Stevenson, Thos. G.,U brig.-gen., k,4:
168; Charl-stoti, 4: 49; Wilderuess,
4: 158, 159,163; S tsylva-nila, 4:16.,,
Stevenson, Ala., 1: 571; 3: 7, 36, 40,
676, 684, 691, 692.
Stewart, Alex,. P., C llut.-gen., port,
4: 338; brig.-geu., 2: 524; Shiloh,
  1 :557, 563; In Ky., 3:16; Stone'
  River,  : 606, 621, 622; after Stone',
  River, 3: 636, 639; Knoxville, 3:
  681; Chickamanga, 3 : 651, 623, 653,
  657, 6699,66i4; ;laj.-ge-n., Chattanooga.
  3:724, 725; Atlanta campatgn, 4:
  263, 265, 2366, 269, 301, 366, 313-14,
  336-9, 341, 343, 344; in N. (Ia., 4 :425;
  in Tenn., 4: 428-9, 431, 43s, 4:31-9, 441,
  446, 453; at Na shville, 4:457, 460;
  Bentonvillu,4:703-4; inN. C.,4:70,5.
- Jas., lielit. 4th U. S. art y, 2
990, note; 3 : 282.
       W. Scott, U  b'v't brig.-ge"..
 lient.-col. 66th III., Franklin, 4;
 439, 468
 Stewart's Creek Bridge, Tent,., skir-
 mish (lDeu. 29th, 1862), 3 : 613.
 Stlekincy, Albert, lieut-cl.     47th
 Mass., 3  595.
 Stiles, Itraul N., b 'v't brig-gun., col.
 61d litI., eninds brigaste, Franklin,
 4: 450, 453.
 Stillsvell, Jas., U commander, 2 : 9..
    -    Joseph A., snrgeon  22d Iud.,
 qan.ted, 4 : 273, note.
 Stinusn, Henry M., U cpt. Howv ard's
 staff, 3: 196; s, 4: 328.
 Stoekdale, The, U tin-clad, 4 : 412.
 Stockton, T. B. W., !tml. 16th Mich.,
 orn. brigade, at Fredericksburg, 3:
 123, nout-.
 Stokes (Jag. 11., 111. battery, see
 "Chicago Board of Trade" battery.
 Stone, B. W., cal. 6th Tex. ca .,1: 332.
   ,Chas. P., U hbg-gun., port, 1:17;
 character, 2: 131, note, 134; ot. 14th
 U. S., supper Potomac, 1: 183, note;
 arrest, 2 :123; charge against, 2:
 131, note; defended, 2: 123, 131, 134;
 fugitive slaves held by, 2:132; au-
 thorship of arrest, 2:133; onsid-
 ered for chief-of-staff to Hooker, 3:
 184; chief-of-staffto Banik, relieved,
 4: 361; later career, 2: 134; quoted,
 2:125, note, 126. Artile, "Washing-
 ton on the Eve of the War," 1 : 7-2.
 -     David C., U capt. 1st Ky. bat-
 tery, 3 : 57.
-, Henry, U -ol., Articl, "1 Repel-
liag Hood's Invaion of Tenn.," 4:
   - J. M., ol. 2d Miss., 2: 36:3.
   ,IRoy.Ub' v'tbrig.-gen., col. 149th
 Pa.,  , 3 : 281; Gettysburg, 3: 278,
 note, 279; ..iQ. 13th Pa. Reu., 2: 328.
 Win. M1., gov. Iown, 1: 6.
 Stonue Bridge (Bull Run), cots, 1
 184, 224; 2: 488, 506; action, 2: 489.
 Stote Itouse (Bull RHlt), cut, 1I: 232.
 Stonet-an, Gco., U maj.-gen., por't,
 3 : 112; ott Peninsula, 2: 175, 194,
 429-30; Hanover Court Honse, 2:
 320; Beav-er Dana, 2 : 329, 335; Fred-
 ericksbnrg, 3 :113,134, note; Chnn-
 ellorsvile cam., 3 : 152-9, 172; At-
 hmnta campaIgn, 4 : 261, 265, 299, 306,
 309, 342; e, 4 : 345, 416; in S. W. Va.,
 4 : 479; N. C. raids, 4 : 479, itote, 763.
 Stones, as weapons, 2 : 08, 534, 566;
 Stone's River, Tenn., topography, 3:
 614-19; cuts, 3: 620, 631; battle (Dec.


