avowal might defeat the cherished design of its
sworn supporters. But let Rome, by her sleepless
vigilance-by her countless and invisible agencies
-her secret and well-planned machinations-let
her worm herself into the heart of this republic,
and with the constant stream of emigration inno-
cnlate it with her principles, and here, too, will
her " pastoral voice be raised " and her temporal
and tyrannical power be enforced. Well may we
be aroused at every encroachment of that power
in our midst, which seeks to "annul the enactments
by the civil power," which secures to us what is
dearer to us than lite.
    "Slaves fight for what were better cast away-
    The chain that binds thern, aiid a tyrant'A sway:
    But they that fight for freedom, undertake
    The noblest cause mankind can have at stake;
    Religion, virtue, truth, whate'er we call
    A blessing-freedom is the pledge of all."
  Here, reverend sir, I shall close these letters.
In them I have fearlessly, but respectfully, qnes-
tioned your statements made in the cathedral, and in
your communication in the Courier. I have pursued
this course from motives the most honorable and
pure. Love of truth and love of country, have been
my only prompters, to express, thus publicly, my
honest convictions.
  With the greatest respect for your talents and
position, and in the hope that the spirit of all truth
may enable you and your people to break the chain
that binds you to the papal throne, I am
                     Yours. c.,
                                   S. 1I. FORD.