True, J.s. M., U  b'v't brig.-gen., col.
  6:241111., 8457.
Truet-itt, llenry P., ma]. 119th Pa., k,
Trtxttln, VW. T., U lleut.-eom'dr, 4:641.
Tin ker, Bt. 1'., rapt. Ist Me. tar., 3:
      John, U asat. sec'y of war, 1:5.
      Jonlitt St., C  di - tl'4., ipir't, 4:
 7120; capt., 1 : 699; 4:6; at Peterl-
 burg, 4: 721: c, 4: 772.
Tuerk, J.iliuta (-., lietit. :d N. J. bat'y,
w, 4: 5.
Tullahoma, Ter.., campaign    (June'
24th-July 3d. 1863), 3 : 475, 486, 607,
632. 634, 637; defenUes, 3 : 637; los-,
3 :637.
     t, lp (caupaigit), 3: 636.
TunInel Hill, Ga., 4: 294; skirmish
  (May 7th, 1864), 4 : 296.
Tuuittall's Station, Va.. 2 : 272, 342.
Tupelo. Mtis., 2 : 722-3. 724, 738, 730.
  737, 743, 754; 3: 1-3, 33, 314, 472, 499,
  600; 4: 427, 471, nota.
-, aetion July 14th, 1864), 4: 415;
  los.es, 4: 422. A4rtile, 4: 421.
Tunr-bi, J..hu B.. brig.-g-n., -Id. 190t
  Ill.. N. Ala., 2:70t2, 70,5; 4 : 515;
  Chattanooga. 3: 7.20.
Turkty Bridge, Va., 2: 420, 432, 434;
  aetiomi June 30tlI, 1842), 2 : 392,
  407-8, 411.
Turkey Island BRnui. Va., 4: 706.
Ttrtbiulll, John G., li11t. 3d V. S. art'y.
  3S: 188, 11414, 304.
Turner. John W., U l,'Ct n-J-g9eu.,
  Dn-wry's Sltff, 4: 2144; P,.tersborg,
  4: 560; quoteol. 4: 62.
       Thbs., U  osom'dtore. 4 : 33, 3.
       Wtm. B., lient. Miss. art'y, 3:
Tulrners tall. Std., 2: 50AI, 565, 570,.5',.
  589, 590, 592,614, 022. 25; cut, 2:576.
       Artile 2: 583.
Turney. Peter, C    -l. 1st Tenrt.. w,
  S: 144.
Titrrs-ts, r-ol iug. 1 : 343; early, 1
Tuscaloosa, Ala., 4 :759; c (Apr. 5tb,
  1865), 4 :761.
Tusealoosa, The, C iron.-lad, 4 : 603;
  at Mobile, 4: 411; sunk, 4 :412.
T.--arora, The. U gnu-boat. 1 : 674;
  in searh o" Sumter," 2: 135, nte.
Tuseutubia, Ala., 2: 702, 720,754; 4:
  427, 441.
Tuseombia, The, U iron-clad, 1 : 621;
  a: 559. 566-S.
Tuttle, Jas. M., brig-gen., ml. 2d Ia..
  coin'ds briaade, Shilob, 1 : 506, 515,
  522-4; Vlcksburg catti., 3: as1;.
Tweeddale, Win., U capt., 1 :461.
Twigg., David E., U. S. brig.-ge.,
  Texa., 1 : 5, 33-9; alpp'd C aunj.-gecn,
  1: 39; death, 1 :39.
Twilight, The, C steamner. 1: :424.
Twin H.o-e., Va., cuts, 2 :216, 232.
Twilding, Wi. J., U    capt. cUg.. 4:
Twitchell, A. B., lleit. 5th Me. Ibat-
  ter, w, 8 : 168, note.
Two Taverns (Giettysb'g), 3 : 274. 288.
Tybtee l.and, lia., 2:1, 2, 8: ent, 2:4.
Tygurt's Valley, W. Va., 1 : 129, 134.
Tyler, Dattiel. U brig.-gen., at Bli
  RIn, 1: 175, 178, 184, 187, tote, 188.
      -   Erastus B., U b'v't  nsj.-gen.,
  eol. 7th O)., 1 : 143; ShenAndoah, 2:
  W29, 2M5, 306, 312


Tyler, Nath'l, 1 : 111.
     R B. C., C hrig.-gen., k, 4: 761.