31st, 1862 - Jan. 3-1, 1863), 3 : 479,  3 :182, 213; Gettysburg campaign,
607; opp. forees, strt-ngth and loses,  3 : 249, 251, 258, 261, 262, 267, 270, 271,
3 : 610-12, 613, 632; scenes, 3: 622,  297, 322, 369, 377, 378, 397-9, 401, 402,
624, 629, 632.                     406; after Gettysburg, 3 : 380, 427,
Stone's Rivet-, Teno., Articles, 3  613-  420, 631; in N. V'a., 4 : 94; p-rs-en
23.                                Sheridan, 4: 117, nob-, 190; strengtl
      M ap, 3 : 616.                In 1864, 4:153; at Todd's Tavern, 4:
S 8tonewvall brigade, 2: 210, 429, 212,643;  164, 189; Spstsylsania, 4 : 128, 242;
Ch-aneeilorville, 3 : 207.         tptoted, 2 : 479; 3 : 151, 239, 253.
Stonew all, The, C    -rnlsur, 1 :630; Sttrdi.vant. [N. A.] C art y, 4: 16-7,
history, 4 : 598.                  540.
St )I, The, C gnu-boat, 4 : 8. 9.    Sturgess, RHat. It.,col. 8th 111., 1 : 527.
Ston.o, s. C., 4 : 7, 10, 27, 28, 23, Stargis, Saot'I D., U b'v't maj.-gett.,
57.                                .aj. 4th U..8 cay., in Mo., 1 : 26,f
stony Creek, Va., bhrning bridge, 4:   311; socceed. Lyon, 1 : 272, 296; 2d
196-7; actions (May 7th, 1864), 4:534.  Bull Ron, 2 : 486; Sooth Mt., 2: 523,
Stonsy Crek Station, Va., acfton (June  667, 569, 571, 588-9; Antletam, 2:632,
28th, 1s84), 4 : 23f.              651-3; at Fredericksburg, 3 : 113;
:Stoteshnry, Wt., U .ass'teng. (naval),  Borside's orders -ouc-rnlitg, 3;
4:; 41.                            216, note; western Te-n., 4 : 419,
Stoughton, Chas. P.,Ub'v'tbrig.-gen.,   419-22; quoted, 2: 652.
l Ieut.-col. 4th Vt., 2: 594.       Stdley Church, Va., 2:.534; coit, 2: 510.
-  , Edwdin EI., U brig.-gn., 3:149; Sudley Springs, Va. (EFrd and Mills),
c, 3: 1.11.                        1 : 1208-7; cots, 1 : 181-3, 186; 2:
Stovall, 51. A., C brig.-gn., 3 : 655-6.  506, 521.
Stragglers, 2 : 546f.              Suffolk, Va., 3 :244, 265; 4 : 533, note,
Strahl, 0. F., C brig.-gu., k, 4: 43;   706; siege (Atpril, 18f3, 4: 533, note.
In Tenin., 4 :429.               Sulivane, Cletimetit, Cacapt., Artice,
4trasburg, Vit., 1 : 115; 2 :279-80, 28.5,  "The Evacuation  of Richuond,"
288, 30t2, 310-11; 4: 48.5, 490, 499, 510.  4 : 725.
Streight, Abel D., b''vt brig.-gun., cal. Sallivati, JereMiah C., U brig.-gen.,
51st Ind.,  m'd  y, in Ala., c, 4:  col. cant'ds brigade, ill Shenandoal,
414.                               2 : 302; Kernstown, 2: 304, 306;
Strength of forces, U and C, methods    brig.-guni., in N. MIss., 2: 723, 734-5,
of reckoning. 1 485.              747, 750-3, 7.;8; Vicksburg cam., 3:
Strength and losses, sec Roters.    .500; in S. W. Va., 4: 488-90.
Stribling,Cornellus K.,U couu'dore E.      , Peter J.,U b'v't brig.-geu., col.
gulf squadron, 2 :13.              48tb Ohlo, 1: 520.
    - R. Mt., C capt. art'y, 2 : 478.  Sullivan's Island, Cltarlestan Harbr,
Strickland, Silas A., b'v't ltrig.-gun.,  1 :42,30; 4 :11, 42, 48; batlery, 1:
col. 5oth Ohio, coinds  brigade at    53; cuts, 1 :f66-7, 74; fortifications,
Franklin, 4: 450-2.                4: 2, 3, ntote.
