Bitter, Jn...F.,capt.ll5thUI. B., 2: 198.  233-4; Gaines's milI, 2 : 33, 359;  70; after Chickamanga, reiuorc--
livers, WesteWrn, campaign pl1,13, 1I  South Mt., 2     567, 572, 574, 590;  men.ts, 3 : 676;.supersded, 3:682-4;
358; oprations -n, see Gu-ot.        huelrsil,8       183, 189,194, 197,  Chattanooga, 3 : 717, 731 ; plans, 8:
Rives, Reid. A., C coL 3d Mo. calv., 1:  2Si, 207-9, 23; Gettysburg, 3 :258,  719; rcrdit due ,,, 3 : 717-18;rel-
275; at Pea Ridge, 1: 323; k, 1: 277.  2,1, 268, 279, 281, 254, 29 3, 312, 313; on  ed, 4 : 375; coinds dcp't of the 'Mo.,
Sloane, J. Selden, C brIg.-gcn., com'ds  Rapida.,, 4 : 1-21; Wildernes, 4:    4 ; 375-7; quoted, 3: 661,679. Article,
Iu Ark., 3: 442j; chartacter, 3: 443.  121; Spotsylvaula., 4: 129, 1212, t33,  "The Battle- of Curiuth," 2 :727.
R',aut,ke, Island, N. C., battle (Flt ,  165, 168, 2431 Md., 4: 896-9; shen- Rose, James R_, U c-l., 1: :607.
1862), 1 : 640-5, 891-8; forllical-ioo,  anduah, 4: pound;94-5,5o4--a,507,509,522-3.  ,John, Cherokeel chief, 1 :2335.
1L :632-ti;;sredr 1: 642; scenes, Rodger, C. R. P., U r-a-adtn., Isn't,       ,Lconard F., U brig.-geu., coL.,
1: 644, (81-7.                     4: 35; co . "Wa.bas,"    1 :. 679;  Fort Isonelson, 1 :422 ; brig.-gn.,
        ,Mp,1: G41, 643.            2 : ; Port Royal, 1: 6W.; on S. C. N. Miss., 2 : 7:10; 3 :562.
Roano (ke River, 4: :28, 135, 6A1, 754.  coast, 4  27. Ac 1/c,"O   Pont's    -.L. S., C hrlg.-ge-., 4:282. 341.
Roanoke, The, U war sta',I : 412,       Attack at Charlest-n." 4: '32.           ,SamuelI, U b'v't ('rig-gen., cal.
619, 196, 698, 713; 2 : 14:3.       -, OCo. W.,I U color, 4::323, 351; k,  20th Coon., 3 : 223,  te
RiAtrin.g Creek, W-et Va., 1: 131.   4 : 43.                             -, W. E. WV., U  b'v't bi-e.
Roberts, Benj.S.,U b'v,'ltaj.-gcu.,lI't-  -, John, U  reram      por't, 2:   liu. 3, 1st U7. S. 4'. T., 4:6563;
c-l. 3d U. S. cav., 2:104, 13-7,4261, 6it.  268; character, 4 :36; at Gosport,  w, 4 : 563.
     ,leu T., Cotl. 7th Vt., k, 3: 584.  1: 712, note; corn. 00on s. 1: 284,  -, W.n. P., C lieuat.-col. 1 ; 336.
         t   .,eo".                                                           ThoV L.,Col. 42d Ill., 1: 444;359-60, 620; capt., at Port Royal, 1: Rosrhs.LCsal.-gen., pur't,
 k, 8: 620.                         678, 686; COu'ds "1Galena," 1: 711 ;4: 238 ; wv, 4: 233, 238; cI. 5th Va.,
 , Otis HI., serg'tlGth Me.,,4: 86-7.  2 : 172, 185, 268-70;co-o'ds "Wee,-  2: 479,96, 562,267; iu N. Va.,4:93;
 Slobertso, A. C., 1icut. 9th N. Y. cas.,  bawk.n," t: 6; 4 : 351; S. C. coast,  Wilderness, 4 : 241 ; T-eilian Sta-
 8: 275.                            4: 27, 30, 33; quoted, 1 : 741.     lion, 4: 237-9; in1 Shenandoah, 4:
   _  Bei-erly H., C brig.-gen., 10 Rlodmau,, Isaac P., U brig.-gen., pl1ot,  513, 515, 520, 524-li, 5,28-9; Five Forks,
 Shena ndoah, 2: 297; 3d Bull Run,     2: 650; k, 2: 651, 656; Col. 4th Rl. 1.,  4; 712-12; beforesurrender, 4: 729.