     _ . bott. O.,  h"ot  1lnt.-gt'tl., 2: 544;
 -ol. I1t Cono. art'y. 2: 377, 408, 410;
 F'rclerieksburg, 3 : 113, nott, 118;
 brig.-en., Glettysburg, 3: 213; Cold
 llarbtor, 4: 217.
Tyler, The, U gmn-bsat, 1: 348, 355,
note, 359, 620; etlIs, 1 :362, 592; in
  actiut.  eatt,  1 : 353,  360; Beluottt,
  1: 360; Fort Henry, 1 : 312, 367,
  370; Fort Itonelson, i : 433; Shilob,
  1 : 475, 507; onl White River, 3 :551;
  on  rinldlie  MIss.,  3 : 456,  5.5,  560,
  574-5, 580; at Htelella, 3: 5,0.
TylerMt., W. Va., 1 :139.
Tyner's Statio,. Tenn., 3: M39.
Tyson, Herbert B., U naU Il lient., 2:
98; 4: 411, note; quoted, 2:90.

U. adille, The, U  gun-boat, 1: 674,
  679; off Charleston. 4 : 6, 10, 28.
Underwriter, The, U  gnu-b't,4: 625.
Undine. The, U gm-boat. , 4 : 416.
;'nifortis, U. variety, It Itall Stun,
  1 : 167, note; cavalry 1U.  .), 1:
  289;  volIlteers, 1 : 91; D. C.
  : tuilitia,  ilt,  1  : 9;  (proponsn'),  of
  Southern   ysy.itp.thizers. 1 : 14;
  ; tass.  1et,  ctt,  1  :169;  Mtass.  6th,
  .14t, 1 :151; N. Y. 1st, etit, 2: 399;
  N. Y. 7th, cIut, 1 :1.94; N. Y. 8th,
  enIt, 1 : 191; N. Y. ilib, -tl, 1 :179;
  N. Y. 14th, cot, 1: 167; N. Y. 79th,
  aitt, IL 185; N. Y. 146ti, ..t, 3 : 315;
  (N. V.) Garibaldi goards, ettt, 1:
  191; (N. Y.) Zottaves, cIt, 2 ;148;
  tbhio 2d, rut, 1 : 71; l'enP. 72d1, ent,
  2: 366; Penn. 83d, cut, 2: 336; R.
  1.  1st,  lt,  1  : 660.
       C, etIt, S :429:1  "Pelican,"
  cIt    :3,); (La.- Tiger. cut, 1: 196;
  Md. gtard, rut, 4: 240; Va. cavalry,
  -lt, 2 : 271.
Un'ui,, West Va., 4 :150.
Union, The, U steamer, 1: 676.
Union City, Ten., e, 3: 452; 4: 107.
Unio . Coast Guards., see 99th N. Y.
Union 3Sills, Va., 1 : 177, 199, 202, 260;
  2: 504, note, 506, note, 583; 8: 271,273.
Unionist., in N. 4'., 1 :636-7, 646; en-
  listnent of, 1 : 658-9; twenty-two
  shot bty C. 1. 659, note.
UnioItowIe, Md., 3 : 273.
United   States, Mop (showing mill-
  tary p-ita in 1861). 1 : 8.
      Troops, see Artillery, Cavalry,

      Ford. Va., 3 : 1.57, 172.
Utited States, Tb'-, U frigate, 1 : 712,
Upperville, Vut., 3 :267.
Upshur, J. H., U comu'r, 4: 658.
Upton, Emory, U     b'v't maj.-gen.,
  por't, 4: 173; eol. 121st N. Y., eom'ds
  brigade, Rappahanuock Redoubts,
  4: 80-7; WIlderess, 4: 156; Spot-
  sylvalni:l 4 : 168, 1.0, 171, 177, 213;
  app'd brig.-gen., 4 : 1i8. note, 213,
  nte; in Te... 4: 45; in Ala., 4:
  - 59-4; in Ga.,4: 761.
Upton's Hill, Va., 2: 281, 550,583; cut,
  4: 82.
Urqnbart, David, C coi., 1: 600. Arti-
  etc, "Bragg's Advance    and  Be-
  treat" [ Stone's River], 3 : 600-9.
Urbana, Va., 2 :121-2; plan, 2:264;
  route, 2 :163,221, note, 456; 4 ;220.
Usher, Jobn P., U See'y of Interior,
  1 :5.

Valley City, The, U vessel, 4:640-1.
