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p D. A. H.), c/o hrs. Peyton S. welch, Cedar Grove Farm, R.P,D. Tates Creek g
§ Pike, Lexington. Founded 1891,, Re ent Mrs. Perton S.`Jelch. Tele hone ;
i ,,. , —·
p 8599-Y. »Sccrctary, hrs. Mer. E. Noland M.?.D. Nicholasville Pike Lexin¤— F
I I _ I O f
y ton. Telephone 971. Terms expired 1942, ;
t Membership; 88. Open to proven direct descendents of Revolutionary soldiers, V
l° acceptable to local chapter and over l8 years of age, j
l 2
te Committees: National Defense, Hrs. Jas. Wiley Jones; Americanism, Hrs. " {
QT Strawther Uitehell; Lexington Chapter, National Defense, Mrs. E. P. (Roberta 2
\ n . . . . .. . . , , , , ., _.
; Newman) Knox, Jr.; hmerican Citizenship, mrs. Verna L. noore; Better Films,
§ —Mrs. Geo. D. Poole; Conservation and Thrift, Mrs, Winn Harrison; Girl Home- ,
, makers, liss Austin Lilly, all of Lexington, " "` QP t
  Purpose; To foster true patriotism and love of countr to celebrate ?
I _ · I ,_ _ .yj . . ..
A patriotic anniversaries, to preserve history and to`teaeh°Americen"citizenship,
Normal Civic Activities; Educational aid, Students loans and promotion of f
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American citizenship. National Defense and correct use of the slag.,
Defense Activities; Engaged in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, I
‘,T’;"*"*"’    · · ` •" ' *' *•· ‘   '
ned Cross Assistance, Collecting Books, Discussion Leaders, Teaching Literacy ;
Classes for Aliens and Others, Teaching Americanization Classes for Aliens 1
and Others, Research Assistance.‘ Training for Sewing and Preparation of
. · .   . · . , · , · y
Sureical Dressin¤s.‘ lntercstcd.in Hospital and Clinical Assistencc· First
ED 0 4. . l ,9
Aid- Oocration of C- teens Prcoaration`and bcrvinc of Food Entertainment *
1 l 1 i . b .• J
Consumer Protection Activities, . -_ ~ v_ {
Local Publications: Lexington Chapter Year Book; _ ‘ · `
National.D. of C.*WQ of K .- c o Hrs. B. P, Buckle ’l52_Eorest Avenue .
Q :_ . I
ld Lexington. Founded 1941, President, Hrs. 3. T. Buckley, Telephone 7885.‘““
Secretary, Hrs. Windell Reading, 2lG Sycamore Road, Lexington, Telephone .
. 4625-K. Executive Secretary, Hrs. Elvira Gatewood Gay,`522 East Fain street.
Terms expire l9d4, Telephone 2599—Y,` _ C ; ‘,‘ ’ ,
Lembership; 28. Qualifications, open to women with ancestors who were in
 ' . . .
active service during Colonial wars. _ ;__ e _· .
Committees; Chapter, Library and Patriotic Education for the undcr-privi-
 . - - ,~, . . Y. - • _.
.‘ledged, Hrs. w, Clay Shropshire, Lemons kill Pike, Lexington,
Purpose; Patriotic_education for tnc_under—privileged. - · l
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with independent local group of women
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ld in library work, _ ,· ° A · » , ; ‘
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Loo U¢fense Activities; Interested in Rod,Cross Assistance, First Aid, ucsc rch
3, Aesistance, Typing CHQ Other Clerical Assistance, lntcrvicwing.
Local Publications; Year Book. . in l