Scott, W. C., cal. 44th V.., 2 : 295.  Semmes, Raphael, C rear-adno., por't, Shelby, Jos. O., C btrig.-geu., col.
Scribuer, Benki. F., U bert brig.-gen.,  4: 602; capt .,  .. conds "1Sumter," 4:  .om'ds brigade in Ark., 3: 446, 447,
cutI. 38th hId., 1 :381 ; 3 : 615, P23,  635,"1 Alabama," 4 :600-1, 605, 605,  458; 4 : 375; in  Mo., 4 : 374-6;
624; at Chiekaiuaiig1a, 3: 649.      610-13, 615, 619, 621 ; on Jamnes River,  strength, 4 : 374.
Scurry, W. R., C itrig.-gen., cot. in N.  4':767r; app't'd brig.-gen. at IDauille, Shelbyville, Ky., 3: 47.
M1., 2 : 163 ; itrg.-g4!O., 3 : 587.   4 :763, note; quoted, 4:666, 618-is,   -, Teno., 2 :7609; 3: 475, 635-.
Seabirni, TIneC vesel, 1: 625,646, note.621, 623:-4.                      Sheldon, Albert S., liot. 1st, N. V.
Sea King. Thne, see "S henandoah."     Seneca, The, U gun-boat, 1L :675, 674-I,  art'y, w, 3 : 375.
Sears,Cyrus,It'llith Odinitult'y, 2:7,35.  676 , 678, 680,683; cut, 1: 676; 4: 28,33.  -,Lionel A., U  byvt brig-gen.,
   -1C. W1., C brig-gen. 4 :4CH, 47 1. Se.e-a ('reek, Std., 2 : 554-5.        IleUttol.. 42d Ohio, 1 : 393; 3:
Scarer. 3ion J., U tt's't hrig.-geni, -Ii. Sent-ca, MiL, 3 :149, 27 1.      464-3, 467-8.
16th N. Y., 2 : 5594.              Seniority (priiiitlni by), 1 : P22.    -, Ralph, C catt., 4: 425, note.
Sebagit, The, U, 2 : 266; 4 : Sequatehnie Valley, 3 : 40.      Shell-gun, 1 : 730; cut, 1 : 681.
403, 412.                          Sect-elI, Enin-. W., tt',Vt biu'g.-gen., Shells, sbterranian, see Torpedoes.
Secessitni, gcienera  belief in South    por't, 4: 7.0; cut. 1st -N. Y. eng., at Stnenandoab, Army of the, 4 : 501. win..nihI be trcal,1 :74:    Charleston,,4 : 7.2, 73.                , U depit. of the, 2: 170.
the right of, 4 : 2:11.            Seven days' battles, The- (June 2Stin-     Mt., 2 : 286, 258.
       SeesiniiS. (ass ault   (Junec  July 1st, iSP)2), 2 : 14, 42:3; Lee's,    Valley, totpography, 4 : MG0;
  16th, 18652), 4 : 21 ; titssi', 4 : 21.  ipian, 2 : 2161, 386, :395, 399, 405;  value lto C for subsistence, 1 : 196;
Sercrt Service, 2: 114, 134, t6SS.     lse,2: 187, 31.5, 317, 3195, 404, 426,  4 :1tt, 249; U forces In, 1 : 259, note;
SenWion, Jlanes A.. C -secy nif war, 1:,;;  433; strength, 2: 186-7, 311, 317, 404;  1862  eanspalga, resuts, 2 : 3110;
  3: 473; port, 3 :958 qnitted. 3 :265,  spoils tif C, 2 : 584, .395, 3M; C mIs-  strength, 2 : 545, 289,599-501: losses,
  454-I                                haps,, 2 : 405; toptography, C Igno- 2 : 299-501; evac. by U, 2: :412; 1862
  -,John, C niajor, 2 : 511.         rauce of, 2 : 395 [see, also, Beaver   campaign, 3 :258,262, 265; 1864 cam-
Sedgwlek, Chas. B., 1 : 748.           1Da-  Creek, Gaines's Mill, Say-    palgo, tosses, 4: 524, 531-5; U dcv-
   -,John, Uu-aj.-geu., poert, 4: 952;   age's Station, White Oak Swamp,        astation, 4: 50, 50,1512-13,1529.
   w, 2: 644: k, 4: 92, 134, 14,W,165,175,213,  Frayscer' Farm., Malvern Hill].     ,Artfles,2 :278-302; 4: 475-530.
