INDEX.                                                 827

 Webster,' Dan'i1, lient. 1st Wis. bat'y, West Point, Vs., 2 : 172, 206, 221, 266; Whelan, Wmn., U surgeon, 1 : 1.
   8 : 64.                              4 :235.                            Wherry, Win. M0., U bl'v't brig.-gen.,
        leitcher, -Il. 12th Mass., port, West Virginia, Importance of oceupa-  Article, "1Wilson'  ('reek and the
   2 : 524; k, 2: :124.                 ion, lay U troops, 1 : 127; people   Death of Lyon," 1 :2R9-97.
            9lou't.Hth flub., k, 3 : 17,  ,pposed to scsn      1 :1 no, 129; Whipple, Anuiet W.. U     mnaj.-gen.,
  48,57.                               ..i.uvenint for independent goveni-  psur't, 3: 181; k, 3: 181, SM8; Freder-
  ,.lJus. It, U  iV'v' ulaj.-geu., col. inclt, 1  126, 148; C focdto re-      tcksiurg, 3 : 113; (hanceliorsvilie,
  (irnut's staff, 1 :424,430; Siull,h, 1I:  treat, 1L :133-4; U  policy In 1862,  8 : wiso
  474-5,506, itt, 6190.                2 : 281 [,',ae,(ratKanawhaj. Whitakcr,Walter C.,U b'v't maj.-gen.,
  WWebte ieghneut, see1 12th Mas..          , Articles  1 :126; 2 : 278.     8 : 661; w, 3; 667; Chicka,-aug, 3 :
  Weed, Stephen   Hi., U  brig.-gen., k,  ,     Mops., 2 : 12(; 2:279; (cam-    667;, 3 : 721; In Tean.,
  3 : 205, 96)9, :115; character, 3 : 209;  pigus of 1801), 4: 418.         4 :448, 450.
  capi 5ath IT. S. art'y, Yorktown, 2 :  -, U dep't ,uf, 4 : 487.        White, C'. It., en). 121)4 Ohio, at Month
  671; : tnn,'s' Mviii, 2:144; Malvern --    T---riup  (U;, 1 : 120; 2 :281.    Mt., 2 ; 579.
  Xill, 2 :410, 420;, 2 : 6r,;  -  rilerU      aire) C, 2 :        -   IJ. ('., capt. 3d l',Pay., 2; 431.
  brig.-gut., ilcttysiuog, 8: 4825     2'.2; 1s t, 4 :489.                     , ulnb'v'tma.J.-gn., cuL.:17th
  Wecuet,, Witu. Ii., capt. 1st, R. 1. ari'l-,  (- cary(U), 1st, (lettysianrg,    Ill., at Pea Rlldge, 1 : 224, note, 2327,
  2 : 411, 412-14; ulnuitd, 2 : 344, 417.  3 :3932-5.-2d, In E. Ky., 1 :395.    229; brig.-gen., c. harper's Ferry,
Wteluawkciu, The, U    loitr 2 : C,        Isfoustry  tUl, let, 4 : 489.-3d,  2 : 611, 615, note, 622, 625-; in Tenn.,
  note: 4 : 10, 11, 28, 20, 25-, 29, 48:  2 '258-12th,, 4 : 489-50.         3 : 7233 ahvle 4 : 429; in Peters-
  cuis, 4 :15; ni stortm), 1 :622.     Westerui Reserve, volunteers 1 ; 95.     burg, 4 : 568, 570,
Weer, Win., -ii. bibh Kan., 1 ; 25.   Westervelt, Jacob, U  acting mater,     -, Moses J., C col. cuing Fort
Weighinuan, It. 6'., moni-gen. D). C.  k, 4: :625, nue.                     Macon, 1 : 652, 654; qunted, 1 : tat.
  nullitil, 1 : 12.                  Westfieldb, The, U-vesse, 2 : 29, 601;      R.ltn't, coL 2241 Va. cay,, 4 : 480
    H. It., C    Io.: 609.          3 : 557, 571 ; destruction, 3 : 571, 58.  B. V'., C capt. Md. cay., 2: 668;
Weir, (lulian  V'., liveti. sib U. S. Westinutster, Md.. 8     271, 290, 291,  lietit-col. 325th bat'n Va. cay., at
  art'y, (lettysluirg, 3 : 374.        296, 298, 410.                       Gettysb-rg, 3: 289.