Valverde, N. Al., battle (Feb. 21st,
1862), 2: 106-8.
     ,Artile, 2 :103, 097-700.
Van Antwcrp, W. W., U   able 4 : 467.
Vat' Brunt, (G. J., U -ptl4t. (014.3), 1
633; por't, 1: 710;     ILlldt'd, 1: 7111, 722.
Van Bur.n, Ja,. 1,., U b'v't brig.-
geu., 4: 56.
Van Burnt. Ark.. 3 : 449, 450.
Vance, Joseph   W., -ol. Stt Oh(1,
4: ; 3d.
     l, tob't B., C lbrig.-gclt., col.
 26th N. C., por't, 1: 669.
     , Zeblillo B., gov. N. C., 1 : 0.
Vance, The, A. D., U gun-boat, 4: ;54.
V'a..Cleve, Horatio P., U b'v't tttaJ.-
gen.,col.2d Mi..l.l., 1:387; itrig.-gen.,
In Teon., 3: 28; Stotne's St., 3: 614,
617, 618, 623-7, 629, 633; ('hllka-
  muanga  amupaigu. 3: 642, 643, 649.
  631. 654, 657, 663, 664, 670, 671; tinec-
  dote, 3: 625.
Vandalla, The, U erniser, 1: 674,
  679; cut, 1: 677.
Vanterbilt, The, U rato, 1 745; 2
  268; 4: 605.
Va.t Derveer, Fd.nilIItld, U  brig.-
  gel'., rid. 35th Ohio, con'ds brigade-,
  3: C36,664.
Vandervere, (Garrett, capt. 115th N.
  Y.,k, 4:7'.
VYuede-vr, Wt..,lert tnIsj.-gen., ct
  9tIt Ia., in Ark., 1: :217; at 1' :
  Ridge, 1: M24. 34.
Vait 13,'rn, Earl, C n-aJ.-Ien., 2: 524;
  por't, I : 318; aettograpeb, 1: 318;
  In T.xas, 1 : 39, note; In Ark.. 1:
  273, 319; plan tt carry war ito Ill.,
  1 :319,331; its Mo., 1 :276; at Pea
  Ridge, 1 :329, 33"2, 334. rtires ts
  Memphis, 1 : 277; at torlnth, 1:
  530; 2: 737-53; 3: 448; In N. Mi.ss.,
  2:717, 720-1, 7-3, 730-2; 3: 1, 4; at
  Vlcksburg, 2 : 72--0. 728; 3: 573, 579,
  583; charges agaInst, 2 :756, note;
  Joins A. S. Johnston, 3: 441; allper-
  seded, 3: 448; at Holly Springs, 3:
  451; In N. Mhss., 3 : 472, 475, 484;
  quoted, 2 : 742, 741, 748, 749, 756.
Van Dorn, Tbe, see " (le4. Van Dorn."
Van Pelt, Geo. W'., lieat. It Miceh.
  bat'y, 3 : 649.
Vanstienburg, Llnas, capt. 57th Ill.,
  4: 322, note.
Vatt Wert, (ia., 4: 3061.
,Varnelrs Station, GIa., action (May
  9th, 1864). 4: 263.
Varuna, The. U ertliser, at N. O., 2:
  42, 43; attacks on (ents), 2 : K1, 83;
  sunk, 2: 82.
  Vanuclse," Va., cut, 1 : 161.
Vaughan,A.J.,Cbrig.-gen., ol. . om'dls
  brigade, at Stone' Rliver, 3: 620;
  Atlanta campaign, 4: 282.
Vaughn, John C., C brig.-gen., 3: 463,
  487, 488; at Chickasaw, 3: 464, 476;
  in Shenandoah, 4 : 48536, 49W: in. S.
  W. Va., 4: 762; in N. C., 4: 763.
Veatch, Jas. C., U b'v't maj.-gen.,col.
  25th Ind., eom'ds brigade at Shiloh,
  1: 504-5, 513, 515, 561, 587; Atlanta
  campailg, 4 : 266, note; at Mobile,
  4: 411; quoted, 1: 523, 531.
Velocity, The, C schooner, c, 3 : 571;
  re-captured by C, 3 : 571.
Venable, Chas. B., C lieut.-eol., 3 : 203;
  4 : 125; quoted, 4 : 143. Article,
  " Gen. Lee in the Wilderness Camn-
  paign," 4: 240.