   242 : charatctr, 3 : 2:39: 4: 213; head--,Mop, 2 : 384.                       ,lfp, 2 : 284.
   quarters near Washington, cut, 2: Seven Fines,,,battle (M'ay 3lst-Jime 1st, Shenandoah, The, U cruIser, 1 : 616,
   563; com'ds division on Peninsula,     1862), 2 : 178, 208-14, 220, 224-5, 437;  ,C cruiser, 1 : 650: 4: 599, 625.
   2: 173, 183,5205, note: ntMalverin Hill,  cuts, 2:5216, 239, 240, 289, 291, 228, 297, Shepherd, Oliver I-, U  b'v't brig.-
   2 : 189; S-eve  Pil.-, 2 : 245-6, sit ;  262-3; 2d day, 2 :251-63; strength   gea., 3 : 624, 6233
   Savage,'s StatIon, 2 : 371; Antilelamn,  and losses,. 2 : 208, 215-20,238-9, note, Shepherdstow,,  Va., 2 : 611, 626-7,
   2 :628, 637, note, 641, 643-6, 678;    247: C spoils, 2 :211; disposition of  662,681-2,680-7,693; 3 : 249,267; cut.,
   Chaneetlorsvillte campaIgn, 3 : 117,   troops after, 2 : 320, note.           2 : 688 694.
   161, 1612, 165,186, 170, 172, 173, 177, 203,  -,Mops, 2 : 227, 240.         Shepley, Geo. F., U brlg.-gen., mill-
   217,221-3, 233 at Gettysburg, 3 : 313, Seward, W.n. H., U Sec'y of State, 1 :  tary guy. Va., 1 : 6; 4 : 727.
   238: after Gettysburg. 3:2379; 4:    1,560:;2 :24; 3: 239; port, 2 :141: Sheridau, MlchaeltV., Ueapt., 4;711.
   81; at Rappahannoek redoubta, 4:     character, 2 : 111 ; dIplomatIc skill,  -, Philip H., U gen., ports, 4:
   84-6l, 89: on Rapidan, 4: 89-91;     2:118; attack-ed, 4:7281 quoted, 2:    111, 192, 541, 796; character, 4 : 522,
   coni'd SIxth Corps, 4: 93; strength  142.                                 124; anecdotes, 8 : 725; 4: 191, 720,
   of, 4: 112: WIlderness, 4 : 121, 145, Sewel Mt., W. Va., 1: 146-7.        713-14; capt., Mo., 1 : 275; cot. 24
   113, 154, 156, 128, 241; Sposylelania. Sexton, Sam't, U surgon, 2 : 672.      Mitch. cay., 2 : 723; Miiss., 2 : 718,
   4: 128,163-, 1715; quoted, 3 : 314, 413. Seymour, Horatio, guy. N. Y., 1 : 6.  721,723; Ky., 8: 47-6,13-9; brig.-gen.,
Seeley, Francis W.. leu.t. 4th U. S.     -,Trman., U b'v't maj.-gen., 1 :      Stone's River, 8 : 614, 620-3,627, 629;
  art'y, 3 :304.                       49; port, 1 : 42; w, 4 :60; capt.    after, 3 : 637; Chickamanga, 3 : 662,
Seiliheimer, Geo, 0., Arirle, "HIstoric  1st U. S. art'y, 1 : 43; brig.-gen., at  649, 651, 654, 67-8,663-5,670; Chatta-
  Basis  of   Whittier's    Barbara    Bleaver Dam, 2 : 325, 928, 330-2;    ucoga, 3 : 698,706-8, 721,724-; maj.-
  Frieteble,"' 2: 618-19.              Frayscers Farm, 2 : 397; Malvern     gen., comn'ds cay, of Army of Poto-
Selden, Henry Richard, U   nnaj. 13th  HUIl, 2 : 412; South Mt., 2 : 569, 174;  mac, 4 : 106, 188; strength of forees,
  U. S., capt. 5th 'LT. B., 2: 107, 699.  Antletam, 2:635; Charlesbin, 4:19;    4 : 112, 124, 531-2; on Rapldan, 4  
Selden, The, C vessel, 1: 625.        in Fla., 4 : 76-80 ; Wilderness, 4 :  145; Richmond raid, 4 : 116-17, 146,
Selfrldge,Tos.O.,Jr.,   128; c, 4: 127, 162; quoted, 4: 76.   162, 191, 212; Hawes's Shop, 4 : 138,
  364,uot.; por't,4:691;com'r"1Calro," Shackelford, Jas. M4., U   brig.-gen.,   547; Todd's Tavern, 4 : 16,4; Cold
