
CRAWFORD, JAMES, B. S. Deceased. _   if   t
PETER, ALFRED MEREDITH, B. S., M. S., ’85, Sc. D. ’13. Lexington, Ky. gi   §_,i,§_y —
Chief Chemist Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, State University. ,,,_, *I §,:j‘:é_’, V,
lib  J ,`  l
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