Smith, Andrew J., U maj.-gea.,
ports, 3 : 100: 4:354; brig.-gen.,
at Vieksluarg. 3 :444, 41(7, 565, 509,
511, 126, 530, 531, 645 ; on Red RIver,
4 :106,349-51, 353-4, 35663, 360,26, 269,
373; at IN. O., 4:411; In Mon., 4:
375-7; at NashvIlle, 4: 273, 4517-0,
463,  4684;  in  M iss,  4 : 411; in, T eonI.,
4; 442, 448, 454, 465, 66.
       Baxter, C euI. 41b Te-no. cv.,
 4  :  70 5,  not".
 ,Ile- j.F.,Ul,' v tl r g g n , c l
 126th Ohi", 3.3r23.
      cailetu  B., U   S c'.C   of  tutri',r,

      C ara w a, y,  cal.  2u1  Fla.  ct .  4 :
 77, 78, 8).
     I (h a s".F., i u j - e.  o t   
 411; 1charactr, 1 : 405, 687; atpp't'd
 brig.-gen., Jii Ky., 1: 285; Padulcah,
 1: 348; Fort 1    ...i.. Iu, 1: 405; Fort
 Donelson, 1:. 466, 4416, 432-3: aftir.
 Fort  Da es  n  1  : 465,450, 574;
 Shiloh, 1 : 469,452.

      Edmund...  Kirby-, C   gen,.,  porlt,
 3 1 3; sv, 1 : 214; character, 13
 454; 104., iii Shenan.doah, 1 : 229;
 1st Bull Rui, 1 : 175, 190, 212, 249;
 2 : 717, iuote; III E. Teno., 2 : 717;
 3 :63-6; in, Ky., 2 :717, 725; 3 :2-43,
 6, 10-11, 15, 17, 19-20, 33, 26-7, 46, 648,
 602, 603; lient.-g-'., In Ark., 3  
 414, 456, 467; pollties, 3 : 456;
 Inemfelency, 3 : 456A-9; VIeksbttrg
 campaIgn, 3 ; 473. 543; in Teon.,
 3 :661l; In La., 4 : 347. 235,3L52, 366-7,
 360, 373; e-uu'd trans-Miss. dep't,
 4 : 269, -it     - sle'e,Is Taylor, 4  
 361 I lnated,4:353,ii te,35.X   A rticle,
 "1The Defense, of the lied River," 4:
      E. I'.,;um cciltc4; 3(11.
           F e s c i s It.   C r 1 ., 4   : 4 8 6 .

  at Fr,'ilrlcksbocg," 3 : 143.
  t,(eo. It., ciii. 62d Va., 4 : 480-2,
  484: in. Mli., 4 : 497.
    ,titcs. A., U nnj.-g-n., w, 3:
  7 65;  C liatta usiga,  3 :766,  701,  7,3:;
  Atlanta  nita piaig , 4  :266,  -tiot,  201,
  214,3238; in S. C., 4 :675.
      (;iit-v  s W ., C  -ij.-gen., 1  :C,,
  22t, 233-4 2 :524; Isler't 2 :217; be-
  hisw Ru,'hIimiid, 2 :'2061, 219-11, 214;
     Seen1h-e, 2 : 221, 247--62; illness,
  2  : 261 ;  Ati;,nta . cai...iaign, 4  : 271,
  273: rou'd Ga. Militia at Atlanta,
  4 :332-3, 337-9, 341, .343; InI GIa., 4:
  664; In S. C., 4 : 683,noe e, 4  
  761; quioteut1, 2 : 219, 222, nule; 4:
  235.  Ar ces    "T wo  D aysof Battle at
  Se ves Pine. s," 2 : 220 I "The Georgia
  Militia, alsut Atlanta,"l 4:331; "1The
  Georgia. Militia daring Sherman's
  March to the Sea," 4 : 667.
  Ileiiry E., U b'v't ins,) ., Art-U
  ele, "The Rear-Giiars at Malvern
  1H1l1," 2 : 434.
        Rt.,It ote"Il,1: 746.
        S.B., Article, "1The Chargi' of
  Picakett, Pettigrew, and Trim.ble,"
  3: 34.
  -J . G regory, guy. VtS., 1 : 6.
      ,Jas. E., ealit. 4th N. Y. baty,
  Gettysburg, 3 : 204, 209,2309.
-' John E., b'v't nisi-gen., caol.
  49th Ill., 1 : 6527 brig.-gen., Vicks-
  burg cm-paign, 3 : 497, 4986; Chatta-
  nooga, 3 : 701, 705, 7 12, 723.

