supply. The, U  s-tore-hip, 1: 28, 29,  Cedlar Mt.. 2: 459: 24 Boll Bun, 2 :  defense  In, 1 : 489; C streItgtlt,
51, 614,662.                         441, note, mi-Il; I'rederlekaburg,8: spring of 1862, 1I   570; U   pat
Satrgeoi-, U. treated as guests lby C.  7.3, 78; at Charleston, 4 : 16, 18;   spring of 18112, 2: 182; C    plan.
  1 :219.                              qooted. 4 : 50, noeArticle, "1Jack-  aultumn itt 1862, 8 : 472; Uena
       Ssilaua.The,. U cre,1 : 612,   sons Stad arooid Po.'j," 2 : 501.    Otit In Stare!,, 1864, 4 : 101.
 633,6791,633,685; 2 :143, 27 0; 4 : 592. Tallahasae, Fla., 4 :761.       Tennesse, East,,character. 3 :34, 62;
 tsathertatd's Station, Va.. 4 : 718     alhase TheC, C cruiser, 4 : 598-9,    U. 1 : 543; 8 : 731, 745; -qxtAi. froimi
 action (Apr. 24. 1869t. 4: 7 17.     621.                                 Ky., 1 :3i77,38W2; atiammidour, 1 :392;
 Mutters, misfortunes (If, 2 : 154.   Tallahat.-bie Rtiver, Miss.,. 8 : 5411, IgI.  U operations It. 1862-63, 2 ; 7bbl, 705;
 Mtwattee RIver, Fla.. 4 : 76-7.     Tlatci.      The, U titca,4 : 412.    8 :234, 50; 4: 413.
       Mwlow.e .H.,capt. 7th Indt. ba.t'y, "1Tatuonany "regimn,,t, seeN. Y. 42.1.  . Maps, 2 :71M; 3 : 2-3. 6; (-ast -
 8 : 625,. 63(.                     Tauytown,,"14., 8 : 27:1-4, 2910. 405, en'),4 :478H; oecimtrulp, 4 :414;
 Swamp Angel, 4 : 17., 59; cut 4 :7.2   note,.                               paigni, 1L : 378,545.
 Ar Hide, 4 :72.                    Taugiers,am'st of C usea, 4: 6m. -          Trumps (U), toaruitry  . 1, fin
 Sws,,,   Fr nis It., U  (naval) as't Tanner, W. A., eapt. Va. art'y, 8: 4212.  Teu,. B : 452.
 paymas.ter. 4 : 6405, note.        Tappa, John C., C brig.-gea., Iteui    -   nanr (U). 1st, Loa      C russ
 Swaa.M..  A. .. pt. 4th Va. 2av.22:271.  Rer'aet.4: 355-l, 37,2.            Roads, 1 : 387-21., Logan's truss
 Mwaa.'y C. II., U  I't. quotetd, 2 : 52. Tarleton,, J. A., C licust. Miss. .,rt'y,  Roads, 1I: 387.
 Swayne. Wager. U bWv't tuuJ.-gcu., W.  8: 470.                               -Troops (C) Artillery, 1st, Fort
 4 : 675.                           Tattuall, Josiah, C .eo...'dore, lsor't,Itenry, 1 : 368, 370.
Swearer. John, 1 : 52.                 1- 8;caace,1:8           neoc,            Caralry (C). 3d. In, Miss., 4: 417.
Sweeden's Cove, Ala., 2 : 704.         1 : 682, note, 706; at Port Royal, 1:  - 4th. Beutonviitc, 4: 705.- VhI, in
Sweeny. Thos. W., U   brig.-ge.., enl.  67 W, 8; eoi'ds1 'Virginia," 1I       is. 4: 417.