Weiftnl, Godfrey, U tnaj.-ge., uor't, Wes.tport, Muu., actiui ui'a0tt-. 221,   ,    Thus., quoted, 2 : 1625, 578, 596.
  4 : 211;  Ieat, cog. In   La., 3 :   1864), 4 : 277., W. P., coL 7th t a., 4 : 229.
  984, 586, 590, 591, 598; brlg.-geun.,uut Westoin,EliIW., U nuJ 24th Mo., 1:2234. White House, flue, cuts, 1 :22-a.
  Port Ilndsont, 3 : 952, 594; lustQ.- Westover. Vut. [se-e Harrisou's Land-   -, Va., 2: 173, 215, note, 242, note,
  gen., 1lrewry's Ililtuf, 4:209-11; Falt  lug], chuireb., 2 : 427.         4.1, 4223; 3 : 265 itote; 4: 117, nut,
  FIsher, 4: 643, 646, note, 655, 657; Wetunture, Henry S., capt. 9,th Ohio    148, 215, 221, 2.35, 921; cuat, 2 :179:
  near IRicbtnnttt, 4: 709, 718, 726-8;ba.ty, 1 : 38.                       cainpo, cuits, 2 : 177, 198-9; action
  quoteul, 2 : 72; 4 : 212.          Wes-er, (lark R6., lu'v't riurg.-gen., c-l.  (June 21st, 1864), 4: 576.
WeIld i- Wild" 11It firstdeuitliuni, Masoi  17th Iowa, 4: 225.            White Oak Bridge, Va., 2 : 222, 262,
  C., liett-ol. 12th Conut., 3 : 5,99.  Weynuouth, H. (G. 0., Ucapt., Article,  270-1,375; battle, 2 : 377, 297, note;
  SteKUphen M., U lu'v't brig.-gen.,   "'The Crossing of the Rtppahan-        cultis, 2 : 350, 289.
  lIettt., 2 : 332.                    nock by thle lstlu Mass.," 3 : 121.Whits Oak Road, Va., ac-tion (Man-h
Welultuti, N. C., 4 : 195, 197.      Whal1ing fleets, C designs on, 4; 5920.  31st, Isma), 4: 710.
Wieldux  Raiulway, Vuu., 4 : 522, 578; Wharton, Glabriel C., C brig-gen..,it White Oak Swauup, Va., 2 : 181, note,,
  actiotus tJtlut22d1-ati, 1804), 4 :226.  Shenandoah, 4:480, 482, 484   1061,  189, 212, 226,228,266,2369,2376; cots, 2:
  Article, 4: 568.                     922-4, 526-8; near Richmond, 4:      380; 4 :149.
Welfley, Martin, U capt. Mo. battery,    48.; at Lynchburg, 4 : 493; in. S.  . White River, Ark., 8 : 443, 451, 4256,4.57,
  Pea RIdge, 1 : 224.                  V.., 4 : 762.                        560.
Weiker, Fred'k, U    capt. 1st Mn,.     -     John A., C nuaj.-gcn., tol. 8th Whitehall, The, U gun-boat, 1 ; 715.
  art'y, 4 : 327.                      Tex. car., Fort DonelIson, 1 :404; Whitcheail The,U gun-b't, 4: 628,641.
Weller, Fre-d'k A., death, 1 : 665.    Shiloh, 1: 588; Stuune's River, 3: 609; Whiteley, Robt. H. K., U h'v't brig.'
Welles., tlldeon, U  See'y of Navy, 1 :  Chlekamauga, 8 : 665; Red River        gen., capt., 1I: 24,237.
  1; 2: 24; poet, 1 : 625; fineffilneeny,  cain., 4: 357, 260, 273,           Whit-esrver, Geo., 3 : 151.
  1 :616; quoted, 1: 616,709, 745; 2: 12, Wheat, C. 56., maJ. La. inf., 1st Bull Whiting, Chas. J.,c-apt. th U.S. car.,
  24, note, 70, 265, 457 ; 4:236, 41,44,Run, 1 : 177, 206.                  2 :346, 430.
