Boston " Watchman and iReflector," which ex-
changes with the Pilot; then in the "Ilartford Chris-
tian Secretary," furnished that paper by a correspon-
dent.  It was afterwards published by itself in the
Western Christian Advocate, the editor remarking
that it was taken from    the Pilot, which came to
that office in exchange.
  It, or any of those quotations, from unendorsed
editors, are not relied upon as proofs. The most
that can be made of them is. as mere illustra-
tions of what has been incontestably proven.
  I shall there.ore beg of the reader, instead of what
is quoted from Catholic new8paper8, tor which some,
nameless editor is alone responsible, to insert the
following letter from the head of the Order of Jesus,
and twenty-three of the reverend father Jesuits.
They had been charged there, as Bishop Spalding
has charged them here, (but with a different object,)
with being favorable to liberty. Hereistheir denial:
To his Royal Majesty, Ferdinand II, of the Kingdom of the Two
 SACRED ROYAL MAJzsy-Sire: Wdith much surprise we have
heard our sentiments doubted with regard to absolute monarchy;
we therefore think it necessary humbly to submit our views in the
present page.
Majesty, we not only in olden time, but also recently on our
establishment in 1821, until the present day, have also inculcated
respect, love, and devotion for the King our Lord, for his govern.
ment, and for the form of the same-that is, absolute monarchy.
This we have done, not only from conviction, but also because
the Doctors of the company, who are FRANCESCO SUAEXZ, the
Cardinal BALLAhIJNo, and many other theologians and publicists
of the same, have publicly taught absolute monarchy to be the
best form of government.
  This we have done, because the internal economy of th company