52dtIll.. 2:749; iu 'o...1;267;Mhibloh,  78.6,710; 2 :267 ; qsuotedl,2:368.    Iaaaftry (C). 1st, Fredericks-
  1 : 1il, 513; brig.-ge-. Atlanta Tsylor. The, U gun-lioat, see "Tyler."     burg, 8: 141; Gettysburg, B : 354;at
  cain.. 4:3103. 317, 326-7, 2P29; tried TaylorA.4).,Uaetingenslgn. 1 : 746.  Mobile, 4:410.-3I, Vickstmrg, 8;
  and acquitest. 4 : 326.                 ,1 Cresed, 1 : 266, note.         470.-7th, Fredericksburg, 8 : 140-1;
Sweet..ale, T-u.,. as-lio tOct. 32,11. -  , Ezra, t.'v't brig.-geu., Capt. 1t  tlettyaburg, 8 : 314.-10th,  Fort
1863), 8 :7322, 745.                 Ill. art'y, 1 : 417, 511, 51S; quoted,  Henry, 1 : 310-14th, Fredericks-
Sweit-er. Jaeob B.. U b'v't lurig.-gea...1 ; 471.                           burg, 3: 140-1; Gettysburg. 8 ; 354.
  -ol. (2d Pa..u.  brigade, tiettys- -  , Frautck E.. lient. 1st U'.M.artly,  -20th, Baton Range, 8 : 583-30th,
  burg. 8 : 337.                       ait Cedar Creek, 4: 518.             Vicksburg, 8: 470. - Nth, Vicksburg,
       Nelson B.. U  b'v't brig.-gen.. - , (eo. WV., U brig-gen., k, 2:50, 8N  : 470.- 154th, Belmont, 1 ; 351.
 2: 4.10.                             529, 539;Gie'       Mill, 2 : 339;    -, Army of (C) [see Atlanta ('alit-
 Swell. leonrd. 1 : 22.                 Frayser's Farm, 2 : 397.             paignil, 4 : 260, 437: trans.portatino,,
 Mwtft. Frcd'k Wl., U  b'v,'t brig.-gen.,  -  Jesse, C -.sJ. art'y, 1 : 3414-72.  4:-260: in. N. C., 4: 700, 703, note.
 callt. I7tb Slit-h_, 8; 7391.       Article,, "Defense of Fort Stny"         .Dep't of thte, U. 8: 451.
   3... it., U Iient.. 2 : 61.      1IL68                              Tenuesse, The (first), C rain, 1
Swift Rtun Gap. Va., 2 : 279, 284-5, 396; - , John, C maj., 1 : 041, Itote,.  452, 629.
4 : 5214.                           -    ,J. H., U licut.-s-oL, 8 : 126, 127; -(second), C iron-clad, 1 : 629: 2:
Swinon. , Win., his "C.ampaigns uf     quoted, 8 : 510.                     29; cuts, 4; 4412-3; des-riptiun, 4;:
  Army of Potomac      cfited, 2 : 331. .   Jt-seph P.. U hrig.-gen,, 1; 5.   401, 4011; at Mobile, 4: 380-1, 387-8,
      SwtelnThe, U rati, 1 : 451, 454;  -  Murray, C capt., 8 : 210.       391-7, 401-5, 401-8; surrender, 4:
  8 : 55W 6.                               , Osutond B., capt. Va. tbst'y,  397-8,404, 408; tents.), 4 :3278, 405; in
Sykes, tGco., U  inaj.-gen., por't. 2 :  at Knoxville11, 8 : 747.           U sevc,4 : 409-10.
  43; character, 2 ; 359; at West -      , Rilch'd, C lieut.-gen., por't, 4 : Tenneasee River, defense Isee Fort
  Puiut, 2;224;laj. I4th U.MS.,lat Bull  270; in Shenanidoah, 2 : M9, note,    Heltry, 1  : 399, 485,1547 ; 8 :639.
  Run, 1 : 191, 206, 1225; on Peninsula,  293, 296; in La., 8 ; 445, 414, 458, 524, - uppecr, B : 676, 678, 688.
  2 :I168 17 2; Hanover Court House,   539, 570, 584, 590, 591, 59,5, 598; Red  -  U Army of te tue to l-s.,
  2: 320 ; Be.aver Dam, 2 :326, 330;   River expeut., 4:349, 351-7,363,2369-  8 ; 495; at Chattanooga9, 3 ; 711,
  Gaines's Sill, 2 : 333, 339, 355, note;  73; relieved, 4 : 261 ; in Ga., 4 : 667 ,;  730 ; Atlanta cam., 4: 312-3 ; cont-
  on retreat, 2: 407 ,; Malvern Hill. 2:  in Ala., 4 : 764; surrender, 4: 411;  maud, 4: 317, 3191 Consolidated into
  408; in N. Va., 2: :42; 24 Bull Run.,  quoted, 4: 353-4; cited. 8 : 353.     Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps,
  2: 466; Autietamn, 2; 657, note, 66,  ,   Robt. F., -l. 3341N. Y., 2 : 69.  4: 321; in Ga., strength, 4: 663.