Smith, Joseph, U rear-adni., 1 : 1, 617,
728, 749-650.
   Jusi'-ph B., U aciing-eomn'r,
 sir'et, 1 :7117; II, 1 : 699, 712.
     ,J. t1. Kirby, cot. 43d Ohio, 1 :449.
     Jas. l'owcr, C capt., Article,
   Stomi  wai  Jacksu-i's L ast  B attle,"
 3 :203.
      J... Y.,  guy. R. I., J:6
   -,Larkin, U miii., 1 :235.
      Le-i, C .i-,aI chpl., 3 : W.86

 regt., Shiulb, 1 : 9;,, 590.
   St artiin   L  othir,  C  nuj.-gen.,
 por't, 3 : 476; character, 3 : 463;
       lui.g n, V lcksbnrg,  3   :  474,  4812,
 484, 487-9.
 -   ,   M eiancto ,  U r ar a ti, C lt
 0iiay), 2 : 13, 49; 3:6566; qusoted,
 2: 45.
 -,MNIrgan L., U beig.-gen., por't,
 1 : 410; cot. 8th Mo., at Fort Donet
 saI,, 1: 422-2; ltirg-gen., at Vicks.
 Isirg, 3: 464; Chattanooga, 3 : 700,
 701,705,723; conuds Fifteenth Corps,
 Atlanta cani., 4: 317, 328-30.
   -1Orland, b'v't brlg.-gen., ca.I
 73d Ohio, 3 : 720.
   -,Preston, C inaj.-gen., port, 3:
 6; k 3: 652; in Ky.-3 :4-5.
   R__ _ S.  5'.,  col. 71st  P.,., 3  : 391.
      ,T. B., C brig.-gen, cl 20th
  Teiin., it Bat-i Rouge-, 3 : 583;
  Atlanta cain., 4 :2862.
  ____ T.  Kilby-,  U   s'v't  inaj.-geii.,
  licit IRiver, 4 :3:49, 352, 3.54, 33 7, M4g1.
  - ,W atI. , U  ie t- a sr  2 : 35;
  3 : 560-2: iluath, 3 : 563.
      WIi.., C go;-. Va., 1 : ;.
      Wiii. U iiaval quaclerniaster,
  4: 625; poert, 4 :6('19.
      Wui., U  -i'l'r, 2 : 266, 270.
      Win., C brig. -gen., e'il. 49th Va.,
  1 : 211; Gcttysbnrg, 3 : 281, 369
    - , W.. F arnir, U i aj ge .
  chairnctr, 3  : 715; 4  : 106,  niite; at
  P'eninsula, 2 : 172, 183, 194; Seveui
  P ines,2 : 181, uhate;        3ie'1111,
  2 :181; G-shuig`a Farmn, 2 :366-9;
  Sas-;ge's Statioii, 2 : 371; White Oak
  Birhige, 2:381; rtr-at, 2 :42:5; in N.
  Va., 2 : 540; Autietaii cauiaigii, 2:
  594-7, 628, 646; Buirnside's aders,
  co ncern iig,  3  2 16;  com',ls  iii dept.
         Si s a l a n , 3   :  271;   chief  d g
  of A r- y of  C u o e l nl 3 : 685,
  687, 688, 691, 696, 699, 714, 716, 717, 719.
  720,  1,23;  ap si iutcul  ia.I.-geo..,  4 :
  104; ce i'ilsArmyo'f, 4 : 566,
     ii , e ; r elieved ,   4   :   1017 ; al e d
     r a o s for,  4   :  107,  note;  joins
  Aroi..y of Patoiiia..e, 4: 147, 205, 244;
  ,41,1ditar ia ,4 :146,519-17,220;
  rifuses to assault at Cold harbor,
  4 : 237;1 Petersbu.rg, 4: 149, 151, 245,
  .541; quoted, 2 : 198-9), 646, note; 3:
  718: 4:I104-7.nates,. Artile, "1Fraiik-
  II.'s 'Left Grand Division,'" 3  
  128; "Commeiits on Gsel. Graiit's,
  'Chattanooga,'" 3 : 714, 716; "Rot-
  Icr's Attack oii Drewry's Bluff"
  4 : 206; "The Eighteenth Corps at
  Cold Harbor," 4 : 2,21.
  -,W-i Soay, U bris-gen., Vicks-
  bu.rg campaign, 3 : 521; Iii N. Miss.,
  4 : 247,note;  chief  of  ca .,expedItion
  (Fec., 1664I, 4: 419-17; orders to, 4:
  417-16, note; qiited, 4: 416.
Smith Briggs,The,U transp't,e,4:706.
Sumithfield, N. C., 4: 701, 705, 755.


