Venus Point, 2: 4.
Vermont, Artltlery, 2d, at Galveston,
  3 686, 687.
     , forlry, let, (iettyeburg, 3:
 328, 393, 334
      Inlfa-try, 1st, lig Bethel, 2
  148.-4th, Cralumpto's (la, 2: 594.-
  6th, Savagess Station, 2 : 373, 386.-
  7th,Vieke1burg, 3: 882; Baton Rouge,
  3 : KI3.
Vernon, S. Me-D, C iteit., 3 : 488.
Veteran Assoeilatton,, 4 : 758, note.
Vickslurg, Mis., 2 : 722, 725-i, 756;
  3 : 448, 493; views, 3 : 462, 498, 542;
  views ln, 3 : 480, 483, 486, 488, 520,
  832; liiiportanco u, 2 : 24; canlI, 3:
  476, 484, 557, 583; eave, 3 : 535; cut,
  8: 486; defenes, 3 :464, 483-4, 488;
  inon.ulnnts, cut, 3 : 488.
- garrison, 3: 482; passage of bat-
teries, 3 : 477, 483, 485, 493, 498, 854,
567-H, 664, 566  (by dummy;, 3: 68,;
cuts, 3 : 485, 496-7; bombardenet,
8 477, 483, 489, 554, 6t9; ivestnlent,
8 245, 520, 526, 539, 568; cuts, 3 : 490,
523-5; l.Iies, 3 . 491, 827-8; eut, 3:
o40; navy, ,-oi;peratiun, 3 :638; sur-
render (July 4th, 863), 3 : 492, 5.30-7,
663;e0it,3:831; effects, 3:319,30, 669.
Arlirles, 3: 482-92, 539-42, 543-5.
-     -a'ipaign, 3 : 451; topo., 3
495-7, 520-1; U e,)insiionlcations
broken, 3 : 451-2, 583; re-orgaiza-
tion U fores, 3 : 451; U r-:ntuor'--
neots,   3 : 453-4, 395; U   navy,
strength, 3: 588; C cavalry, 3 : 481,
486; C re; nforeiemiits, 3: 604-5;
opposing forces, 3 : 473, 481, 482,
495, 503, 519, 646-SO; 1-808, 3: 619.
Art xre, 3: 472-H2, 493-838.
    l, iaps, 3 : 494, 506, 816.
    antli Mleridian R. R., 3 : 499;
 de-t-oyed, 4 : 247, 414.
 Vieksburg, The, C  steamer, 3: 564.
 Victor, The, ee " Rappahannoek."
 Viele, Egbert L., U brig.-gen., port,
 2: 6; at Norfolk, 2 : 152.
 Vienna, Va., 1 : 201, note.
 Villeplgue, J. B., C brig.-gen., 2: 745.
 Vicenones, The, U cruiser, 2: 13.
 Viucent, Strong, U brlg.-gen., por't,
 8:305; k, 3:305, 309; Gettysburg,
 3 :308, 314, 315, 324.
 -, Wi.. G., C col. 2d La. cav., 4:
 Vinton, Dav id H., U bv't maj.-ge.,
 q'r't'ns'r dep't, 1: 34,37; por't, 1:37.
 Virginia, secssion onvention, 1:
 111; ordinanee, 1 :168; Union feel-
 ing, 1:81I, 113, 115; canupaign of
 1862, plan, 2 : 449, 438; East, see
   M, oaps, 2:864; 4: 494; (North),
 2: 204, 450; 4 : 84, 89; (N. E.), 1:
 113; (S. E.), 4:198; (S. W.), 4: 478.
 Artieles, 1: 160-6; 4 :476-9.
 , Army of (U), organization, 2:
 450-1, 452, note, 813; strength, 2
 482, note.
 -  ,     Northern, Army of (C), see
 Nortberu Va.
 , Dep't of 4U), 3: 265; 4: 579.
     Artillery, 3 : 277-8, 422, 747; 4:
 238 .see Ftnauton Art'y].