 2: 479,562, 511; Gettysburg, 8; 251,  1 : 650; South Mt., 2: 563, 567, 568, Rossville. Ga., 3; 646, 670-1, 695-6,.
 252, 258, 269; liratly Station, 3: 261,  584, 588; Antietam, 2:. 632-2, 650-5.  7508-9, 722-4.
 270.  Article,  "1The  Confederate Roduiph, The, U tin-clad, 4; 41.2.     Rosters[Listsofopyosingforcesinl the
 Cavalry in the Gettysburg Cam- Roe, Francis A., U rear-adm., 8: 584;        dIfferent campaigns and battles]. 1:
 paign," 3: 253.                    4: 628-, 652; por't, 4: 139.        194, 306, 2337, 355-6, 262, 392, 429, 462,
 -,Jerome B., C brlg.-gen., w,, 8: Roemer Jacob, Capt. 34th N. Y. bal'y,   537, 657,670, 691:;2 ; 19-11, 72,126,148,
   32;Gettysburg, 3: 397, 314, M2, 3124,  3: 742; 4; 583, note.              290, 218,229, 212, 495, 497, 598,618, 7361
 227; at Chlckomauga, 3: 657, 661.   Rogers, Jas. H., 1 : 34, note.          3:29,69,142,253,454,4259471,5461, 581,
 -  ,  Felix H., C brig.-gen., capt.     _     Win. P.. C cot. Tex. sharp.    585, 2986, 619, 672, 727, 751; 4; 74, 77,
 Fla. arty, 3: 631.                 shooters, 2 : 724; por't, 2: 753; k,179, 183,239, 284, 322, 207, 268, 460, 472,
   -,Jas. M., b'v't brig.-ge., Capt. 2 ; 751.                           491-2, 499, 530, 563, 590, 661, 666, 7483,
 2d U. S. art'y, 2:3M; 8: 299.     -  ,  W. W., C7apt. 3d Pas. cay., 8:   759,767.
   ,Win. B., C    capt., Ache/ce,  402, 404-.                        Round Top lGettlysbt'gl, 8:295,296,
   11The Water Battery at Fort Jack- Roger's GAP, 8 : 45-6, 62-3.             300-3, 306-9, 321, 312, 316, 332, 323,
 su"," 2: 99.                      Storersyille, Md., 2: 522, 596,8649. 337, 228, 341-3, 3141, 256, 358-69, 362,
 Robertson's RIver, Va., 4: 93.     Rolls, Mo., 1 : 28243, 314-15.       369, 270, 374, 376, 392, 401, 409, 412, 414,
 Robinett b'attery [Corinth], 2: 760-1.  Rolling Fork Bridge, Ky., 1 : 380.    415, 417-15; tojpg., 8 : 295, 3201 cat,
 Robins, WV. T.,C Col., Ale,"ua'sRollIng Fork, sraKy., 3 : 48, 49.            3; 2 25.
 Ride around McClellan," 2; 271-5.      -, Miss., 8 : 562,569.             Run-se., Law rence, C eom'dore, 1;
 Robinson, Chas., U go., Kan., 1 ; 6.RolnJas. B., 1 : 262.               625.
     ,Jas. F., go,-. Ky., 1: 6.    Rums.., Alfred, C col., his 1 "Beanre- -   , Los-ct U1., U  -aj.-gcn., por't,
     ,Jobn C., U    b'v't maj.-gen.,   gaed," cIted, 4 : 65, 69, 542.        1 : 382; Ky. uniontet, 1 ; 276; In
 por't,4:168; w,4:16O;brig.-gen., at    -,A. B.. 1 : 102,note.          Ky., 1 : 285, 380 ; 3 : , 49, 53-0;
 Gettysb-lg, 3 : 277-9, 281, 284, 288, Rome, Ga., 4 : 254, 262, 265.         Shlloh, 1 :5228, 591 ; Stone's Sliver,
 270, 415; SpoUtaylvaia, 4: 165.     -       (to Marietta), Mp, 4 :3294.    3 ; 614, 615, 621, 623-5, 627, 625, 622;
 -, Lucius N., capt. 1st Ohio art'y, Romeo, The, U      tin-clad, 1 :621; 3;:  Atlanta capaign, 4 ; 416; at Nash-
 2: 305.                            559,6561.                           ville, 4:436; quoted, 1 : 531.