  650.                               Wheatield (Gettysburg), 3:2326; cuts,  -, W. H. C., C laignport, 2:
Wells, Andrew   B., U  capt., 8 :186.  3:224,342.'                          229; w, 1 : 229; 2: 248; 4: 661, 653,
  Articl, "The Charge of the 8ith Pa. W'heaton, Frank, U     b'v't msj.-gen.,   694, note; muuj., in Shenandoah, 1 :
  Cavalry" (Hazel Grovei, 8 : 187,     Spotsylvania,4:133,1'72; Wilderness,   22; 2:296; inaj.-gen., unPenlnsula,
-   ' Gco. D).,U b'v't brig.-gen., col,  4:157; In Shenandoah, 4: 519, note;    2 :206; at Seven Pines, 2: 224-5, 239-
  24th Mass., w, 4 : 489, note; in Shen-  pursuit of Lee, 4 : 721.          41, 244-8, 2250, 252, 261; after Seven
  andosh, 4 :490.                    Wheeler, Jas. R6.. U  acting master    Pines, 2 : 349; Gaines's M111, 2 :2331,
  ,Win., U b'v't maj.-gcn., in.-J.     "1Kearsag," port, 4 ; 619.             255, 262, 229; Malvern Hill, 2 :392;
  1st Vt. cay., at Gettysburg, 83:394-9. -...., Joseph, C lieut.'gen., port, 3 :  Petersburg, 4:19,7,120,260: tsrery's
Welsh, Thomas, U brig.-gen.. col, 45th   26; cuul. conm'ds brigade cay., In Kty.,  Blatf, 4 : 201,203-4,212; Fiurt Fisher,
  Pa., South Mt., 2; 563; Antietamu,     2 : 721:3:23,7, 9-10, 18,52;1brig.-gen.,  4:647,445-11: quoted, 4:647,n016,642.
  2 :654.                              In Teon., 3 :603, 605, 746; raid, 3 : WhItman, Walt, quoted, 1: 193, note.
Wessells, Henry W., U brig.-gen., at     614; Stone's River, 3 : 6o9, t19, 621, Whittaker, John, guy,. Oregon, 1L :6.
  Seven Pines, 2 :230, 222; Malve-eu     651; after Stone's Rlver, 3 : 85; WhIttIer, Chas. A., U b'v',t brig.-gen.,
  Hill, 2 : 422; c at Plymouth, N. C.,   Chickamauga     campajgn, 8     64e2,  cut., 4: 175,722.
  4: 108, note, 147, 627.              647, 652, 655, 664, 66.5; Chattanooga   _,John G ., quoted, 2 : 619, note.
West, P. C. F., U ma..., 4 : 222.      camnpaign, 3 : 692; at Knoxville, 3 :  A rticle, 2 : 618-19.
West, C artuy of, 3 : 442.             722, 748;naj-e.     Atlanta cai- Whittle, Win. C., Jr., C naval lieust.,
West Augusta (V..) Guards, 1 :114.     paign, 4: 263, 265, 269, 271, 214, 221,  1 : 628; 4 :599, tel; qtuoted, 2 : 48.
West Golf Squadron, headquarters, 1:     338-42; after Atlanta, 4:667.669,672, Wbittler, see Coun. 7th.
22; on Miss., 8 : 554; at Mobile, 3 :  678, 680; in Teunn., 4 :412, 415-16; in IWbittlesey, Cha8., col. 2011h Ohio,
971; cunumand of, 4 : 412.           N. Ga., 4 : 421)-7; In S. C., 4 : 700-1l;  quoted, 1: 668.
West PoInt [see Military Academy]      in N. C., 4:704-5. Article, "Bragg's   -, Eliphalct, U    b'v't brig.-gen.,
graduates, 2 : 524; In the field, 1 :  InvasIon of Ky.,"1 3: 1.           3 ; 192, 196.
111; Butlers com  ent.4: :206.     -'-, Wi. L., U    taval surgeon, 4: Whitwurtb gun, 3 :142: effect, 1: 57.
West PoInt, Ga., 4 ; 761.             48-50.                              Wickham, Williams C., C brig-gen.,
-   ' Miss., 4 : 7.59; action (Feb. 22d1,  -,W.., capt. 12th N, Y. bat'y,       c-L. 4th Va. cayI., 3: 202; WIlderness
1864), 4 : 417-18; losses, 4 :417.   Gettysburg, 8 : 278.                 campaign, 4 : 189; Trevilian, 4: