Pope, it would not excuse him from sin, if all the
world should hold that opinion false.
  " 13. That if a civil government should make a
law infringing the liberty of its subjects, these have
a right of recourse to the Pope, and the Pope has
power to protect them; and the people of every
nation ought to take pains to establish this doctrine,
because it is for their advantage to have a power
that can repress governmens, and stop them by
means of censures or force of arms, and to protect
the subject, inasmuch as there is no other final
resort (iancora sagra '-best bower anchor) for the
maintenance of the liberty of the people, and their
defense from the tyranny of princes, except THE
  How, I must again inquire, will this clear
announcement of what is Catholic doctrine, by the
learned Sarpi, compare with your statement, that
the influence and power of the Pope outside the
states of the Church, is only spiritual; and that his
" temporal power is not the doctrine of the Catholic
Church, as clearly and officially announced, not
merely in this country but throughout the world."
Sarpi's veracity and correctness the whole Catholic
Church will vouch for; and then, reverend sir,
what becomes of yours ! Was not your statement
(again to use the language of Brownson) "an
evasion, rather than a fair, honest, and satisfactory
reply" Well must you know, as every man at all
informed on the subject knows, that the Pope does
claim temporal power, and to the extent of inter-
fering with the laws of temporal governments, and

  DCousulto del P. WI. Paolo Sarpi. Opera di Sarpi. Tomro
320, pp. 331. 332.