  3 ; 559; on Ark,, 8;: 570; at V'icks-  3 : 750; 4: 411; por't, 4 : 476.       Harbor, 4: 136, 247, 193. 214-15, 222,
  burg, 3:569: com'ds "Os.age,"4;962; Shaler. Alex., U b'v't maj..gen., cot.,   229; Trevilian raid, 4:148, 233-9,492,
  Fort FIsher, 4:;659. An'icfes, "The    3 : 221, 227, 317, 270; 4 :162; c, 4:  note; Petersburg. 1864,4 :5176, 178;
  Navy in the Red River," 4     3 63;  127, 162.                            in Shenandoah, 4: 236, 249, 101, 101,
  "The Navy at Fort Fisher," 4 :614. Shamrock, The, U      gun-boat, 4: 641.    609-SO, 113-14, 922, 124: plans, 4;
Sellhuer, Chas., U  capt., llent. 11th Shanks, Win. F. 0., quoted, 3 : 614.    101-2,104,9416,110; orders to, 4:9514:
  Me., at Charleston, 4 ; 73.        Sharpsburg, Md., 2 :560,5990, 611, 627,  arrival at Cedar Creek, 4 : 119;
Selna, Ala., 4:401,759-60: action (Apr.  630, 651,657, 6651-6, 685; 3 :265 ; cuts,  Petersburg, 1865,4;:250,1521,i579, 768--
  2d, 18611,4 ; 411, 760; strength and   2: 545, 151, 654, 665, 666.        11, 716, 718; FIve. Forks, 4:219, 712-
  losses, 4 : 7NO.                   -   ' battle, see Antietam.            13, 723: in pursuit of Lee, 4 : 719-22,
Sclms, The, C guti-boat, at Mtobile, 4: Sharp-shcoters, tactics, 1 : 40'.     730, 734; Appomattox, 4 : 742, 744;
  390-1, 394, 399, 461; c, 4 :384, note,  ,C, ciii, 2: 202.                 quoted, 4 : 234-5, 151, note, 524, 711,
  392-3, 462; cuat, 4 : 394.                LtT. S. 1st, at Hanover Court   713, 723-4 ;hi.s" Personal Meoioirs"
Seniluary  Ridge  (Gettysburg), 3 :   House, 2 :320; Malvern Hill, 2 :     quoted, 4 ; 119, note, 7609, note.
  277-9, 283, 287, 293, 295, 296, 339, 342,  4151; Gettysburg, 3 : 352, 416.  Sherman, Thomas W., U b'v't ma,].-
  343, 349, 358, 962, 3W.           Shaver, H. G., C cot., 1 : 118.        gen., port, 1 : 672: com.'ns armY,
Senninote, The, U gun-boat, 1 : 679.   Shaw, H. M.,     .I. 8th N. C., 1 : 642,  Port Royal e-Ped., 1; 673; c'tui'ds
Senmes, 0. J., C capt. art'y, 3 : 1,84.note, 645.                         dept. of South, 4 : 13, note: In La.,
   -,Paint J., C brig.-ge.., port. 3 :    _   Rohi. G., col. 14th Mass., por't,  3 : 587; Port Hudson, 3: 593-4;
   341: w,,3;327; k, 3 :36; onPenltn-   4 :28; k, 4: 60.                     quoted, 1 :687.
   snila, 2; 195,; Seven Pines, 2 : 210;   _,Wm. T., enI. 14th Iowa, co-'ds -       , Wmn. Teeumseh, U gin., ports,
   Savag e's Station, 2 ; 373; Malvern    brigade, Red River exped., 4; 35r5.    4 : 160, 256, 665, 692; w, 1 : 474;
   Hill, 2 : :193; Antietani campaign, Slnswsheen, The, U gnu-boat, 4: 796.     cinaracter, 1 : 519; 3 : 6381, 712; 4 :
   2: 192, 194, 196: Frederickslturg, "1Shehang," the, cut, 4 : 90.          210; Grant's opinion of, 1 : 409;
   3 ; 91: Gettysburg, 3; 231-4, 336-7; Sheets, G. F., capt. 7th Va. cay., 2 :   criticised by Hoed, 4 ; 237-8; an-
   quoted, 2 :5195.                     287--8.                              -edotes, 1: 381; 3 : 490; 4 :501, 305,
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