xt79p843tx27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843tx27/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 17, 1972 1972 1972-10-17 2020 true xt79p843tx27 section xt79p843tx27 y Tuesday, October 17, 1972 an independent student newspaper
| a 3‘“ M W. “:3 «p! «a :«3 ”T ° f 1:. tht‘ issues in th(‘ StXth District.“ Brcckinridge also said he led the fight
° 2 \ 3'33: “E; a . a" )2 . *'° We "Vt Breckinridgc said. calling for stronger enforcement of strip
:'_ :t$ it .. BM ”33‘ thigh 1‘3.- ”ttt course It someone votes for the mining laws when he served as the statc
' 3' -_ W “4:2 Yes" flag‘ "3 Democratic candidates for senator and attorney general.and addedthathis office
’9: r - «e’ w? ’3‘ 3‘ng I. .» “‘3‘“ president. then they Wt“ ttkt‘t." pull the ran some of the mining firms out of
. 3:33 ~ “3* k.” 3 ,-':"-"5-.. a“: is“ ., . , i - 3. 3~ . .- .. . .
.~ '3“:va fir é: . - ,3“ ifi.fl£. . rfifih 1,) 33" l(‘\(I‘ for m( and the entire “(RPL hL husmess and others out of the state
° ° 1 2 2", : I #3» -. .gfmh said. (‘omments on strip mining laws
g ‘Ls 'h." 5‘ i,» if i}; sf... fig WV; , 3 R “W: The sixth district seat is now held by “Kentucky has some of the best laws in
, .3 ° -=.-;& "E, “W 4% \n- Democrat William (‘urlin. who was the nation concerning strip mining. but
3 -« Egg” W ' ,. ‘ 1;: fig}*?\3 selected by a caucus of party Chairmen to they haven't' been enforced, won‘t be
h V) F 1"!" a?” ‘ N .. «:41» ° ;1 is“; replace the late John (‘3. Watts. (‘urlin is enforced because the attorney general has
,4 _- 3 ;i. “3 ss; ' . i . -' 5 not seeking reelection and the Republican been stripped of the power to enforce the -
éA I * be ° - £2, °_°' candidate is Laban Jackson. laws," he said.
’“ M3“ “ “I M Running thdt’Pt‘hdt‘httN ()n the subject of busing. Breckinridge
Danny Brewer 0' the Physical Breckinridge said he considers his said busing is "not THE problem but
Fall-en leaves Plant rakes the results 0' Fall campaign “independent‘: because. the part of THE problem which is education
near Miller Hall. (Kernel photo national party is placmg its emphaSis on and the constitution‘s dream of
by JOh" "id‘s” presidential candidate George McGovern, education."
O h K I You'd best dig out your overcoat
'" S'de # e e rn e Tod ay 0 because it's that time of year again. There
3 Would you like to spend the new year in . will be colder weather today with the high
Hawaii. Find out about the sun—filled vacation on in the low so 5 and the low- in the low so 5.
page 8. On page 6 Tom Anderson calls Nixon a CIOUdy and Th" Sky WI“ b9 ClOUdy this morning With
“phony conservative" and McGovern a decreasing cloudiness by afternoon and
“marxist”. Read about the semester‘s first fair skies tonight. If you don't like rain
bomb scare on page 7. If it‘s classical music you CO I d your safeethere is only a 10 percent
like, duo-pianist Gold and Fizdale appear on chance of rain today increasing to 20
page 4 as well as in Memorial Coliseum tonight. percent by tonight,

 The t v.1 'i'tl law Axum!"Mtttmqmqtdnmv Kain-Mtcav'hv ' '
Kentucky 2.9::;:::::: :x.:::::::: 5:74;? 02;;1‘81‘liii'; Editorials
it: n, .«t [UI'OI Greq Halimann Agni-Jan! Managing Elmo: Mint Board
Kernel “W“ t°"°' M't‘e “PM” Edutmum 'i'uit-smii im nplnlnm no mo mm.” int m. Ullrvr' in
l u E o f O
m IL .. Poor planning ries
H :232277/5'4'55' F,-'.';§3"-'.':3_‘-_'o'.?‘ .
. ' II it t 7 eat?— — t t c a m P u 5 ex P a n 5 ' 0 n n ee 5
$1; $4 " ‘ W t
[TE—"fl fiS'WLQ (({Mtt/l/VW’” Tfi If past editorials haven‘t pointed campuses.
