8i6                                             INDEX.

Buggies, lDanl, C   rlwg.-gen., SHilob, Salem., Vs., action (June 21st, 1864), Scales, Dabney M.,0C minisbip., 8: 573.
  1 :549. 557, 5M -8. 590; Baton Rouge.:44161.                           Scammoin, Eliakho Parker, U brig.-
  :. 31; Port 11Itulsti 8 : 584.     Sale   Heights. Va., 8 : 1r.S.          gen., coI. comu'ds brigade in W. Va.,
itanyon, Tbeo., U brig.-ge.., tat Bull   , Article. 8 :224.               1L : 145;- 2 :280-1 ; d Bull Run, 2 :
Run, 1 ; 175, 1912.               Salnsliry, N. C., c Apr. 12, '65:, 4: 479.  583; South Mt., 2 : all, 563, 579, 583,
Rush, Rich'd IL, col. sill Pu. car., 2 : SaikehatchiSwmp S. C., action, 4;   985-7 ; Autietain, 2 : 632, 632, 654-6.
  322.                                675; cot, 4 : 678.                 Schaefer, Fred'k, U cIll. 211 191"., 1
Russel, Chas. It., Ucapt. al Mid. car., SalMe, The, C cruiser, 4 : 625.       217, 319; 8 : 620, 628: kt, 8 : l28.
2 ; 614.                          Salomon. Chas. E., U bWIt brig.-gen., Schae-fer, P.RB., capt. National Rifles,
   -,Chas. S., 'U  bv't briy.-gen.,  cal. 5th 1 Mo,., 1 : 289, 294, 304.    1: 11-13, 15-16.
 lieut.-e,. 28th V'. S. C. T., 4: 563.     ,Edward, gnv. IWis.. 1 : 6.      ehar, J. T., quinted, 1I: 632, 712.
   ,D.avd A.. U      bltv't uua.-gcn.,  -,   ked'k, U   b'v't uua.-geu., in Me!heneck, Robt. C., U-uoaj-gei-.,hot,
 lor't, 4: 502;. w, 4: 87-8, note, 215;Ark., 8 : 47.                      2 : 491; w., 2 : 487; before Wsig
 k,4: :88, note-. 502, 200; Chancellors- Malt River, Ky., 8: 26, 47, 52t     ltoi, 1 :174; sat Hull Ruti. 1; 175,188;
 rulle  cain., 8 : 242; Gjettyaburg Salt Works. Va., 1 :3w3o; 4 : 423, 475.  in WV. Va., 1: :148; 2: 280, in Shenata-
 cain., 8 : 261; Rappbahanock Re- Saltville, Va., 4 : 423, 488; action (Oct.  doab, 2: 285-6; 3d Btll Run, 2 : 487,
 doubts, 4: Or-7;. treatment by War 24, 1864), 4 : 475-.                 527; comnunxdintg middle itept., 8:
 1k-pt.. 4; 87-4, note-; Wilderness, 4: Saluad  River, S. C., 4: 675, 686.   262; quoted, 2 : 280. Article, 'Tile
 116; Spotaylvania, 4 : 123, 212; 6 olIl Samunon Sinucoa, cot. 115th N. V., 4:  Battle of McIwei1,"' 2 : 298.
 Malaibr, 4 : 215; Winces.ter, 4 : 509.77; w, 4 : 79.                   SchimnnelfeunuigAlex., U brig.-gen.,
-  , John   H., U  naval Dient., 1: Samson, The, U ram, 8   Sm5.          8: 191,260, 278,281.
22: 2: 46.                        Mati Antonio, Tex., plot to seize, 1: Schinuer, Lets-, U licut-col., chief
   -,R. 26., C cot. 12th Ter-.., 1;  33-4.                                ofart'y, 8: 96,l1tt,200.
 557, 586.                         San Augustine- Springs, N. M6., 2 : 698. Mchlceb, Newton, U brig.-gen.. 1:2130.
   ThoTh-. U Dent. 7th Sb.8 : 541. San Jacinto. The, U vesse, 2 :135.       Schoepf, Albin,U brig.-gcu., in E. Ky.,
Must. Albert, C   tirig.-gn., Corinth, Sanborn, Jobu B., U  b'v't ma.-gen.,   1 : 383, 286-7 ; 8;: 7-8, 52, 57-8, 61.