  873; Freslerickshnrg, 8 ; 113, 115,      ,Ssm'l, C Capt., 4 : 423, note,  Tents, use of, 2: 556.
  note,, 116; Chaneellorsville cam., ,     Walter H., C nlaj., Lee's stuiff, Terrill, Wlm. B., U  brig.-geit., port,
  8 :159; coln'ds Fifth Corps, 8 : 270:  2 : 208; quoted, 2: 208, 578, note.   3: 45; k, 8: 17, 48, 55, 57; anecdotes,
  Gettysburg, 8 : 294, 313, 315, note,   -, Zachary, 8 : 604-5, 633,        8 : 57, 61; capt. 5th U7. S. art'y,
  33; sun Rapidan, 4 : 91 ; relievesl Taylor's Hill, Fred'sbnrg, 8 : 72-5, 82.  1 ; 539, SF2.
  from conind of Fifth Corps, 4 : 276; Tayltor's Ridge, see "Rocky-face."    Terry, Alfred H., U ma.j.-geni., por't,
  in Kansas, 4:27-6; quoted, 2 : 355, Tazwell, Tenn., 3 :4                  4: 657: col. 7th Conn., 2: 2; brig.-
  note!; 8 : 314.                    Teazer, The, C gnu-WIt, 1; 659; 4:; 705.gen., 3d Porter  court,   2 : 606;
                                     TC'che (Bayou), La.. 8: 58, W50 4:     at Charleston, 4 : 57, 63; below
Tabb, W. B., col. 59th Va., 4 : 334.   346; operatIons (Jan. 14th, ise),    Bichxnond,4: 578, note; FoetFisltier,
Tactics, military; defensive. advan-   8 : 586, 590; cut, 8 :5W             4: 658, 660; in N. C., 4 : 754; quoted,
  tage- of, In C. 8 : 247; ofesv,4: Teemuseht,The, U -uonitor, 4; 706; at     4; 660, note.
  253.                                 Mobile, 4 : 385, 40-3; sunk, 1 : 735; - , B. F-. eod. Tex. cay., 1st Bull
  -  navall, imlprovement in, 1 : 634.  4 : 384, note, 388, 403, 468,      Run, 1 : 219; in Ky., 1 :3181.
Tat-on.y, The, C cruiser, 4: 596, 641.  Teel, T. T., C maj., Article, "Sibley's - , Edtw., U  lieut.-Com'der, 8
Taft, Elijah ID., i-apt. 5th N.YV. bat'y,  New Mexican Campaign," 2 : 700.    569,598.
  2 : 656.                           Telegraph, use of, in hattle, 4 : 272.-    , Hf. D., U bcig.-gen., on BspS-
Talbot, Tb,-o., liet. 1st P. R. art'y,      wire-, Used as  bobtruction to  dan, 4 : 89.
  por't, 1 ; 42; death, 1 : 49.        troops, 3 : 741; 4 : 216, note, 212,  -   WM., B., C brig.-geu., cot, coin.
Taltaferro, Alex. 0., enl. 234 Va., 2: -    [Lee's] Hill, Fredericksburg,   brIgade_, Drewry.'A Bluff, 4 ; 301;
  511.                                 8 : 72-3.                            Five Forks, 4: 713,
  B . C. SM., U Ilicut. 1st Mo. art'y. Telford's Depot, Tenn., action (Sept. Texas, secession of, agItation, 1I: 38,
  k, 8: 021,                           8th, 18632, 4 : 476.                 note; ordinance adopted, 1 : 34, 38,
  -. Win. B.. C brig.-gen., w, 2 ; 469. Tenallytown, 35. C., 2 ; 552, 591.     note;    comluission   to  demand
  note, 510; Col. 234 Va.. courds bri- Tennessee, U troops in, 1 ; 277; salli-  Federal property, 1 : 34; political
  Hade in Shenandoah, 2 : 252, note;   ance with C, 1I: M9; 2t1 line of C   reasons fur, 4; 545, note.