1'! 5227;. Ed}??? I? .351 (W WW“ out the glaring need for more lomt But a Burger Chef—or any other
" '-: ”2-71-21 ffiiflnfitgij :“‘.‘.—'ja'/'t:«:‘- - planning between the city and the burger stand—isn t needed here. And
'ffjfi‘fl' ['7: ‘fiw‘fz University, then the latest piece of Burger Chef‘s neon-plastic ar-
e}: 611‘”. ';fie-;7:v'4—"7‘?5"-‘-.iti --C'Z_,': B ticky-tacky despoiling the grounds chitecture, lacking even the muted
1.'~il!-.-.“.':i'.j ;-:,L:,—‘:_-':;:;;j!_'_:_;_;l t_,'_-,:.o’ close to campus should. fake-wood of a McDonald’s, will at-
- _ ,_.- ' "uh" ‘ . E Lc tract nothing but litter and traffic.
uwvt ‘01 "m.- . — .. > * Bgieseragfieltegnttifggfi: 5331333 The irony of the situation is that this
EX RX, W\ \ §f5£g§§ffi DeBoor laundry near the corner of ”hm” piece 0f property deserved, and
.i5\ /,,",3':.J/» 7—7.! “it; “til-k» .‘fizl'ewzf Rose Street and Euclid Avenue. The might he"? gotten, a ”better fate. The
MU?) Qty-ED 46'%?:'¢§3 ”'\ f t t‘ ‘{ *Efiijfigr i restaurant, under construction on a Univers1ty scampus. grand deSIgn,
2-1! 6 2) 6% ( ‘(mu\ W ,- 2-3;?171 $175,000 plot of property, will soon add drawn qu1963t POSlted the Site 3.8 an
“M“ 18 R Lfi@‘ ,.r_«.‘- ';'-,,-‘-"'.";f %‘ its shingle to those of at least 17 other addition to the Coliseum-stadium-
4 ’ / W '.._ L— ’ We: t food merchants within a half mile of tennis courts recreational complex
m / u .3“ l 211 , \‘J ear—4:21.: I campus. now surrounding it. And the DeBoors
/ _ y @‘ggl't‘ ‘v fig; had planned a student-oriented
' /‘ I ’ in.» 4: ”tint?" awn—g } com lex of apartments and shops
' I w (H ”H :fe".'gt.te7-. , "KW .. .g- gag unnecessary befofe zoning restrictions killed that
ti ‘ , %“%% nt' ['7‘555321 We wouldn‘t object to another cow dream “0t long ago.
ll % .‘lm ~5ch Flat 7 fi__‘ J'Zlizét'e'“; ‘ t'u 1' ,3"; » dispenser if one were actually needed. h . . 'f'
‘ , , , Andwewouldn‘tobject as much if the C anging priori '95
NOW how s ”"5 tor atmosphere? one now being built were designed to The University contends its land
fit one Of the South's better—looking priorities have swayed from the north
' side of campus to the Rose Lane-
. o o o ? Woodland Avenue area, and that the
Student ecological achvnsm eroding . DeBoor too costly to buy
without definite plans in mind.
Earlier this year the Kernel interest in setting the biosphere problems. So we’ll point out a local But the Lexington-Fayette County
bewailed the apparent death of straight is that it comes at a time one instead. Planning and Zoning Commission has
campus political activism, and when the first traces of eventual UK runs through tons of newsprint, the tract blocked out for “public-
wondered if student idealism and victory—no matter how faint—are bonded paper, and other recyclable institutional” use in the future. Its .
desire to change society for the better becoming apparent. wood products a month. Most is current zoning is B-1,which embraces
had burned itself out. A month has Consider Zero Population Growth, hauled away to a landfill because, a variety of “neighborhood"
passed since then, and now it seems apparently hit by a membership according to Purchasing Department businesses from coin laundries to
the blight has spread to en- bomb. The local chapter has manned Director Joe Gibbons, it‘s too ex- hamburger stands to bars and grills.
vironmental and ecological activism information booths, held lectures, pensive and time-consuming to sort it
t00- sponsored educational movies and out. Act now for future
The Environmental Awareness lobbies for a less-crowded America. We doubt if sorting paper would be . .
