note. 671; at West Point, 2:624;
predlietion as to number of troops
needed, 4 : 294; in Mo., 1: :26;
at Itt Bull Run, 1 :176, 1868, 29,
215; birig.-ge., In Ky., 1 : 380-I; rc-
lieved, 1: 385; at Canim, 1 :438, note;
before Shilob, 1 :490,537, 576; Shiloh,
1 : 469, 472-4, 477-90, 501, 616-19, 623-
25, S36; delegated   powers, 1 : 491;
not prepared for attaek, 1 : 499-500,
558; in N.    liss., 2: 718, 731, 756; In.
E. Tenn., 8: 34; coin'ds Fifteenth
Corps, 8; 451; t hickasaw, 8 : 464,
469, 475, 484-5; Vick sburg eamlpaign,
8 : 431-2, 462, 482, 495, 501-9, 613, 515,
517-19, 5246, sas, 5t;0, 563-4; rom'd[
Army of the Teon., 8 : 685; ('hatta-
ntoga eampaign, 8 : C80-1, 684, 691,
6.5-7, 699, 701-2, 706-, 706-9, 714-17,
720-4; at Knoxville, 8 : 711, 750;
eoCi'd dtvision of the .   iss., 4 : 95,
101, 103-4, 107, 110; aids Banks, 4;
347; in .V. Mi-s., 4  247, note; sulan
4 : 416; eotn'da Western army, 4;
247, 211 G rant's orders to, 4: 248,
2o, 23i6; Atlanta campaign, 4 :117,
267, ae-,, 305-6, 310-11, 319-21, 325, 335,
341, 343 ; plans, 4 : 254, 279, 294, 299,
302. 307,, 303, 319,32, 325-6, 341-2, 419;
Kenesw Mt., 4 : 272; fter..tlantn,
plans, 4: 440, 443, 7e0; "mareh to
the sea," 4:428, 667, 669, 680; put'-
pI.e, 4;6: C7; In t a., 4: G63-5; in N.
C., 4 : C190-3; at City Point, Va., 4:
754; pIlana, 4 : 754; mnotives ftr
treaty with Johnuton, 4 : 756-7;
army reviewed, May 24th, 186., 4:
75s; quoted, 1 :190, noite, 499, 511,
527-8, 538; 3 : 4412, 466-8, 470, 517,
  .23,744; 4: 266, 272, 273, 29'3, 299), 352.
  416, 418, 440, 666. 680, 683, 755; his
   Me-oirs" quoted, 8: 442, 4414, 468.
  470; 4: 313, note, a23, note. 680, 705;
  eritiise-d biy Buell, 1: 511, 520. ArIli-
  ,lc, "The Grand Strategy of the
  last Year of the War," 4 : 247.
Sherrilt, Etikitit, cot. 126th N.    .,
I-r't. 3: 3 74; 1, (G-ttysbtirg,  : 376.
Shibitt, Jasi., U b'v't isj.-gen., port,
2 :05    3,2:304, 369; inl henandoahl,
2: 283, 284,291-2, 30r2-3, t9oO; orderetl
to Rappahannoek, 2: 310; r-turn Ii,
Shenandoah. 2 : 211-12; at lIar-
rio-'s Landing. 2 : 428, 546; quoted,
2: :0S.,209.
iit,4h, Teunn., battle (April t6th-7ttb.
  18:2,1   :465, 469; topsograptiy, 1:
  4.5, 495, 511 ; vi.-sv on tiehl, 1: 417,
  460. 471, 4741, 480-1, 486, 490, 514,
  561, '.; U want of preparatih     f-'r
  attitek, 1: 457. 489, 558-9, 585, 604;
  C phli., 1: 4915. 52, 5s8, 581, 6tl; U
  ditriltition of troopt, 1 :498-9; U
  want of cohesion, 1: 504, 522; U
  want of intrenelbmlents, 1 : 481, 487,
  raw troops (U). 1 : 469, 473, 480. 499;
  need of drill, 1 : 481; C delay iii
  attak, 1 : 553-5, 5442; sitnation
  Sunday evening, 1: 465, 507, 520,567;
  disorganization   of U   troops, 1;
  522; U stragglers, 1 : 474, 494, 57;
  sarch of Lew     Watlace's division,
  1 : 607-9; Colovements, second day.