- Cootry, lst, below Richnmond,
2 : 271-8;   Chaneelloreville cam-
paIgn, 3: 876; Gettysburg, 3: 403,
404; Trevilan, 4: 239.-3d, White
Oak BrIdge, 2 : 387; 2d Bull Ron,
2: 502-3; Antietam campaign, 2:


592; Chancellorsville campaign, 8:  4: 671; mustering out, 4: 768 [see
175; Trevilian, 4: 239.-3d, Seven   also, Absentees, Bountymen, Con-
Days,2: 431; Chancellorgvilie cam-  scripts, Officers, Privates, Recruit-
paign, 3: 176: Trevillan, 4: 239.-  ing, Regiments, States, tUnifromsl.
4tb, Brandy Station, 3 :262; Tre- Volunteers, C, 1 : 163; six m.onths
viian, 4: 239.-8th, Chaneeliorsville  ahead of N. In preparation, 1 : 97,
campalgn, 3: 178: Trevilia, 4 :     169 (see ConseriptionJ.
239-6th, Trevilian, 4 : 239.-7th, Von Gilsa, see Gisa.
Trevilian, 4: 239-9th, 3 : 183; be- Von Putitkanmer, see Pnttkammer.
low Rtiehmnond, 2 :271-8; Chaeel- Voris, Alvin C., U  b'v't -oaj.-gen.,
lorsville, 3 :176; Gettysburg, 3 :  Ileut.-col. 67th Ohio, 2 : 305.
411.-ith, Trevilian, 4: 239-120t, VOss, Arno, col. 12th lit. civ., 2: 613.
Trevilian, 4:239.-l5th, Trevilian,
4: 239-88th, after Gettysbhrg, 3: Waagner, Gustav, col. 2d N. Y. arty,
423, 425, 427, 429; in Shenandoah, 4:  1: 284; 2: 504, iute.
480-2.- 21, in Shenandoah, 4: 480. Wabash, The, U cruiser, 1 : 012, 633,
Virginia Inmfimtry, 5th, 1 : 121.-8th,  674, 677, 679, 681, 684-5; at Pulaki, 2:
at 1st Bull Ron, 1: 211; Antietanl  9; Fort Fisher, 4 : 647, 658, 657.
(canipaigo, 2 : W6, note, 867. -Yth, Wachunett, The, U gun-boat, 2 : 266,
near Richiond, 4: 96.- 12tb, at     270; 4: 896.
Seven 1Pines, 2 : 258 ; Anttetam  Waddell, Jas. I., C naval capt., 4:
campaign, 2 : 592.-13tb, Antietainn,  599.
2: 640, note.-16th, Crampton's (Sap, Wade, E. B., C lieit.(staff), 3 : 329.
2 : 594.- 17th, SHoth Mt., 2: 577.-     , BenJamin F., 2 :133.
18th,  t l.t Bull Run, 1: 213 ;       Wn., C capt. 1st Mo. battery,
tMais's 511ill, 2: 23 ; Autietaun  1: 275.
-cmpaign, 2:566, note.-56 h, South Wadsworth, Ja-. S.,U b'v't ma.-gen.,
Monntahii, 2 : 577.-26th, Peters-   port, 4:160; w, 4:8125, 160; maj.,
burg, 4:540.- 28th, I1t Bull lun,   1st Buol Run, 1:190,note;brig.-gen.,
  1 :214; Soith Mlutain, 2: 877.-   at Gettysburg, 3 : 276, 2.7, 279, 243,
  29th, in lE. Ky., 1 : 393.- 30th, lIar-  284,287-9,316,415,419; Wilherness,4:
  p-et's Ferry, 2: 608; Anttetani, 2:  155-60, 163; quoted, 3: 142.
  678.-33d, 1st Bull Rum, 1 : 212.-  Wagner, Battery, see Bat'y Wagner.
  34th, Petersburg, 4: 540-38th, Wagner, Geo. D., U      brig.-gen., eol.