Striugham, Silas   H., U  rear-adat., Sully, Alfred, b'v't taj.-gun., uil. 1st
piort, 1:633; improvestiavaltacticsW ,  Minn., co- 'ds brigade, White Oak
1 : 634; merits unureognizut, 1: f34,  Bridge, 2 : 278; Frayser's Farm, 2:
note; on N. C. coast, 1 : 632; com'ds  397, note.
blockade squadro, 2 :143.        Sulphur   Sprlngs, Va. iFanquier,
Strong, Geo. C., U maj.-geo.,     at    Warrentont , 2: 463, 529, 531; 4: 84.
Charleston, 4: 57-9; k, 4: 59.     Summit Point, Va., action (Aug. 21st,
-,     Jas. I., U com'der, 3: 571; 4:  18i4B, 4: 504.
393, 394; quoted, 4: 394.        Sumner, Chae.,U,S.Senator,2:13,133i.
   Win. E., U      b'v't brig.-gen., -    , Edwin V., U mnaor-guneral,
 Vicksburg, 3 : 541; Atlanta can,-     por'ts, 2 : 248, 597; character, 8: 107,
 paign, 4: 319; quoted, 4: 327.        110; death, 3: 4-54; col. 1st t . S. ua-.,
 Strother, David  ., U'vt brig.-en., superedes      A. S. Johnston in Cai.,
 otl. 3d W. Va. cay., 2 : G42.      1 : 541, 999; com'ds Second Corps ott
 Stryker, WV-. S., U cut, Atiicte, "Thu  Peninsiula, 2:173-4,182-3,194; Seven
 Swamp Angel," 4 : 72.              Pines, 2: 1789, 181, 226-7, 228, 231;
 Stuart, David, U brig.-gen., col. 6 th  FraysersFarm,2:401;BeavurDalai,
 Ill., eon'ds  brigade, Shiloh, 1 : 469,  2 :326, 366; Allei's Fartn, 2 : 371;
 498, 201, 128, 588-9.              Savage' StatIonl, 2 : 373, 375; Sal-
 -        Jas. E. B., C lieut.-gen., port,  vcrn  Hill, 2: 393, 412, 416, note;
 2: 582; k, 4: 117, note, 191, 194, 242; protests  against  rIto-ova  from
 death, ineudot of, 3 : 430; char-   Peuinstla, 2 : 434, narte; 2d Bull
 acter, 2: 525; 4: 151; lelt. cotilsis  Run, 2:490-1; Antietatl, 2 :597,
 ninarnies  at Iarper's FerTr, 1 : 117;  628, 630, 633, 632, 637, note, 643-5,
 col. Ist Va. cav., 1 : 123; 3 : 148; it.  627, 667; Freterieksbl..rg, 3: 70, 73-5,
 Shenandoah, 1  : 123, 230; 1st Btill  88, 107, 109, 118, 119, 121, 127-9; aftcr
 Hut, 1 :212, 237; onl Peninsu la,2:   Frederickshihur, 3:239,note;quoted,
 194; ride around McClellan, 2:271-5,  2 : 195, 245, 260; 3: 70.
 324, 396, 430; (map, 2 : 272); Seven      , Ewiti V., Jr., bhv-t brig.-gun.
 Piues, 2 : 252; StuClethaln' retreat,  ot. Ist N. Y. inunlited rifles, 3 : l0t.
 2: 383, 427, 433; in N. Va., 2: 44, 502, -,  John C., eapt. 7th S. C.,k, 3: 92.
 516; 2d Bii  Ran, 2 : 476,478,483, 11, Sumter, The, C criser, 1 :621; 4
 341; Antietama  mpaigu, 2 :544,60,   625, note; cot, 2: 14; history, 2:
 565, 689, 6i20, 637, note, 640, 679;  17,132, note;  4 : 595.
 Fredericksburg,  3 :76; Penn. raid, -,      The, U  ram, 3: 558-9, 584.
 3  : 103, note; Chanculior.ville cam- Sunflower River, Milss., 3  : 58, 66 3,
 paign, 3 :152, 172, note, 173, 179, 177, 66 9.
 182,189, 194, 203; saeceds Jackson, Supplies, C payment for, 3 :252.