  1 :591; final C assault not Illade, 1:
  167; battle scenes (euts), 1 : 472, 475,
  482, 484, 504-5, 510-11, 518, 527, 534, 563,
  577, 598,600;tactics, 1:484;reaonstfor
  non-pnrsnlt, 1 : 479, 532-3; sttrengtb,
  1: 481, 492, 499, 37-8, 584, 592; io;ses,
  1 : 476, 484-5, M7-8, 593; a turning

pointin the war, 1:486; misco0Cep- Silver Cloud, The, U steamer, 4: 419.
lions concerning, 1 : 469, 488.     Simkins, J. C., C lieut.-CoL, 4: 1.
Shiloh, Articles, 1 : 465-67.        Sintimonds, Seth J., U capt. Ky. bat-
-   , Maps, eampaign, 1: 466; f eld,   tery, 2 : 652; South Mt., 2 : 663.
1 : 4701 U Camps, 1: 496-7; field Simmons, Seneca G., coL 5th Pa. Res.,
(revised by D. C. Budl), 1:502-3,    2 : 328.
ofticial (Thom), 1: NO; map used Siuoms, W. T., U col., w, 4: 158, n-ote.
by C generals, 1: 551; W. P. John- Simions, Jas., C brig.-gen., 1: 82-3.
.Wn'-s maps, 1: 556,960,166; routesby Sim.oson, Peter, eapt. 5th lud. bat-y,
which (rant was reVnfor-ed, 1: 608.  8:619.
Ship, SF-ott, C liet-col., 4: 48:-4.  Simpson, John G., lieut. 1st Pa. art'y.
Ship Ishtld, Miss., 1 : 32, note; 2 : 1:1.  3  141.
Shirk, Jas. V., U lieut.-Coun'der, 1:     ,Edw., U1 ept. (navy), 4: 412.
367, .57; 3 : 560, 167: 4: 412.          , J. H., UX b'v't brig.-gen., ol.
Shoes, "1swapping" of, by C, 8: 760.   4th N. J., 2: 364.
Shokokon, The, U  gu-boat, 4: 706.   Fiusport, La., 4: 360.
Shorkley, Geo., U muaj., 4: 586-7; w, Sinclair, Arthur, Jr., C naval lieut.,
4: 7.                               4:601.
Shortr, Joh(. ill,guy. Al:., 1 :          ,i Geo. T., C naval lieut., 4:
Shotup, Franeis A., C brig.-gen.,Vicks-  597,6ao.
bitrg. 8: 489 ; Athluta Cam., 4: 268, Sisters Ferry, Ga., 4:2r,8.
2,333-40.                          Sisters of Charity, Cincinnati, 1: M6.
Shrevep rt, L., a : 458; 4: 108, 347, Sitgreave., JulIs A., C capt., 4: 11.
350-2, 354, 33, 36f9-71, 375.      Skinker's Neck, Va., 3 :122,129.
Shryo-k. -, C licit., 2: 101.        Skinner, It. F., capt. 7th Coon., 4: 77.
Shryock's Ferry. Ky., 8:28.          Skulkers. 8: 623.
Shi iaker, L. Mt., C -ni. art'y, 2 :477. Slack, Win. Y., C brig-gen., por t,
Shumate, Jo., U sergeant, 1 :236.      1:3S02; k, 1: 277; at Pea Ridge, 1:
Shuter's Hlill, Va., 1 :358.           323, 334.
Sibley, Ile-ry H.. C brig.-geu., por't, Slaughter It., Va., see Cedar MIt.
2 :109; com'd- dept. of Art., 1 : 13; Slaves [e EmaOeipatitn(. fugittie,
In N. St., 2: 104-6, 110-21, 697-7008.  returned, 2 : 132; leclaredl contra.
Sildey tents, 2: 56.                  band, 2: 146; U   protection to, 2;
Sicard, M., U lieat.-eom'der, 4: fii,0.  703; with Sherman's army, 4: 664,
Sickls.g   Daniel E., U   mal.-gen.,   ti88 0.
port, 3: 296; w, 3: 307, 311, 328, 4446; Slemnier, Adam J.. U b'v't tmrig.-gen.,
  5tahvern Hill, 2 :186,31r4, 4M8, 412,415,  ,naj. 16th U. S., por't, 1 ::41; w, a 8
  421; Sevelt 1Pites, 2 : 259; Fred-   624; Ist lieut., Pesaeola, 1: 26-9.
  ericksburg. 3: :132, 135; Chauecl- Slidell, John, C comm-r, 2: 135-42;
  lor-ville, 3 : 13-5, 170, 177, 179, 180,  port, 2 : 137.
  note, 1,42. 18,, 188, 189, 182, 195-7, Sloan, I., C eapt., 2: 228.