Society has seen its ranks dwindle toa Last month came word that for the too intellectually demanding for the OUT 90"“ ‘5 “0t t0 bemoan the
hard core 0f 12- Zero Population first time in US. history the fertility average collegian. Whether or not any eomthg 0t the Burger Chef. Although
GI‘OWth called a meeting laSt Thur- rate has dropped to the replacement of the 20,000 students on this campus we ththk the land could havetbeen
Sda)’: two students came. The level—a sign that with more work we care enough to volunteer some time is better used by either. private
Physical Environment committee could reacha stable population within another matter. If enough did, developers or the UniverSlty, that 5
reports it to” is having membership 70 years. That‘s still a long way off, eventually the administration might now SO many French fries through the
problems. Everywhere apathy and and without students continuing to be persuaded to spend some money to duodenum. . _’
difigteFeSt seemfasphtiititlggiv:irasth:tt spread the word the birth rate could make tthe recycling operation per- What we do suggest is that the city
SU en wave 0 0 . s 00 up again. manen. act to rotect the Universit ’s in—
Strhek the state this July. . No one ever said improving our tegrity thy screening more 01053er the
To us environmental and ecological The .E‘jnVlronmental Awareness nation‘s battered ecology W0U1d be zoning of high-priced land near
activity has always been an area for 3:03:2321:03:;:gtgéngafigtgsiéflnogf eheapl or easy. Even somhething as campus. A few new zoning categories
reform in which a relativel small , . . . . .» Slmp e 35 reviving t e paper for such land, plus an architectural
number of people can hail/e f.ir- succeeS.\ears 0t pushing'fer Citizens] recycling project Wt“ require time review board for proposed struc-
reaching effects. What is especially titebfslibrrtt-hinatkin ‘ncoulshV;;0:ftgte(r)trtlfy and eventually money. But we‘re still tures. would put a stop to much of the
puzzling about the present loss of recently theg Kentupcky Water idealistic enough to hope;1 that a few riff—raff commeiical strips now
V ' Pollution Control Commission 20:15?)ng care enoug to do gloommg . like weeds around the
. . . . - nlverSIty.
deeded to hold a series of hearings "mm ‘ .. .
Policy on letters around the state to decide the stan- ‘Jm‘f‘fi‘mw- eat-“fl“ Q ' , . -
In order that everyone may have dards that would be applied £0 / ' W t? * ‘ ' . . , ' " ‘
equalaccess to this forum, letters to the?“ Th?“ declSlon means he ,‘ . ”2:1-“4'7’ ,.. . .. a '
the editor should not exceed 250 pollthlans think someone cares, but if ‘fitx' ,. '1 /. .1.
words. Issues requiring more ex- the LAB 9‘3“ tget 9.991019 to turn out to he“? . f ‘ ® ,’ .; '- t or.
tended discussion shall be run as iiitgtilggktgf ggétitrigahs bother w'th " w‘ “ , , fir ‘3‘) a \. ’ ’ '- ‘ n ‘
“Comments"and should not exceed ‘ ‘ ‘ ' it \ ,. ' .. \. 4' ‘ - t- t 0
must include the writer’s hame statistics on nox1ous chemicals being 3‘ g .. ,‘ >5. . E: (ks , t5 . ‘. . .-
classification and an address and pumped into the a” and seas, speCies , , t ' ‘ SW \‘ . ' ° ‘ a t i;- t -
telephone number where she or he facmg extinction, and the. rise in ‘/(\‘;\ .‘ ‘ . \t. . ' ‘ . ~}\_:{_‘\;,
can be reached. Material to length cancer Of all types. BUt smce the é} ; - x3 . N N“ “t I t ‘
will not be edited except for student body would apparently rather - 5.! .- M$ I ’ O)
i‘ammar spelling and libel go .to football games and an oc- '. " fl fggmwfi
g ’ ' cas10nal class, we doubt there‘d be ht“ (
much concern over national wm, mus GOES ms IIG om. . . m ME KNOW tr w: HIT ANYTHING!’
‘ .

 THE KENTl'CKY KERNI‘IL Tuesday. October IT, l972—3
Y h Iih
our ea 3%] M, E
t 9 0 can
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i-l EURO
VD—o disease no one loves to gel gt "‘0
- G
By FRANK 3- CASCIO. M-D- belief, only 5 percent of all cases of VD can be 5—2.. REE ' ou\d Ventule "
Director, UK Health Service attributed to prostitutes. ""' 0‘ modeS‘meanSD: wolklng are
Venereal Disease. - .what do the words mean There are five kinds of venereal disease, each {Z '75 Once a S‘UdeEnéweucalW “Om‘rigiew. \hOSe days '
to you? Is VD a whispered phrase, an unsooken transmitted by a different germ during sexual i2- i7, i0 Ectoprigoaeame‘ will: way v0“ “:2 Eour
QUCStiOU. a tabooi a mysterious illness that relations. These germs can invade the body 9; 7( Onavzne Buitheiegée, JUSise\“VE%U,itisi
maims and disfigures, or do 5'. ~'..-:ognize them through intact skin, so they enter through 5V E‘s “Owkgyotn Wat“) EUO, “lends one OhaEeito , .