  Gettysburg, 3 : 3, note. - 41st,    iSthInd.,eoml'dsbrig.,Shiloh, 1:593,
  Seven Pines, 2 :28.-44tb, in W.     note;Stone's Ri-er, 3:615,626,627;
  Vn., 1: 129; in Sheiandoah, 2: 295,  Chickamauga, 3: 642; Chattanooga,
  n.ote.-46th, Petersburg, 4:540.-    3:725; E. Teno., 4: 294; Atlanta
  49th, 1st Bull Run, 1: 211.-53d,   eam., 4: 311, 322; Teno., 4 : 442, 444:
  Sevenu Ples, 2: 258.-U4th, in W.    Froklin, 4 : 439, 449-51; relieved,
  Va, 1: 383.-ssth, in N. Va., 2: 534,  4: 451-.
  535, oote.-5,tb,Antietam campaign,     , Orlando G., U lieut., k, 2: 671.
  2: 56, 677-58th, In  Shenandoah,       S5. C., U capt., 3: 404.
  2 : 295.-.50th, Petersburg, 4: 541, Wainwright, Chas. S., U b v t brig.-
  note.-62d imounted),afterGetty.-    gen., eol. 1st N. Y. arty,3: 282,283.
  borg, 3: 427-8; in Shenandoah, 4:   ,-J. 3., U eom'der, 2 : 4.5, 52;
  480, 483-4; near Richmond, 4: 4a5.  3 :171; k, 3: 571.
    1Militia, 4: 480; reorganization -   , Win. P., U b'v't brig.-gen., col.
 of, 1 : 120.-13th, ti S. W. Va., 4:  76th N. Y., w, 2 : 875.
 478-9.                           Waite, Carlos A., U blv't brig.-gen.,
    and Tenn. R. R., 4: 475, 487-8;  ol. 1st U. S., 1 :34,36, 39.
 destroyed, 4: 479, note, 480.    Waleott, Chas. C., U b'v't maj.-gen.,
   operations, Mrap, 4 : 478.        Atlanta cain., 4: 283: w, 4:664.
     Central U. t., 4: 521; raid on, Walke, Henry, U  rear-adm., 1 :29;
 4: 148.                           3: s556, 9, 574, 680; por't, 1: 346;
    Military Institute in 1864, 4:    quoted, 3: 656, 567. Article, "The
 480; eadets, in action, 4: 483-4; cut,  Gu-boats at Belmont and Firt
 4: 480.                           Henry," 1: 358; - Veatern Flotilla
Virginia,The (firsi, see "Merr-ma."   atFortDonelsonl slandNo.l0,Fort
    The (seond), C iron-clad, 1:    Pillow, and Memphis," 1: 430.
 629; 4: 706-7.                   Walker,-, C courier, 3: 492.
_  The, U cruIser, 4: 346.           , Francis A., U b'v't brig.-gen.,
Virginians, Lee' alleged preference   w, 3: 161; el., at Fr-derickshbrg,
for, 3 : 245, 358.                3 : 115; his "History Seond Army
Vixen, The, U vessel, 1 : 677.      Corps" cited, 2 :  41; 3 : 51, 11.5;
Voegelee, Adolph, capt. 1st N. Y.     4 : 157, note. Artices,-  Gen-ral
art'y, 2 : 410.                   Hancock and the Artillery at Get-
Vogdes, Israel, U brig.-gen, capt.,   tysburg," 3 :33835; "eade at Get-
Fort Piekens, 1: 32, note; brig.-gen.,  tysbhrg," 3  406.
at Charleston, 4: 13, 17.        -   , Ja-. A., C briar.-gen.. , 2: 628,
Volunteers, U. enrollment [see, also,  iiote; Gettysburg, 3 : 317, 481.
Ohio], 1:149; drill, 1:153; cntents  -,  J. D., col.  4th Ark., 1 : 290,
of knapsack, 1 :113 4 food, 1 :157I   300-1.
the 1rst barred froiu reward,   1:      , John  G., U l3eut.-eoni'r, 3:
82; awkwalrd    quad, cut, 1: 84;   560-1, 69-7 0.
error of not supplying them with -, John G., C maj.-gen., port, 2:
Regular offers,  1: 94; 1st and 2d 662;  Peninsula. 2: 514:   Harper's
calls  for, 1  : 171, note; moral so-  Ferry, 2:612, 615: (Jackson's signal
periority to regulars., 4: 232; differ-  to), 2 : 609, 616, 618; Antietam, 2:
ence between eastern and western, 637, note, 644, 680, 670; brig.-geu.,