  200,219,32e5; after tlhanclinsv-ilie,      J. B. E., eol. 4th S. C., 1: 206.
  3 : 171; (lettysbhrg, 3: 278, 284, 289., SIocomi, C. U., Capt. La. Il t'y, 3:
  301, 342, .7, 312,238, 356, 360, 385, 411,  60;, 651.
  note, 414-15,416; orders to, at, : 404., S1monun, Hlenry  Wr., U  maj.-gen.,
  413, 419; results of action, 3: 414;  port, 4 : 682; character, 3:412,
  quoted, 2 : 217; 3:188, 195. Arline,  at 1st Bu1ll tlilt, 1: 219, note; on
  The   teadte-SiCktes Controversy,"   Peninsula, 2 :172, 182-3; (6laes's
  by (;eo. (4. Meade and D. E. Siekles,  Mill, 2: 181, 2:41, 32:7, 529, 366: G;ta 1-
  3:413-19.                            ing'sS'Farti, 2: 369; tinver-u Ilill, 2:
Sidney C. Jones, The.U vessel, 3: :557.  185,391 ; oh retreitt. 2:5 70,377: Fray-
Siege operations, eonolny of life I,.  ser's Far., 2: 381; N. Va., 2 : 1444;
4:4to note.                          Atitietam Camipaign, 2: 51:2, s50-7,
Sigel, Franz,Umaaj.-ge., 4:104, tnte;  628, (46;  Ch.neellorsville  cam-
port, 12: 286; cot. 3 S13o., 1: 289; In.  palgo, 3 :157, 159, 161-3, 189, 190,
  n., 1: 267,271: WtilsnsCreek. 1:291.  196, 219; after Chauee-llonville, 3:
  293, 301,:04-6, 3:4; Pea Ridge, 1: 325;  171; Gettysburg, 3: 274, 278, 287-9,
  ordered to EAit. 3:443; eonids First  297, 313, :117; eome'd Twvelfth Co-ps,
  Corps in Shetiand'iah (1862), 2: 450,  3: 407; Chatt-ntoga eampaignl, 3:
  note; lev-es Sbeuandt'ab, 2: 452;    676, 687; at Vleksburg, 4: 294; in
  in N. V... 2: 44eo; 2d Bull Run, 2:  Ga., 4: 2.58, 672, 679;    e-ct 'ds
  463-4. 6:;9-71, 474, 482, note, 496, 69t;;  Twentietb Corpt, 4: 671; Atlanta
  Wsthington, 2: .542; in Shenanldoah  campaign, 4 : .21-2; in Ga., 4:
  (184,4), 4: 104, 110, 114, 150, 249, 480-5,  465-4, 666; e  i'ds Army of (;a., 4:
  487 in West Va., 4: 494-5. A-tkles,  754; itt S. C., 4 : 686; cited, 3:
  "The Flanking Colu-n at WIlson's     414-15; q.otetd, 3:314,412. Articles,
  Creek," 1: 30-6; "Pea Ridge Cn-      "Sleritian'-sMareh froti S-ava-nah
  paign," 1 : 314-34; "Sigel in the    to Bentonville," 4 : 681; "Final
  Shenandoah Valley in 1864." 4; 4R7.  Operations of Sherman'o ArYy,"
Sigfried, Jo-ha K.,.J U  vh' tbrig.-gen.,  4:754.
  el. 48tb Pa. 4: 3-4; quoted, 4: 167. Slough, John P., U brig.gen., col. Ist
Signal, The, U fIn-clad, 1: 621; on     Colo., 2 :108, 696, 699.
  Vazoo, 8 : 559, 561; e,. 4: 365-6.  Smalley, Geo. W., 2: 8, note.
Signals, military, deciphering, 8: 492; Hmalls, Robt., 4: 27.
  4:50.                              Pmead, Jno. R., capt. 5t U. S. art'y,2:
Sikeston, Mo., 1 : 348.               410, 420; lieut. 2d U. S. artly, 1: 17.
Sill, Joshua W., brig.-gen., por't, 3: Smith, -, C     lieut.-col. eng., 8:
  619 k, 8: 619, 620; col. 33d Ohio, 2:  233.
  702, 716; brig-gen., in Ky., 3:14- -     A. B., U pilot, 1: 698.
  15,27,47, 49; Stone's River, 8: 619.     Albert N., 1U eom'der, 1 : 5.