as common diseases that are a very real threat mucous membranes such as the tissue that lines 71-5-1...) “0‘ ,es. negl‘bols and you caiC a emanates
. _ , rela‘“ \O EuiODe' en \thW 3“ ewe
t0 otherWlse healthy young people? the male and female genital tract. Occasxonally %\\7— elassw‘EEZei And we \\ €:e\.\i0u ca“ ((1:09 inen
-—"'—_ these germs get in through the mouth, throat, i)‘ , \‘\ Ems; 0i, \lll\e\i9;::‘an\SS\Oll \flle‘fes Depl ‘08
Fll’S‘l in 0 series eye, rectum, or a cut in the skin, but usually the .«fiX’IKQ‘L ‘: generous C’?i%iti\i0n“weighty. Utah 84 -
__———- original entry point is in the sexual organs. Since ‘51-, 'E/s wllie DeBEégEnm Drwc Salim '
Venereal disease, the general name given to the really common venereal diseases are A"? “42363 ”_#____
diseases that are transmitted during sexual gonorrhea and syphilis, I willlimit the rest of my
intercourse, is increasing in the United States, discussion to these two diseases.
particularly in the young adult population. In The germs of syphilis and gonorrhea don"t C()L( )I‘)
fact, VD is considered to be the leading com- survive long outside the body so you will not b p
municable' disease today. become infected from contaminated toilet seats ‘9 DEVELOPED WITH /
At the University of Kentucky Student Health or doorknobs. The only way you will acquire 4 \ DELUXE COLOR PRINTS {I -
Service, there has not been a proven case of either of these diseases is through what is often *7 * I
syphilis in several years, but 40 to 60 cases of termed “intimate contact.” Usually this means
gonorrhea are diagnosed and treated yearly. We sexual intercourse, but it is conceivable that you ANY SIZE
recognize that this number of cases by no means could get syphilis by kissing or some other form 12 EXPOSURE ROLLS
reflects the true incidence of the disease among of close bodily contact that involves touching the « PER , A 4
UK students. The obvious reason for the marked infection directly. Both heterosexual and
discrepancy is that many infected students homosexual relationships may result in FlLM $ 3 F R
never seek medical attention. Some students do venereal disease. WITH AILU ES
not come to the Student Health Service because It is important to be aware that it is perfectly 3 CREDllED
they are afraid that their records are not con- possible to have both syphilis and gonorrhea at THIS AD - POST PAID
fidential and that they, or their contacts, will be the same time. You can become reinfected with ONLY Offer ends
reported. Kentucky law requires that cases of either or both of them even after being cured. - June 30,
gonorrhea be reported only by the number of Next week I will answer specific questions that 20 EXPOSURES ”32-50 1973
cases treated. The patient or his contact is never we have received on gonorrhea, its cause,
identified by name or in any other way by the symptoms, complications, methods of diagnosis,
Health Service. prevention and treatment.
You must recognize that you can get VD and The Health Service will answer questions in SKRUDLANB PHBIB
you can transmit it to others. No one ever this column on physical and emotional health HEBRON, ILL. 60034 ~
develops immunity to it. Each case of VD that iS problems, Letters may be addressed to Dr. 0591. UK
. uncovered involves an average of between one Frank Cascio, care of Health Column, Medical -
and two other contacts who also catch and pass Center. Names need not be included unless a »
on VD. It iS no longer a disease confined to the personal reply is wanted, and will not appear in /
sexually promiscuous and, contrary to popular the column. \/ on k
E Tom Scholl E g ‘1; m-*/
. ...—-—-
/ . Eli—I'-
Tax olic makes Nunn the one V tel! If“ ‘1 '
p y -/ / § l
. ,’ Our Senate race this year has resorted to the pushers, but Huddleston voted for a bill in the ‘k i: " "' \
lowest level of campaign tactics Kentucky has State Legislature which lowered the penality on :5... ‘ . fi) Q »
had t0 0090 With in a lo"! time. Dee Huddleston, marijuana pushers from a stiff penitentary term M / ,, /\ ./ p ‘
on radio, has called Nunn all sorts of names and, to a small fine and no jail sentence. / \ l, \\ it
either by inference 01' “ml“, accused Nunn 0‘ The biggest difference between the two men, I / \ 3 S,“ \ 3-
enough crimes to send him to jail for three think, is their financial responsibility. Nunn a; i , 'l'iiii’idiv . \E
lifetimes. raised Kentucky from a $36 million deficit to a EV, , 4:1 “gm A; if," {