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§ Americanism Council of Lexington and Payette County (Continued) ¤
{ Purpose: Sponsor and promote true Americanism. » {
T Normal Civic Activities: Primarily Americanism. General cooperation with so _ 4 __
Q all Service Clubs, Civic Clubs and Luncheon Clubs. - ,_ .
I Defense activities: Engaged in Discussion Leaders. Interested in Air Raid ‘ · 7
E dardsn Service, Civilian Aircraft Ihrning Service, Auxiliary Fire Protectq {
c ion, Ambulance Service, Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens and..J-H , ,_
V Others, Research Assistance. _ _
Local Publications; None. . ‘ · L - ` :~ _ L_ . U.S. :'7 _ , J
- ‘ COLONIAL DQLES OF QKERICA, CHAPTER #9 (National Colonial Danes of America), C -
455 Fayette Park, Lexington. Founded l928. President, Mrs. Joseph Beard, Sr·,‘ `
455 Fayette Park, Lexington. Corresponding Secretary, hrs. H. Clay Shropshire,_
s Lemons Mill Pike, Lexington. Telephone Shelby 9484-Y. Terms expire l944L 3 [ir Q W . ...‘ I
* P P VZ A.
Membership: 8. Open to female descendants of worthy colonial ancestry who _
came to America before 1776. '“ ·' »? _ r» . ' ~.~.f4_ ____ l
. , _ ` i' ‘ ` {
_ Committees:‘ Dr. Ephraim McDovell Shrine, Mrs. Herbert Price, Danville; P
Scholarship, Mrs. Sanford Allen, Lexington. _, ` P
· I
. Purpose: Collection and preservation of manuscripts,frelics and mementees.
Care of historic markers, etc. P ` ’~V I N _
¤ · _ . · r i
l Normal Civic Activities: Pcrpetuating the memory of brave men·who con- ».,,‘ ,.,M. ...r f 3
tributed to the achievement of American Independence. Contributing funds ·‘
to support of Stop over Station in Lexington,.donated #25.00 to Blood
Plasma Bank. · ~- ,.n ,
Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dress-
— ings, Red Cross Assistance, Bundles for America and Britain. Interested
in First Aid, Research Assistance, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, » ‘
A Interviewing. I _ I ` · " E P P " P .
W Local Publications; None. ` A ·
·PN DAUGHTERS OF AMERICA, FAYETTE COUICIL-#23 (National Dauphters of America), A ALA HM`
' o/o Hrs. Maude Cook, Bll East Maxwell Street, Lexington. Founded l9lO.
Councilor, hrs. Julia Riddell, Seventh Street, Lexington. Secretary, Mrs. '_ AP
_, Maude Cook. Telephone l54l. Terms expire June, 1943. _ _
Membership; 275. Open to patriotic women of good standing. Must be native
NP, born citizens. V _ ·- ~» __
Q Committees; Orphan Fund, Piss Frances Shearer; Entertainment, Hrs. Goebelpr _ W
P Adams, both of Lexington. P¢ · _; ’ ‘
Purpose; Sponsor patriotism. Hmne for aged and infirmi helping wana system
for orphans. ’
S • ' P V