  2: 742.745: in Ark., 8: 445.        co). dthliun., 2:734-5,758; 4:276-7. Schotteld, Geo. W., U b'v't brlg-gen.,
-_      J. Di., tb'v't hrig.-geu., Ciil. 8th Sanid lalitud, Ala., 4: ; 25.    chief-of-taff, 8 ; 196.
Me,., Fn,rt Pulaski, 2 : 9.       Sanders, J. C. C., C brig,-yen., 4 : 567.  -, John M., U m-J.-gsn., 4 : 310;
Rutherfnrd, Win. D., lilet.-el. 31 -    , W.n. P., U brig.-yen., port, 8:  poti, 1 : 293: at West Poliit, 4:
S. C., w. 8: 92.                    740; k, 8 ; 727, 747; character, 8:  253; m-j.,at Wilson's Creek,1I : 292;
Rutherford Crek, Tenn.. 4: 470.       738; capt. 6th U3. M. i-sr., Peninsula,  brig.-gen., corn, in Mo., 8 : 446, 447 ;
Rotledge, B. Itager, coI. 4th S. C.     2 :429,431; Knoxville, 8:;732,737.    in Ark., 8:447. 413,458,680; politi'cs,
cay., Trevilia. Station. 4 : 237-83.  Sauderson', Fla., 4 ; 77.          8 : 454; reivsCartis, 8 : 454;
   -.John, C           Itcr. 1 29; 4: :6. Sands, Barney, U q'rinaster, 2 : 63.  Atlanta csrn., 4: 2332-3, 294, 218-7,3:io,
                                          anainThe, U monitor. 4: 7606.   861, 303-7, 309-t, 31--14, 319-321, 325,
Sabiuc, The-, U frigate. 1 : 614, 676, 719. SigseW---, C nav l cat., 8 : 587.  332-4, 326--9, 342; 16i Teun., 4 : 2-54-5,
Sabine Cross Roads, La., battle (Apr. Sanitary Conusin.2: 428; 4: 130.        416,429, 431: Frarnklin, 433, 435,441-2,
  8th. 2864), 4 ; 352-5, 272-       Santa Ros.- Isian  Fin., attack,1 : 32,  444, 448, 450-1, 454, 465-6; strength,
Sahine Pass, Tes., 8 : 598; c, 8 : 571 ; Santa Fil, N. M2., occurplied by C, 2 : 168.  4 : 444; Nashville, 4 : 457, 4412-3,
  3d attack (Sept. sIb,. 18639,8: 571; 4: Sautee, The, U cruiser, 2 :13.      469, 663;co-u'ds delit. and Arnny of
  530; eVa.. ('tay 25th, 1865, 4: 412.  Sappers tind Miners, 1: 15, 17.       the Ohio,4 :293,754; inN. C.,4: 258,
Sacbem,The,Uves'I.2;332;8;271,587. Sapping fac Vic-kshurg       iue), means   687, 705, 754; quoted, 4 :450. 467.
Sacketil, Diel-n B., U bhv't iua.-geu.,  of counteracting, 8 : 491, 5440.   Sehoualer, W--., quoted, 2 :133.
  i.li. gen. Army of Potosuac, 2: 648, Saswacti, The, U Iron-clad. ents, 4: Schreyer, Gustavus,, U llcut., 1L: 295.
-   , Won., ti'v't lbrlg.-gen., cot. 9th  631-2: off N. C. coast, 4 : 634,  Schuc!kers, J. W., cited, 2 : 457.
  N. V. car., 8 : 274-3. note.     -   , A rtkki, 4 : 6W383.            Schultz, Fred'k, capt. 1st Ohio art'y,
      acainiThe. U cruiser, 4 : 558.  Satellite, The, U gun-lost, 2 : 270.   8 : 631, 622.
Sailors, used as soldiers, 1 : 358; 4: Saugus, The, Urntr1738; 4:Tilt;. Schurz, Carl, U        no..-ye1n., 8:1250;
  45-51,650,63 68-60: cuts, 4 : 50, 650.  Saunders, E. D)., U lieut., 8 : 466.  por't, 8 : 197 ; 3d Bull Rain, 2 : 474;
Sailor's Creek, Va., battle (Apr. 6th, -   , WV. B. H.. C enipi., 8 : 488.    Chaneellarsvlie, 8 : 291, 295, 196,
  INS)1.4: 7201-2; cut, 4 : 721.    Savage,'s Stantlon, Va., 2 : 192, 220, 212,  258, 260, 209 ; eom'ds Eleventh
St. Augustiue, Man., 4 : 27.          217: cut, 2 : 272: btuntle (June 29th,  Corps at Gettysburg, 8 : 219-20, 278,
St. Charles, Ark., 8 : 551; action    28621, 2 : 371-5; cuts, 2 ; 270,3287.  282, 287, 388 ; on surreder of John-
  (June 27th, 1862), 8 ; 553-3; strength -. Jfip, 2: ;74.                  sItain, 4 ; 756; qinted, 8 : 293, 199.