Siaih11eld, Va., action Aug. 29t!, '64),

Smithfield, The, U gun-boat, 4 : 147.
Stuithvtlle, N. C., 4 : 625, note.
Stoaketown, Md., 2: 685.
Sniyth, Thus. A., h'v't niaj.-gen., cot.
1st DeL, counds brigade,Wilderuess,
4 : 117, 166.
Smyrna Station (Church]. Ga., 4:3239,
333; action1 (July 4th, '64), 4:2512,612.
Snake Creek Gap, Ga., 4: 263,266,267,
278, 279, 296-8, 225, 426.
Snead, Thus. L., C cut. 1 ; 262, note:
quiote'd, 1: 306, note, 213, ii'ite. Arti-
,es," First Year of the War in M."
1 : 262: "With Price East of the
Miss," 2 : 717: "1The Ca.uoest of
Arkansas," 3 : 441.
Snic!ker's Gap,Va., 3:263, 267; 4 : 601;
action (July 51th, 156), 4 :499, note.
Snow, AI-nzo,U capt.3Md. art'y,4:489.
Snowden, -, capt. 4th Sl. C. cay., 4:
Snyder, G. W., U Heat. ens-, por't,
1 : 42: death, I : 49.
Soley, Jas. Russel, quo-ted, 2: 751. 13;

ade and the Cruisers " cited, 1 : 715,
  726. Articles, "U  and C Nve,
  1 : 611; "1 Early Ope-rations to the
  Gulft," 2 : 123; " Early Operations
  on the Poltoniac Siter," 2 : 1421;
  " The Navy in the PnsuaCain-
  paigo," 2: 264; "- Naval Operations
  In. the, Vie!ksoirg Campaign," 3:
  .,51 ; "(;olf Operations In 1862 sld
  1863," 3 : .571 :1 "Minor Operations
  of the South Atlantic Squadron
  ,nuder Do Pout," 4 : 27 ; "Closing
  Operations, in the, Gulf and Western
  Rivers," 4: 412; 'The, Cinfedlerate
  Cruisers," 4 : 195; ",Closing Opera-
  (tIIs In the Jame Ri' er," 4 : 70.O:,
Sonierse, Ky., 1 : 383.
Songs of -olored troops, 4 : 564-5.
   Sa G,1. 36.1., C eel., 3 :3:37.
Sunk, Pierre,2 :92,95,96; p'ir't, 2 :97.
SounIdof baltice, 2: 26.]7.
Sunth, U Dept. of the,, 4 : 53.
Sooth Anna River, Va.. 2: 322: 3:265 Atlantic Squadron,A .1tirls, 4:
27, 51.
Sooth Carollna,reslspc-4ldhity forwar.
4 : 684; ecissu  orInaueI : 105;
       Sirinsarmy in, 4: 258, 675. 683.
       ,3lps (Eastl, 4:67 0, 676; (coast),
  1 : 673; 4 : 5,622.
      t roOps, C.
      A't'j, 1st, 4 : 19, '26; Fort Smon-
  Icr, 4: 2, 10, 23.

  pi gli, 2 :563, 584, - 2dl, Brandy Sta,-
  tIon, 3 :261, 2631-3t. Gettysburg.

  237-9-9111, Trevilian Statioti, 4  
  237-9.-Oth, Trevilian Sta., 4 : 237-93.
  Isfalrtt, Ist, Antleta-ieai..
  2 : 577; Fort !tlre,4: 2,10, 23;
  at Battery Bee, 4 : 11, 26: Spot-
  sylvuia, 4 :173, note.-3d, at 1st
  Bull Ruin, 1 :214; Fredereksburg.
  3 : 92-3; Gettysburg, 3  3:331, 110,,
  3325, 336; Kno..ville,, 3: 747.-3d,
  Fred-eriksburg, 3 : 95, 95; Gettys-
  burg, 3 : 331, 235, 236; Knoxville, 3 :
  747- 4th, 1st 11011 Run, 1 : 206.-5th.
  Seven Pine,,2;:236,239.-6th, Sevenk
  Pines, 2 : 2322, 238.- 7th, at Charlies-
  ton, 4:14; Fredericksburg, B : 92,