 -  ' P., C capt. eng., 8: 482, 488.  Romney, West Va., 2 ; 278, 282; cut, Rowan, Stephen      C., U   viee-adm.,
 -    honse, Bull Ron, cut, 1: 222.   1L : 248; action, 1! 128.           pIsrt, 1 : 647; capt. "Pawnee," 1;
 Roby, F. Mt., C midship., 3: 552.     Ronald, Chas. A., col. 4th Va., 2: 459.  632, 645; 2: 142; corn. "1New Iron-
 Rochester. Ky., 1 : 381.           Rusty, Ja., McKay, rapt. 1st N. Y.   sides," 4 ; 48.
 Rock Creek. D. C., 4: 497.           art'y, 8 ; 271; k, 3 :375.        Rowett, Rteht'd, U b'v't brig.-gen.,
 Rockbridge (Va.) art'y, 1;: 235; 2: 629. Rosa, Rudolph, CoL. 48th N.Y., 2 :2.  Col. 7th 112, 4: 322.
 Rockifish (Gap, Va., 4 ; 486,524.     Roserans, Win S., U maj.-gen.,por't, Rowland, Thos., C adj1.-gen., 3 : 95.
 Rockville, Mtd., 2: 542,552,554; 3: 271;  1 : 126; Character, 3 ; 622, 638; Rowley, Thus. A., U  brig.-gen., Get-
 skirnish (July 10th, 1864), 4: 4917.  anecdotes, 3 : 623, 634; at West      tysburg, 3 : 277-8,284.
 Rockwood, T. IH., msj. lath U. S. C.    Point, 2 :524; eng. Ohio vol., 1 :     -   W.n. R., U b'v't brig.-gen., 1;
 T., k, 4:6564.                     94; brig-gen., in W.Va., 1 : 130,132,468.493; quoted, 1 : 607, 60.
 Rocky-face Mt1., Ga., 4: 262-3, 296, 299;  160, 142, 145; com'ds Army of the Royal Yacht, The, C privateer. 2 : 13.
 action (May 8th-9th, 1864), 4: 263,   Cumberland, 4: 413-14 ; in N. Miss., Royall, W.n. B., capt. 5th 1U. 5. cay.,
 278, 296 [se, also, Dug Gap].      2 : 718, 728, 731-4 ; succeeds Pope In  w, 2 : 430.
 Rocky Spring, Mis.3: 502.            Arinyof Mtss.,2;723; succeeds linei Rucker, K . W., C, col.
 Reddey, Philip D., C brlg.-gen.,Chiek-  ill Tenn., 3; 28. note, 49,472,613; pr-  com'd. brigade, c, 4 : 469.
 amanmg,8:-665; AtIantacam.,4:3242;    posed command Army of the Polo- Rude's B ill, Va.., 4 :481-2, 485, 480;
 in Miss., 4: 759; in Ala.. 4;: 760.   mac, 3; 239 ; in July, 1863, 3:350; in  action 11Dee. 14th, 1864, 4; 482.
 Rodeubough, Theophilas F., U b'v't      Teno., 3 :520, 605, 613, 679-80, 731 ; Roll', S. Z5, Col. 18th Go., eom'ds bri-
 brig.-gen.,Capt. 3d U.S. cay., 8: 153.  alleged dilatoriness, 3:679; twadies,  gade at Knoxville, 8 : 7481 k, 8 : 749.
 Articles, "1Sheridan's   Richmond     3 ; 670,680; Stone's River, 3; 6667, Ruffin, Edmund), 1 : 47.
 RaId," 4: 168; "1Sheridan's Trevilllan  615, 621-3, 625-7, 629, 633-4; plans, 3;  _ Thos., Jr., lWet.-eol. 13th N. C..
 Raid," 4: 23:3.                    617, 623; after Stone's River, 8:   2 ; 563, 564; we, 2 : 564; quoted, 2;
 Rodes, Rob't E., C maj.-gen., portt,    634-; strength, 3 : 62)6; plans, 3;   163-4,566.
 2: 580; w, 2: 234, 392; k, 4:5SW, 523;  836; Chickamaga ecumpaign', 3;: Ruger, Thos,. H., U     b'v't maj.-gen.,
 1st Bull Run, 1; 219, note; br'ig.-gen.,  640-1, 646-7, 649-96, 632, 654-, 657,  4:671; Gettysburg, 8 ; 312, 369-70;
 at Seven Pines, 2 ; 211, 212, 229-20,  662-4, 670-1, 681; plans,, 8 : 651, 668-  Teno., 4: 446, 448, 450, 456.