  and losses, 8 : 553, 553.         S-avanab, Ga,, defenses, 4 : 666, 669; SeiThe, U gun-host. at N. 0., 2:
Si. John, 1. Mi., C brig.-geit., 1; 6.  sIege Dec., 2841, 4: 669,680; ev'ac.  46; sank ;tt Mobile, 4: 412.
St. Ji,hn's Bluff, Fla., fort, 4 : 27.  (Dlee. 20th, 18641,4 : 666,669,680-1; U  Scott, John, capt. Va. militia, 1 : 115.
St. Jndnnfs River, Flu., 4 : 27.      occupation, 4 : 255, 666, 672.     -, John S., C cot. 1st La. ear., 8:
St. Lawrence, The, U frigate, 1: :696,   -   to Raleigh,e.alnptign,possibll-  4-7, 9.
  698, 713.                           Ity of C defense, 4 : 700-1; U forag--, Rob't N., U col., capt.. 2: 544;
Sot. Louis, Arsena, Mo,1;264 ; popo,-   lug, 4 : 675-5; organization, 4 : 754,  editor-nf Othcia eIt-ords of U and
  lation dis-loyal, 1 : 280; se-zure of  nite; opposing forces, 4: 696-700.   C arinaes, 1L : 39, note.
  publice money ut      8;dfiss-            ril,4:62                         ,Thos. A., U ass't sec'y of w,,ar,
  of, 1 : 283: threatened, 1864, 4 : 375.-,Map, 4: 676.                      1: 5; in Tennt., 2: 718.
St. Louis, The, U gun-boat [sec "De    -"     Republlean," quoted, 2:11-12. -    Thos. MI., C brig.-gcm., 4: 344.
  Italb "J. 8 : 551.                      RI Rier, 2 : 12.                    ,Wiullelil, U Itv't lci.gt.
-,'Usloop. 1 :614.                   -.Teun., 1 : 466-7, 490-1l,576; cut,  1 : 5, 672; 2 : 213: pin1t, 1 : 10;
St. Mary's (L..) Cannanecrs, 2 : 919. 1 : 490,                            charater, 1 : 168; 2 :115; nailitary
St. Mary's Church, Vat., -action (June Savainnab, The, C privateer, 1 : 630.  skill, 1 : 198: ketpt in igni,rauc by
  24, 1864), 4 : 235.               Sawtctle, C-has. G., U b'v,'t brig.-geu.,  floyd, 1 : 28, iiote; eamininned by
Mt.3"Mary's River, Fla., 4 : 27: (Mouth2: 542.                            Buchanan fr cousutattiali    1L : 9,
  fork:, action (Feb. 9-10, 1864), 4: 76. Saw,,yer, Franklin, h'v't hrig.-gen.,  167; his cheerful v iew,, 1 : 9;- reply
St. Nicholas, The, U vessel, eby, C, 2:  lieu.4-co. 8th Ohio, quoted, 2: 310;  to Twigga, 1 : 28, note;    Wash-
  143.                                8 : 392.                            ingion headquarters    cut, 1 : 11 ;
Sti. Peter's ('Iurcin, Va., cut, 2: 176.  Saxon, The, U vesse, 8 : 587.       ordlers concerning local secssion-
St. Philip, The. C vessel, 1 : 625,   Saxton, Rufus, U b'v't maj.-gen., at    Ists, 1 : 13: opposes regular olllcers
Si. Simon's Island, Fna., 4 : 27.     Harper's Ferry, 2 : 289.            for vol. troops., 1 : 94; orders otn
Matado, Tex., 1L : 34-.             Scales, Alfred M., C hrig.-gen., w, 8:  Bull Run, 1 : 183; resigns, 2: 114;
   SaeN. C., 4 : 479, note,          424: Gettysburg, 8 : 282, 355,270.   quoted, 1 : 38: 2 ; 114.